
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 364: , Thanos’ plan

The general hesitated.

"That your majesty meant..."

"It's not just our business to fight against Thanos! It's hard to rely on us to fight the Dark Order alone. So we must have allies. Don't forget, Thanos is allied with the Kerry people."

"If necessary, Thanos can easily persuade the Cree to fight us together. Don't forget that we and the Cree are a feud!"

Emperor Scroo said his thoughts and plans.

"So we need to find a strong enough ally to support us, otherwise we will undoubtedly lose!"

The generals looked at their own emperor, waiting for the emperor to say the last and most important sentence.

"That is the earthling!"

In fact, this is also inevitable.

After all, the overbearing character of the Scroo people is probably not. And their opposite is also an equally domineering guy, this person is called Thanos Thanos.

There must be a forced desire, and a non-giving one at all. This has nothing to do with purely financial interests. It is more related to a struggle between two large civilizations who has the right to speak.

No one may be able to make concessions in this matter. Because once you give in, it means bowing your head, and this bowing is a subconscious recognition of the master-slave relationship.

Therefore, the Skrulls would not bow to Thanos if they were killed. And do the Skrulls have the capital to contend with Thanos? A little bit, but not sure.

Because what they have to face is not only Thanos, but also their feud Kerry.

Both the Cree and Thanos' Dark Religion had formed an alliance many years ago and belonged to the ally. Just because there is not much conflict of interest, the Dark Order has not had much conflict with the Skrulls.

However, once there is a conflict of interest, if the Dark Order and the Cree unite together, it is definitely not something that the Skrew can stand alone.

So they must find an ally. And which one should such a strong enough ally need to find? Well, besides the earth, they have no choice.

Rising Star Army? The Krypton Empire?

The former are jealous and hateful, and the Screw Empire has not been without friction with them.

In the latter case, the Skrull Empire does not want to become a part of the Krypton Empire. After all, the Krypton Empire is expanding very rapidly. If the Skrew Empire gets together, it might become the goal of the Krypton Empire.

"In fact, the resources of the people on earth are very scarce, and we can hire them."

Emperor Scroo said so.

After all, the Skrulls are an advanced civilization. They have many technologies that the people of the earth admire, not to mention, there are still many resources that the people of the earth cannot mine now.

Because the solar system belongs to a very barren star field, the only resource that is barely considered a high-grade isotope is helium-3, and other resources are scarce.

Of course, with the current level of technology on the planet, it is basically impossible to get the skills of the Skrulls.

Even with the help of external foreign aid, waiting for the earth to reach the technical level of the Skrull people is probably hundreds or even thousands of years later.

It is enough for the people of the earth to study only the Screw people have come up with some eliminated technologies.

The resources are also the same, even the Skrulls have given a lot of high-grade isotopes to the earth.

However, the current technology of the earth cannot be applied. It may even cause some unnecessary coveted by bad guys because of getting a lot of precious isotopes.

"We can hire powerful people on Earth to help us deal with Thanos, and then give them a resource planet!"

Emperor Scroo said triumphantly.

He believes that the people on Earth will not refuse, because their resources are too scarce, and billions of people are crowded on one planet. The Scroo people add up to only a few hundred thousand people, but they enjoy tens of thousands of planets. Resources.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Yes, those people on Earth will definitely not refuse."

"A resource planet can be exchanged for the help of those strong, which is really a bargain."


Thanos, who was playing chess in the Centaur Star Territory with his military master Ebony Throat, shuddered all over his body.

After seeing Thanos trembling uncomfortably, Umumaw asked subconsciously.

"Sir, are you uncomfortable?" But just after Ebony said this sentence, he immediately realized that he was wrong.

Although he seems to care about Thanos. But with Thanos' character, how could he tolerate being seen by others when there was any problem with his body?

This is called the taboo of the king. The upper person must not let the lower person discover that he has any abnormal situation.

Especially Thanos is now in the midst of the sky, his industry spread throughout the Centaur galaxy, and at the same time it is expanding outward.

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So Ebony Throat immediately realized that what he said was wrong. It was not Thanos who shuddered now, but Ebony Maw stood up immediately and shivered.

But Thanos just glanced at the ebony throat, then patted his shoulder and said.

"It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly feel uncomfortable. There is nothing wrong with my body."

"Of course, Lord Thanos, you won't have any problems."

Ebony Maw immediately made up for the mistake he had just made.

Because of the loss of an important helper, Thanos' actions against the Skrulls have not yet started. Because there is no Proxima Centauri, there is no one to manage the logistics of the Order.

Now that Obsidian V will become Obsidian IV, the daily operations of the Dark Order have become less smooth.

But this is no way ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ can only find a substitute for Proxima Dark Night as soon as possible.

Thanos has contacted the Cree, and the Cree will join hands with him.

They are feuds with the Skrulls, and the two civilizations have been fighting for more than 100,000 years. It's just that both are no one else, and the forces of the two civilizations are similar.

If you have to fight an elimination battle, the final result will definitely be both sides. After that, it is not known who will benefit.

Therefore, although the Cree and the Scroo have been in conflict over the years, they have exercised restraint.

There has been no full-scale war. But if Thanos joins the Kree camp, then the Kree's chances of winning will increase greatly. The two have agreed, as long as they work together, the two civilizations will carve up all the resources and wealth of the Skrull people.

Thanos calculated very well, he had already made a plan for battle.

Just waiting for Kerry's signal.

"Destroy the Skrulls, and it will be the Cree's turn next."