
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 363: Scroo

The pirates entrenched around Thanos are not because of loyalty and belief, they are only for money and resources!

This is the biggest shortcoming of Thanos Group.

Although their combat effectiveness is very strong, they need countless resources for their consumption.

Thanos' dark cult must be an expanding civilization, and they must continue to plunder to meet their needs.

To put it bluntly, there are too many absentees, leading to insufficient supply.

In fact, there is a serious discussion going on within the Skrew civilization.

Emperor Scroo was forced to summon his generals guarding the four star regions to discuss countermeasures.

Because the overlord of the Centaur galaxy is the leader of almost all pirates in the universe, the conqueror and destroyer of civilization, "Crazy Titan" Thanos sent a ultimatum, asking the Skrulls to give them one hundred resource planets. , Or Thanos will personally come to pick it up.

Emperor Scroo called a Huo Da, when did you dare to threaten me like this?

Thanos is actually not very powerful in the universe. After all, he has a history of being captured by the New Star Legion, so the three major empires don't take him seriously.

No matter how good you are, it's not a sword fight, a group of fleets will be able to destroy Thanos.

But there have been too many things recently. First, the Shia Empire was attacked by groups due to the departure of Sword Fighting, because they like to be nosy, and I don't know how many people are offended. It used to be that Sword Fighting was able to ignore the fleet. The super powers are there, so those people will endure it.

As a result, Dou Jian has now gone to the Krypton Empire and has become a general of the Krypton Empire, so of course they have to retaliate back.

In addition, Thanos stepped on its foot, which caused the Shia Empire to have to use a gravitational collapse bomb to destroy most of the galaxy in its territory, and the Shia Empire is now missing.

And the Skulls are fighting with the Kerry people. The forefoot Skulls also offended the terrifying "Earth", the super soldier called "Superman", in the eyes of the Skrews, even if it is not comparable to fighting. The sword is not far off.

While they had to fight the Cree, they had to beware of the terrifying earthlings. Now Thanos is coming again, which caused the Skrew people to have a headache.

Thanos Thanos has not given the Skrew Empire more opportunities, either to offer the resource planet himself, or just wait for me to get it.

Because the Qitarians were annihilated this time, Thanos suffered a great loss. He needs to use the Skrullian resource planet to make up for his shortfall.

Why not try to make up for your losses from the earth? Of course it is because the earth is too far away and there are no resources.

I was born in the solar system and I know all this too well. Yes, I only considered this from an economic point of view, not because of other messy things at all!

So Emperor Scroo was standing in his huge and gorgeous meeting room, he paced back and forth and said uncomfortably to his generals.

"What do you think? Do we need to give Thanos to these resource planets?"

The general commanding the army said almost without thinking.

"Impossible! The Skrew civilization has never been so angry!"

"If we retreat just because of a warning from Thanos, how should our civilization deal with it? Will the cats and dogs bark at us in the future and we will all lose money?!"

The general's words were loud and loud, and they were also words of seeking the country. But if you don't give it, will you really go to war with Thanos?

What the general said was right, but it was wrong. From the perspective of a civilized country, the Skrulls are a strong civilization anyway. How can you directly surrender because of a threat from Thanos, and obediently send your own resource planet?

If there is a first time, then there will definitely be a second time.

The most feared relationship between civilization and civilization is this unequal relationship. If you bow your head, does your civilization become a subordinate of Thanos? Even if you don't admit it, everyone outside will think so.

In the future, the Skrull civilization will be lower than others, and it will no longer be an independent civilization but become a running dog of Thanos.

Even if it is a running dog, other civilizations will not give themselves a good face. Even some other small civilizations that still exist in the Andromeda Galaxy will definitely doubt their own civilization's rule.

And if he and others don't hand over the resource planet, will Thanos use this as an excuse to go to war?

As the left general of the empire, although he was a subordinate of the general, he had to put forward his own opinions and ideas.

"But if we don't give Thanos, he will definitely make a fuss about this. He will even forcibly grab our resource planet."

Emperor Scroo was no longer young, his skin was wrinkled and drooped, and his eyes were half-open and half-closed.

But after hearing his general Zuo say this, his eyes widened instantly, and he looked at General Zuo like a dragon. He whispered.

"Does my General Left have already begun to feel scared and dare not face Thanos and his army. So are you ready to surrender without a fight?!"

This is a very heart-breaking remark. At that time, the General Left was so scared that he jumped up from his chair, and then the General Left who was more than two meters tall and extremely strong and still a Super Scroo lowered his head tremblingly.

He expressed his humbleness and obedience and his loyalty to the empire.

"No! I will always be the sharpest spear in the empire! If your majesty needs it, I am willing to fight against Thanos head-on. It doesn't matter until he is killed!"

Emperor Scroo slowly narrowed his eyes~www.mtlnovel.com~ and said in a low voice.

"I don't need my General Left to die in this kind of battle. It doesn't make sense."

All the generals were thinking about what the words of your majesty meant. Is it to agree to Thanos' request? When the general just wanted to speak out to dissuade him.

The emperor spoke, he said slowly.

"I don't want to go to war with Thanos, because if there is a war, his cosmic pirates merely harassing our empire's borders will be enough to make us tired and lose a lot. And if his elite troops, the Dark Order, will be out, we will not Be sure to defeat them thoroughly."

The general said eagerly.

"Your Majesty! Although Thanos's Dark Order is very strong, this does not mean that we have no chance of winning. As long as we concentrate our strengths, we still have the power to fight. If we give in at will, our civilization..."

"Who said I was going to give in?" The emperor slanted his eyes and glanced at his general.