
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 362: Thanos is short of money?

Zodhis was not bored enough to wait for the Skrulls to come over.

He found a new toy himself.

That is the mechanical life form Cybertron!

Although he created terrifying spiders and mechanical octopuses for the Black Queen, in fact, the Black Queen's mechanical army is much weaker than the Queen's swarm.

At this time, it is necessary to join Transformers.

The kind of fire source may be very advanced for the former Zordhis, but the current Zordhis, coupled with the reality gems, can easily create the fire source.

It may even be better than the original one.

"The Transformers made by Fire Seed are all Decepticons. This saves trouble."

Zodhis pondered.

Decepticons love fighting and killing, not peace like Autobots or Big Macs.

The Black Queen produced a space fighter made of vibrating gold.

This kind of space fighter has a small jump generator, which can jump a distance of one light-year at a time. In addition, the upcoming Transformers are silicon-based life forms, and no carbon-based life forms need to withstand the space pressure brought by the transition ( You can understand it as the shortcomings of fighter jets' high-speed G force. They can jump indefinitely.

As long as their bodies can bear it.

Obviously, Zhenjin can completely solve this problem.

Zordhis first smelted a cosmic fighter full of Cybertron style with vibranium and Edman alloy, and then took out the fire source.

The fire source automatically emitted radiation energy and hit the space fighter. With the click, the space fighter began to deform, and then a huge, hideous, domineering robot that was ten meters high appeared.

"From today, you will be Megatron."

Zodhis looked at the huge robot in front of him with excitement. Men like steel and robots.

Megatron's consciousness had just been born, but it was also injected with information by the fire source, so he quickly knelt down on one knee toward Zodhis.

The fire source has given Megatron a large number of energy weapons and energy shields, plus it itself is constructed from vibrating gold and Edman alloy. It is almost indestructible. It is estimated that Megatron can hit a hundred. .

The remaining black queens made only the cosmic fighters made of vibrating gold. Even if they were swept by the radiant energy of the fire source, they only had two more energy cannons, only a few more. There is an energy shield.

And their size is a bit shorter than Megatron.

Only five meters high.

The main reason is that Zodhis didn't like too high mechanical lifeforms, so he cut Megatron's height by a lot.

The biggest advantage of Transformers is that they don't need energy supplements. Their fire can satisfy their activities and battles for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Unless the fire is hit or injured, there is no need to use the fire source.

The genuine fire source sometimes gives Transformers a second boost, but Zordhis did not develop this function. The fire source in his hand only has the function of repairing Transformers and replenishing their fire energy.

Then the aliens soon discovered that the Krypton Empire had an extra mechanical legion, which was full of unbeatable, fierce mechanical lifeforms, not only deformed, but also the energy shield was too tough, those machines without energy shields Life forms also ignore their attacks.

On the contrary, their energy cannon technology is very advanced, basically one shot can break the defense and take away the enemy.

"For the great emperor!"

Megatron took the lead in the charge, the cosmic fighter blasted out of ultra-high speed and launched a charge, followed by the densely packed cosmic fighters.

They are extremely hard and accelerate like shells, and they can directly penetrate the enemy's energy shields and battleships, and then kill and destroy them in the battleship.

Of course, some of the Decepticons are a little abnormal.

"Wow, this alien is actually going to the toilet, and he was scared to pee when I rushed in, hahahaha!"

After a Decepticon smashed through the battleship, he found himself in the toilet, and an alien was scared to pee when he saw him.

He took the alien away without saying a word, and by the way put on a handsome pose during the live broadcast.

"Envy can be reborn as a Decepticon high play."

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Mengxin is seeking a Decepticon account for five million dollars

"Steel is the romance of men!"

"I want to become a Decepticon, I want to kill the Insect Race, I want to kill the Kryptonians!"

The Decepticon laughed when he saw a lot of barrage on his screen, and then pulled out the high-frequency knife of the high-tech cold weapon.

"You idiots who play bugs, look good, what a man is called a man should do what a man should do!"

Then the Zerg players were angered.

"If you have the ability, come to the Zerg home planet, leaving you dead without a place to bury you!"

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"Broken machinery, can it withstand our corrosive liquid? It will turn you into scrap copper and rotten iron in minutes!"

The Krypton Empire began to expand again.

They wanted to turn the Milky Way into their own territory, and the Nova Legion would definitely not agree.

But if they didn't agree, they couldn't fight against the Cybertron and Zerg Legions of the Krypton Empire.

There are aliens and zergs in the Marvel universe, which is why other civilizations and aliens are afraid of the Krypton Empire.

Because they actually raise the Zerg!

And the Zerg actually listened to the command of the Krypton Empire to fight!

This is incredible.

Zodhis received different information here.

Thanos and his dark cult seem to be embarrassed recently.

Because Thanos has begun to looting the Scrooge Empire and the Kerry Empire~www.mtlnovel.com~ From this aspect, it can only prove that his Dark Order and his pirate group are now in a predicament.

For Thanos Thanos, the loss of a group of Qitarians was originally not a big deal.

Even if he gets used to it, he won't suffer a lot when he gets used to it. He had done many things like this before, but he had never done anything to the existence of the three empires at this level.

This proves from the side that, in fact, the Dark Order's economy is in trouble.

The Black Queen has been observing the Dark Order and Thanos in accordance with Zodhis' orders.

In fact, other civilizations have always felt that Thanos's plans are not small, and that just a centaur galaxy can't satisfy his appetite. Now he really stretched out his hand.

In fact, many civilizations in the Centaur galaxy are already vulnerable to the exploitation of Thanos. They produce fewer and fewer resources. The Dark Order and the space pirates are a group of people who do not produce special battles. And want to feed the pirates and the members of the Dark Order need enough resources, otherwise they will not be satisfied and loyal.