
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 359: Build an interstellar fleet

Because the Skrulls are a truly advanced civilization, very powerful. They have conquered many galaxies.

Belongs to the most powerful one among the known civilizations in the universe. The Kerry people stole the achievements of the Skrew civilization, and finally established the Kerry Empire.

This also created a huge gap between the two civilizations. Since then, they have embarked on a situation of confrontation and endless death.

At the same time, it must be mentioned in passing that the Skrews are a very vengeful race.

There is a kind of momentum that you move my hair and I will kill your whole family.

Not to mention that among the Skrulls on earth, there is also a Skrull royal family, the nephew of the current Emperor Skrull VII.

They are being hunted by the people of the earth. According to the habits of the Skrulls, they must have sent an overwhelming fleet to destroy the earth directly.

And now the Skrulls are still fighting with the Cree, the Cree is not a good guy to deal with, plus the words of the earthlings, the Skrulls think that they are too capable of fighting.

"Send a few Super Skrews and secretly rescue them."

The people of the Council of Elders suggested.

If you don't want to provoke the people on earth for the time being, there is only this way.

I can't watch them die.

"so be it."

Emperor Scroo VII had no better way, he could only agree.


All the Skrulls on the earth have been arrested. After inventing a device that can detect the Skrulls, with the speed of the Excalibur Bureau and the superheroes, these Skrulls fell into a single decline and all went to prison.

Zodhis also built a vibrating prison for them.

The United Nations was full of nervousness about the upcoming war with an interstellar empire. The Rabbit Nation began to dig deep underground measures, and then Excalibur and the United Nations let Umbrella Company mass produce Decepticons and Zaku units.

But there is no way to face the possible fleet of the Skrulls.

This is also the sorrow that the individual strength is strong, but not strong enough to be a final word.

Even Thanos had to avoid the fleet, otherwise, without infinite gems, he would be injured and disabled by the fleet's volley.

Death may not die, unless it was the gravitational collapse bomb used by the Shia Empire at the beginning, that is the ultimate weapon that can ruin the sub-heavenly father and even the heavenly father-level powerhouse.

"Can't we produce our own battleship? Didn't Zordhis ever build an interstellar battleship?"

The Excalibur Bureau couldn't help but say.

"Have you misunderstood something? We are now going to design and build the interstellar warship ourselves, from scratch!"

"It's like a primitive man who just picked up a stone and polished it into a weapon is going to develop a nuclear submarine!"

Although Tony Stark is confident that he and Zodhis can do it together.

But how long will it take until they can do all this?

Although Tony is still a talented arms dealer, and has designed an Ark spaceship. But he has never built a real interstellar battleship.

From the beginning of the project, to the conception, the construction of the prototype, and then repeated experiments and improvements.

Even if the geniuses are like them, I am afraid that they will not be able to come up with a mature Starfleet manufacturing plan without experiencing five or six years or even more than ten years.

The whole picture of the entire Starfleet is not just a battleship.

It must also include attack aircraft, interceptors, medical transport aircraft, reconnaissance and early warning aircraft, and finally the most expensive battlecruiser that has a decisive effect on the frontal battlefield!

"More importantly, after such an invincible interstellar fleet comes out, who will control it? In the Skrew, when the aliens are not invading, it can completely unify!"

Tony Stark said this and looked at Zordhis again.

The Excalibur Bureau, the United Nations and the Security Council have all fallen into silence. Yes, for the current earth, the temptation of an invincible interstellar fleet, so who can refuse?

"A person is smart, but a group of people are stupid."

Tony talked to Zodhis.

"Zod, I believe you should have not forgotten the panic caused by the 1938 radio drama "World War" in the United States."

"Because of our distrust of politicians, we are afraid that they will use various methods to turn things that should be important into things for their own personal gain. You should have seen this kind of thing repeatedly."

"What the **** are you trying to say, Stark!"

The members of the Security Council said angrily.

Even if you are telling the truth, you can't say it here, you still say it so clearly!

"Zod, abandon these stupid guys, let's do it together!"

Tony Stark said.

Perhaps too many alien invasions have caused Tony Stark to have anxiety, which is different from the anxiety of the original plot. His anxiety is aimed at the cumbersomeness of the modern social political system and the behavior of most politicians in line with interests.

The earth is about to be destroyed, and you are still arguing about infighting here, wasting so many resources!

"Calm down, Stark, there is something wrong with your mood."

Zordhis could see that Tony Stark seemed to have something wrong with his spirit.

"My mood is good!"

Tony shook his head, but he didn't continue to make trouble.

"It is not as simple as you think to build the Star Fleet. First of all, huge capital and industrial support are needed."

Zordhis took over Tony's job. Although he was not willing to do it, it seemed that he was the only one to say about it.

"Your Excellency~www.mtlnovel.com~You are a native of the United States. The annual military expenditure of the United States is about 800 billion U.S. dollars. I charge a quarter of the military expenditure of the United States as a proportion of the expenditure. This expenditure will be allocated for a minimum of ten years."

"200 billion U.S. dollars per year for ten years!"

The North American director exclaimed.

"This is only a country in the United States, is this too much?"

"A lot? This is just the beginning. What do you think the Starfleet is, a nuclear submarine? Sky Mothership? Don't be kidding, the cost of an Starfighter is enough to count all the weapons in the world as a fraction. This is Starcraft. Battleship, not a toy!"

Zodhith rebuked coldly.

To build a defense fleet for the outer space of the Earth, and to collect a quarter of the military expenditures of all countries in the world as a space fleet formation fund, this large-scale effort shocked the presence of several world-class leaders.

Several world security directors can't make a decision right away. They have to convene a continental defense conference on the continent they represent to summon the world's defense ministers and military-industrial group presidents. They need to be authorized by the leaders of all countries and finally handed over to the United Nations for discussion before they can make the final decision. resolution.