
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 356: reaction

   And the conclusion of the interior officer also aroused a round of approval from the top of Scroo. They all believe that the earth can definitely be caught in their hands. After all, they are just a bunch of bugs in every way!

   mentioned in the data the basic operating forms of human beings, including food, drink, rest, and so on. Most adults in general cannot lift more than 80KG. The fastest person in the world can only run more than 100 meters in 9 seconds.

  Moreover, the civilization is divided into many small countries, each in their own way, and they are still attacking each other.

  In the eyes of the Skrews, this civilization is savage and rude, and inefficient at all. At the same time, there is no dignity in life. You must know that the Alpha Star of the royal city only inhabits about 40,000 Skrew people.

   Counting the entire Skrull civilization, including various colonial planets, the Skrulls don't make up seven billion in population. To be precise, the population of the Skrulls is less than 200 million, 185 million, which is the pinnacle of the Skrulls population.

   It reproduces as simple as the humans on the earth, and reproduces at will. In the eyes of the Skrulls, it is too barbaric, just like primitive animals. There is no way for the Skrulls to reproduce in this way, and it takes a lot of resources to cultivate a qualified Skrull.

  The empire needs to control the population, otherwise the resources of the empire will be tight. For the Skrulls, the earthlings are simply wild creatures. Probably the same way that the people on earth understand the free-range chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep.

   However, what they didn't know was that the key information sent by the Scroo was intercepted by Zordhis. He maliciously deleted this part of the information and then sent it over.

   As the Scroo people said, the earth is a place with extremely bad living conditions, which can be said to be poor mountains and bad waters. This kind of place is generally given to the Skrew people for nothing. Because it takes a lot of resources to transform the planet!

   Live in comfort and ease, only tens of thousands of people live on a planet. For the Skrulls, who have a huge living space and a horribly rich personal resources at their disposal, the people on Earth are really inferior to the pets kept by the Skrulls.

   Even Tony Stark, in terms of his status as the world's top rich man, may be no better than an ordinary Skrull civilian in terms of living environment.

   But if the Skrew people have read the literature of the earth, especially some literary classics in the East, they will know a word.

   "Poor mountains and rivers are full of spoilers, bandits, bullies, desperadoes, lunatics, etc...In short, it is best not to come in the city."

  Skru people are city people compared to earth people, and earth people are the unruly people in the poor mountains and bad waters. Because the only property of this group of spoilers is a big dung egg.

   When you have countless possessions, you may lose some and you won't care too much. But when poor enough to live on the big dung egg, anyone who wants to take the big dung egg must be prepared to fight hard.

  Because you are going to face a madman with red eyes, this madman has nothing left.

   And the Skrew people obviously didn't realize this. The interior officer set the tone of the meeting following the thoughts of the seventh emperor. Squeezing a bug to death is no big deal for the Skrulls.

   But all the Skrulls didn't realize that the earth is actually more dangerous than they thought. There is a saying on the earth that if you don't die, you won't die. In fact, the Skrews still don't understand.

   However, when the Skrews contacted the Zetaris confidently, the Zetaris refused.

   Just kidding, is the earth a place where people can invade?

   don't know how dangerous it is.

   The refusal of the Zetaris makes the Skrews aware of something wrong, no, don't these interstellar pirates pick up everything as long as they are alive?

   Why at the beginning there was a task you said that we can solve the tasks of the Zetaris, but after I mentioned the earth, my face changed (actually, the Zetaris have no expressions).

   Then I chose to refuse?

   "Is the earth actually not that simple?"

  Skrew people are not fools, this abnormal situation will definitely arouse their suspicion, so they decided to send an intelligence team to obtain information.


  A group of uninvited guests suddenly visited this humble planet.

   First, a gloomy light flashed, and then after the light passed, a group of swaying humanoid creatures appeared on the ground.

   They look like green goblins in myths, but they are much stronger than green goblins.

   is a creature between the orcs and goblins in human legends.

   One of the giant goblins made a quiet gesture to the other goblins, and then whispered quietly.

   "We have successfully reached the earth, we need to figure out the strength of their civilization, and we are formulating our follow-up plan. Should we leave here quietly or conquer directly!"

   These tall goblins are naturally Skrulls.

  The reason why they were able to reach the earth so quickly was entirely because the Scrooge Empire had consumed a lot of resources to establish a star gate.

  Zodhis didn't notice that he didn't cover the world with Super Hearing like Da Chao did. At this time, he was going to the "Hell" prison to beat Nick Fury in the face with a copy of the information.

"This is what you call the trustworthy alien refugees. They sent a distress message in less than ten hours after we hunted down ~www.mtlnovel.com, which also included all Excalibur Bureau known Information and intelligence of our superheroes."

  Zodhis sat in front of Nick Fury and threw the information in front of him.

   The prison guards are all outside, because they know that Zodhis is here. This prison is now the safest place in the world. Even the most vicious super criminals cannot escape at this time.

Nick Fury was very entangled and struggling at this time. After all, he never thought that these Scroo people would really have a hand. More importantly, judging from the information of the superheroes, their collection work is quite outstanding.

There are not only records of many weird and superhero battles, but also detailed records of battles between Saiyans, Zeta Rising, etc., even specific to what a certain superhero is doing at a certain time, as well as Excalibur. If the bureau's regular psychological counseling and psychological evaluation analysis of superheroes fall into the hands of aliens...

   The consequences are simply unthinkable!

   "So, you should now understand what a stupid thing you did, right?"

   (Sometimes it's not that I don't want to add changes, but after adding changes, there is no change at all. Over time, there is no such enthusiasm to add changes.)