
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 354: Scroo in action

The main reason is that there is a corpse here, which is difficult to find out without studying it.

Even if it was given to Tony Stark, it didn't take long to research it out.

"There is a gene in the Skrulls, a special gene with a strong fusion. It is a bit like a camouflage color like a chameleon. A biological self-protection mechanism."

Zordhis said.

"I compared Zerg's mimicry genes and found that the two are completely different. Tony, your mimicry suit can be upgraded again."

Tony Stark looked at the data passed by Zordhis and a set of genetic samples with interest.

The mimicry suit gives Tony Stark the power to solve ninety-nine percent of superheroes and super villains. If you add this copy gene...


At this time, the Excalibur Bureau is hunting down the Skrulls on the earth, and one of the Skrulls sent a distress radio wave to the cosmic civilization, the Skrull civilization, which is being amplified by the sun and broadcast.

But this kind of signal from the Skrulls is a bit conspicuous on the way the Milky Way spreads towards the Fairy System.

Because the Milky Way is the territory of the Nova Legion. Although the Scruid Empire is very strong, it is best not to provoke it in the face of the Rising Star Legion.

For the Rising Star Army, which has been dealing with the Skrulls for a long time, the signal of the Skrulls is still very eye-catching.

Even before the seventh emperor of Skrull received the distress signal, a team of non-staff personnel in the Nova Army intercepted this signal.

However, because it takes a while to crack the signal, the time when this team of non-staff members really knew the meaning of the signal was actually almost in sync with the time of the Emperor Scrowe Seventh Division.

The seventh emperor Skrew finished reading the distress newsletter blankly. A backward civilization in the galaxy actually hunted down the Skrulls?

Even if those Skrews are refugees, they can't accept it!

"Notify my general that we need to attack the galaxy!"

The seventh emperor of Scroo said coldly.

The orders of Emperor Skrull VII are the highest instructions for the Skrull Empire. Speaking out the law is always the authority of an emperor.

Especially when the emperor still has lofty prestige and powerful means, then his power will become even greater.

In less than twelve earth hours after the transmission of Emperor Skrull VII's order, the territory covered most of the fairies, with more than 1,000 directly habitable colonial planets, hundreds of thousands of high-level resource planets, and low-level resources The countless high-ranking military officers of the Skru Empire came from all directions.

Came to the King City of the Scroo Empire, the Alpha Star in the fairy system.

There are about 40,000 Skrulls living on this planet which is about 1.5 times larger than the Earth.

Except for some industrial planets, it can be regarded as the most densely populated planet Scroo.

Emperor Scrooge VII received generals and officials from different star regions in his palace. He needs to discuss plans and possibilities for war against the galaxy.

"The third cantilever of the Milky Way, the place named Earth? It is 2.2 million light-years away from us?"

It was the Skru Empire, the supreme commander of the outer defensive circle of the fairy system-Udal.

"It's not a good move to fight the galaxy, because the headquarters of the Nova Legion is on the fourth cantilever of the galaxy. If our army makes a big move, it can't be hidden from the surveillance of the Nova Legion. They are too nosy."

Udal frowned, and said coldly with his green Skrullian face.

"And because of the Nova Legion. We have not established any star gates in the direction of the Milky Way. If we use Titan-class warships to make a cosmic jump, it may be hundreds of years before we arrive on Earth."

Emperor Scroo VII crossed his fingers.

"So how about sending an advance team? With a hundred assault ships as a unit for the leap, when will our army reach the earth soonest?"

"If it is an assault ship with speed as its specialty, a hundred assault ships will jump together, and it will take about three years to be able to travel to the earth lightly." Udal thought for a moment.

The Interstellar Transition is not just like driving a car and just giving it a throttle. This requires many considerations, including the interference effect caused by the mutual pull between the transition channels opened during the transition.

The larger the mass of the spacecraft, the greater the interference effect, and the wider the range of interference. There may be no difference in short-distance transitions, such as the distance from Earth to Pluto, because the distance is too short and there will be no much feeling.

But when the jump distance exceeds a certain length, the interference effect will come into play.

It will make a huge deviation in the direction of the jump, and you may navigate to a completely unfamiliar star field and lose your way.

In the worst case, you can even jump directly into the interior of a star and even cause the star to explode. If this happens, ~www.mtlnovel.com~ a team of interstellar fleets will suffer heavy losses.

So the larger the fleet, the more calculations needed to perform the interstellar transition. The control of battleships in the interstellar fleet is highly automated, and in fact there are very few places to rely on manpower.

And the most important thing that really needs people to deal with complex situations is to consider the interference caused by transitions.

The fleet commander needs the staff and technical officers below to continuously coordinate the data to arrange the transition of the entire fleet. Avoid all potentially dangerous lines.

It's like sailing ships in the age of great voyages need to avoid the hidden reefs that may appear under the sea. The seemingly peaceful universe is actually not safe.

The ubiquitous cosmic rays in the universe are a test for the interstellar fleet. The area where the earth is located is a very calm area, and only such areas where the universe's tides are gentle can life be born.

And those areas with strong cosmic rays and huge cosmic tides are like tsunamis on the sea or submerged reefs. Can make all the Star Fleet fall into the sand.

The energy emitted by cosmic rays is enough to kill any creature that is not prepared for protection. The gravitational force brought by the terrible cosmic tide can easily tear the entire solar system, even a star system ten times larger than the solar system, into pieces.

Even the Interstellar Transition cannot pass through such a place, and walking from here is simply a gambling on life. Because of the Rising Star Legion, the Skrews maintain a subtle attitude towards the Milky Way. They don't really want to touch this piece of land reserved by the Rising Star Corps.

The exploration of the Milky Way has not been carried out very smoothly. It's just like the era of great voyages requires ships to explore new routes.