
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 353: Nick Fury goes to jail

"When have you been so naive to believe in others, I promoted you to deputy director because of your cautiousness that none of you believed."

Zordhis stared directly at Nick Fury coldly.

This is the investigation meeting of the Excalibur Bureau. The temporarily set up investigation team against Nick Fury and the Security Council started to inquire about him. Although Zodhis is considered an outsider according to the procedure, he should not be here, but no one Any opinions on his appearance.

Nick Fury was silent.

"You are skeptical even for the people on Earth, even the superheroes and subordinates who have fought side by side with you for so many years, but believe that an alien who can copy others, and put this alien in such an important position. With so much important intelligence and information, you are betraying mankind and the earth!"

"You are as open as if you are treating the Presidential Palace as a children's amusement park. Superheroes are our most important force against aliens, but you let an alien contact their information and know their abilities and weaknesses. If you have information, tell me, Nick Fury, what are you doing!"

The superheroes and agents in the gallery on the side looked at Nick Fury, and they did not expect that the director they were facing was actually copied by an alien.

Moreover, Zordhis makes a lot of sense.

"They are just a group of alien refugees, they have no contact..."

Nick Fury said with difficulty.

"So I said, when did you become so naive, Nick Fury!"

"You are a small agent who can't even count as Minke. What qualifications do you have to say that they don't have the ability to contact their home planet and people?"

"On their side words? Have you ever doubted?"

"It's the captain Marvel. Has the missing woman confused you so that you love the house and trust a group of aliens unconditionally?"

"Oh, by the way, I forget that you may not understand the meaning of Aiwu and Wu. This is a term used by people from Chongguo. It means to love a person and to love the crow in his house. It is a metaphor for loving someone and caring for him. The person or thing concerned."

Zodhis sneered.

Everyone else thinks that the word does describe it well, although the description is a bit strange.

"Captain Marvel protected the earth. She once repelled the Cree's fleet invading the earth. As for her now missing, it's just because she went to the universe to execute justice!"

Nick Fury was very excited to refute when he talked about Carol.

He actually didn't know that Carol was now working for Zodhis, in the Krypton Empire.

"My words have been said, and the rest is left to you."

Zodhis said silently to the others, is the focus now on Captain Marvel? It is Skuru!

Why did he headshot the Skuru directly?

It was because it later led to a secret invasion event.

Nick Fury believed so much in the Skru people that after their empire was completely destroyed by the Cree, the Skru people got their idea to the earth.

When the Skrulls, who replaced Nick Fury as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., faced the request of their family for help, they were obliged to tell them the intelligence of the superheroes they had mastered over the years.

Including the superheroes' abilities, personalities, weaknesses, family members, intelligence, etc., everything is available, so the superheroes can't trust each other, because the Scroo copy them for infighting, provocation and so on.

Anyway, the superheroes and the earth have been miserable, all because of Nick Fury.

"Nick Fury, according to the collected evidence, you are suspected of betraying humanity and the earth. Because there was no such charge before, we discussed it and decided to sentence you to a five-hundred-year imprisonment on Hell Island."

"Nick Fury, according to the investigation, during your tenure as the former head of S.H.I.E.L.D., there was a large amount of funding unknown. We suspect that you are suspected of embezzling public funds, and it is a very large amount, so your sentence will be increased by three hundred. year."

The investigation team is composed of elites from all over the world. Coupled with the powerful intelligence capabilities of the Excalibur Bureau, what Nick Fury has done was quickly found out.

"We still don't know how much information he has leaked out, nor how much information the Skrew has passed on to his people. After so many alien invasions, Nick Fury even stupidly believes in aliens. people."

"Be prepared for alien invasion at any time. I will develop a device that can detect these Skrulls. The first step is to expel these parasites."

Zodhis said to the Excalibur Bureau.

Deep in the ocean on the west coast of the United States, there is a mysterious island.

This is an island with many strange and weird legends.

Some people say that this island is the largest slave trade base in the real world. Every year, more than 100,000 slaves of all kinds are auctioned here.

Some people say that this is an illegal club for the rich and politicians, where all their evil thoughts can be released.

Of course ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Some people say that this is a meeting place for those behind the control of the real world.

Hell Island is its most famous name in the world.

The American government has never admitted the existence of Hell Island.

However, there is no doubt that it exists after all, and has a complete series of building facilities.

In addition to the five-star hotel complex on the island, there is another space under the ground, which can be easily transformed into a high-standard scientific research base.

For this reason, no matter which Citigroup the former owner of Hell Island was.

It has been requisitioned by the United Nations, and Zodhis personally shot it, and cooperated with the robot to establish a "hell" in just one day.

This prison was established for various criminals, and Nick Fury did not expect that he would live here someday.

Various criminals were surprised by Nick Fury's arrival, but they just thought that Nick Fury was here to find a certain criminal.

It wasn't until Nick Fury was put in a cage that the criminals got excited.

"Isn't this the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Why did he live in?"

"Fak, what age are you from everywhere, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau is long gone."

"Nick Fury, do you remember me? I have been imprisoned by you for a long time. I just moved to this prison recently. I didn't expect you to come with me right away. It's great."

Nick Fury turned a deaf ear. He had to calm down and think, is he really doing something wrong?

Zordhis soon developed a detection device for the Skrull's replication mechanism.