
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 352: Black Braised Egg Dong Chuang Incident

When Zordhess left office, most people questioned his wanting to be in position, but no one questioned Steve's position. On the contrary, they felt that Steve Captain America would be the best director of the Excalibur Bureau.

Otherwise, for this supreme right, it may have been arguing to this day.

"This organization should be extremely rigorous. We should not be known by the government. Otherwise, no government can tolerate our thoughts."

Tony Stark saw that Zodhis did not refute, thinking he had accepted it, and said excitedly.

"So, a non-disclosure agreement is necessary. Another point is that we need a place that is safe enough and can allow us to hold meetings."

"So you already thought about it, Tony?"

"Yes it is."



"That's not a good idea, there are many people staring at it. Humans have been looking for a second terrestrial planet to emigrate for a long time. If possible, the first choice of aliens for humans to emigrate may be Mars."

"But without me and you developing aerospace technology, they can't colonize Mars so quickly!"

Tony Stark said confidently.

"Enough, I've had enough of your arrogance, Stark, have you ever thought that if these people are too confident in their own power, when they do behaviors that endanger the whole world, they should How to do?"

Zordhis interrupted Tony Stark.

"So I need you, Zodhith."

But Stark looked at Zodhis with confidence.


Zodhis looked at Stark.

"You are the most important step of our Illuminati. You will be our leader. Do you know why?"

Tony Stark said seriously.


Zodhis was puzzled.

"Because you have stepped down as the director of the Excalibur Bureau, this is supreme, more powerful than the President of the United States, and holds the most powerful force in the world, the most advanced weapons and equipment, and the most comprehensive intelligence position, but you have directly stepped down. !"

Tony Stark's meaning is already very obvious.

"I'm just tired of dealing with so many things every day, so I can't study it well."

Zodhis shook his head.

"At the beginning I became the director of the Excalibur Bureau only because the danger had already affected me. Otherwise, I was just a businessman from the beginning, and I only wanted to be a businessman."

Zordhis said seriously.


Steve Rogers appeared. He had been transformed into a battleship-class superman by Zordheath. He had the ability to fly, so after receiving the communication from Zordheath, he ran over without a word.

Marinated eggs are much slower. Who would let the office of the director and the office of the deputy director be so far apart?

You must know that the headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau was formerly New York City, so big and so far away.

Tony Stark didn't want to give up, so he looked at Steve.

"Captain, I have something to tell you."

"This is a private place, you two, if you want to say anything confidential, please go back to the Excalibur Bureau and don't drag innocent businessmen into the water."

Zordhis interrupted Tony Stark and continued.

"Let's go, Stark, I will listen to you after I go back."

Because Steve has lost the memory of the snake in the previous world, he has no impression of Zordhis. The only thing he knows is that this is a genius who is even younger than Tony Stark.

Most importantly, the arrogant Tony Stark is also convinced of him.

"Can't go back because I found a Hydra in the Excalibur Bureau!"

Then Tony Stark spoke amazingly.

"What are you talking about? Stark!"

The black-skinned marinated egg at the door heard an amazing secret as soon as he arrived.


Then he was shot headshot by Zodhis.

Tony Stark and Steve both looked at Zodhis in dismay, and then they discovered that the black-skinned marinated egg on the ground had become a hideous and ugly humanoid.

"what is this?"

The two were even more astonished.

"Skuru, a kind of alien who is similar to the Zerg and can mimic others."

Zordheath explained.

"You mean, another alien invaded? The One-Eyed Man was replaced?"

Stark frowned.

"No, it has reached a cooperation agreement with the black-skinned marinated egg, as his stand-in, and he himself is hidden, and it is estimated that he will hide in space and command everything in the future.

Zodhis replied.

"...You wait for me to come."

Nick Fury's voice sounded on the Skru's corpse, obviously with a communication device, and Nick Fury didn't expect that Zodhis would be so decisive and direct that he would kill the Skuru with a single shot.

In fact, he never thought that Zordhis could discover the replication of the Skuru. After all, the replication of the Skuru is a different mechanism from the Zerg's mimicry. Even if Zordhes has a detection device for the Zerg's mimicry, It doesn't mean that he has a mechanism for copying the Skuru.

The three didn't wait long before Nick Fury rushed to ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Nick Fury, I have already submitted to the United Nations the instructions for dismissing your Deputy Director of the Excalibur Bureau, making the Deputy Director of Excalibur Bureau so important. The position of is handed over to an alien so that the alien has the most confidential information and intelligence on the earth. You are actually the leader of the Skuru people, right? "

Zodhis said when he saw Nick Fury.

Both Stark and Steve looked ugly, because they had realized the seriousness of the matter from Zordhis's words.

Nick Fury was stunned. He didn't expect that Zordheath would react so fast and so big. Don't think that Zordheath was just a businessman and a capitalist. There is no way to attract the attention of the United Nations.

There is a 99% chance that the United Nations will adopt Zordhis's opinion.

Sure enough, immediately after Nick Fury received a notice from the United Nations, he has been removed from the post of Deputy Director of the Excalibur Bureau. At the same time, the investigation against Nick Fury has been launched. It is only for the crime of collaborating with the enemy and the crime of treason against the earth. Estimated to be in prison for eight hundred years.

Nick Fury had a headache. He knew that the only chance he could save was to explain the situation to Zordheath.

So he hurriedly told the three about Captain Marvel Carol and the Skuru refugees, without concealing anything.

But after listening to his words, Zodhis showed the expression of whether you are an idiot.

"You are an agent. Agents should not be influenced by feelings. What's more, you yourself are still in such an important position. To paraphrase a Chinese phrase, people who are not my race must have different hearts. No matter how innocent they behave, they must be treated to them. With vigilance and precaution, you are already seriously negligent."