
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 350: Stupid arrogance

After all, both Zodhis and Tony are lunatics. And history always tells us that, in fact, the development of human beings and some great ideas often start with some crazy ideas.

In this world, there are too many normal people and too few lunatics.

"You, no one can monitor, right?"

Tony Stark asked.

Zodhis raised his brows, and Tony's seriousness made him a little confused.

"A very important thing?"

"Yes, it's a very important thing."

Tony said solemnly.

"There is no one who can monitor me now, and there won't be any in the future."

Zodhis nodded, then said.

"...I started thinking about this a long time ago. After the Saiyan War, after the New York War, and after the recent Zerg invasion, I fell into thinking."

Tony got up from the sofa and paced the room.

"This is just a preliminary idea, and it's not mature yet. But I'm afraid I can only discuss you. This idea is crazy, but I know you are crazy too."

"No, I'm not crazy, I'm very sane."

"Come on, as a scientific researcher, how can you be sensible."

After refuting Zordhis's sentence, Tony's expression became more and more serious.

"So, what are you trying to say?"

Zordhis was said to be crazy for no reason, and felt very upset. Although he may be very enthusiastic when facing a scientific research problem, he has never been crazy.

Tony looked at Zordheath and smiled.

"An organization."

"An organization?"

"Not controlled by the government. This is a heroic self-governing organization. We will abide by the confidentiality treaty and only invite heroes who are smart enough, influential and honest to join."

"In this organization, we can exchange what we have, and exchange ideas."

"This whole plan is so huge that you can't complete it alone. You need more friends. The whole organization will not have a leader, it's more like a council. A round table of knights."

Zodhis was a little surprised by Tony's thoughts now.

"So you want to build an organization that is above the government and is not controlled by the government. It is completely self-governed by heroes and strictly adheres to the confidentiality system."

"Yes it is."

Tony nodded solemnly.

"I need your support."

"Well, the Red Queen, call Director Rogers and Deputy Director Nick Fury. Director Stark of the Supervision Department of the Excalibur Bureau is going to defect!"

"and so on!"

Seeing that the plot did not develop as he imagined, Tony Stark looked dazed, but he still wanted to stop it.

Zordhis knew that Tony Stark wanted to do something, and it was probably a big event. As we all know, in the Marvel Universe, half of all big events were caused by Tony Stark and half by Mr. Fantastic. Yes, if they are not, then the probability is quite small.

Therefore, I can't believe Tony Stark's flicker, not to mention that Zodhis is not interested in playing any underground organization with Tony Stark.

"Don't you want to hear me finish?"

Tony tried to save Zordhis.

"No, you can go. Director Rogers and Deputy Director Nick Fury are probably waiting for you."

Zodhis said quietly.

"Listen to me, our organization has great ideals. The Excalibur Bureau is under official surveillance. There are many things that are not convenient to do, but..."

Tony Stark struggled.

He would have such thoughts, Zordhis didn't find it strange at all.

In other words, it feels normal. Because no matter what, some pride that is deeply rooted in Tony's heart will never change.

The kind of thought and character that don't belong to me, the kind of thought and character that belong to me. The thought of thinking that he was the chosen one has always been in the deepest part of Tony's soul.

Relatively speaking, Tony, who has experienced many shocks now, has become more restrained.

Official surveillance is very rare for Tony, who yearns for freedom, doesn't like being restricted by others, and doesn't feel that someone can restrain his own Tony. It is already rare for me to have the idea of ​​organizing myself until now.

Tony is a smart man, he never hides his pride.

And he also deeply understands his own strengths and weaknesses.

That's why he will constantly improve his ideas when he is constantly dealing with countries. So today he expressed his expectations to Zodhis and established a heroic self-government organization that is above the government.

As he said before, he needs someone to stop him when he goes crazy.

He needs someone as strong and smart as he is to point out problems to him when he makes mistakes.

This person is Zordhis, a guy who even Tony himself admits is incomparable and has been chasing after him.

He prides himself on not being a superhero, but in the eyes of everyone, Zordhis who accepts disasters and crises that superheroes cannot solve at a critical moment is a superhero.

Because no one would ask him to stand up as a businessman~www.mtlnovel.com~ but he stood up every time.

He also successfully solved crises and disasters every time. He is not a hero but is better than a hero!

Tony can no longer bear the hypocritical faces and stupid brains of politicians. This is also a common problem of geniuses. He feels that wasting time on politicians is better than just passing them.

But he didn't know why the world was not in the hands of the smartest scientific researchers, but the ordinary people.

Because only ordinary people can better manage the world, geniuses are too crazy. If geniuses are allowed to make decisions, they may be over-reasonable and cause disasters. Of course, it may be better.

This uncontrollability of thinking about heaven and **** is the most dangerous.

"You are crazy, Tony, no one can be above the collective. Don't rush to refute. If it really resembles the kind of thinking and practice you said, then please answer me, why have people been Haven't recommended the smartest person to be the leader?"

Zodhis shook his head and said.

"Newton is very smart. Why didn't he become a leader above the laws of Great Britain?"

"Einstein is smarter. Why doesn't he have a leader to do what he thinks is right?"

"It is a stupid arrogance and arrogance to put a few people above the law and think that their decisions can make all mankind live better. When will they represent all mankind? They know that all mankind wants What? You have always been aloof, and you have a huge sense of alienation from ordinary people. What you think is only what you see when you stand at this height!"