
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 35: Take the initiative

He was looking for Otto just to try, whether his reactor can replace the sun, if it can, then Zod will grow faster.

   basement, fighting arena.

This is a fighting arena made of sub-Krypton Gold. Bronsky was thrown into the air by Zod who was suspended from the ground, even if he had turned into a super animal soldier, and Zod did not move. Just closed your eyes.

   This amazing scene is not that Zod is so fast that he can't see it, but his awakened spiritual power!

   It's hard to imagine the increase and enhancement that spiritual power brings to Kryptonians. After all, apart from Zod, no other Kryptonians have awakened spiritual power. Da Chao has only one model of thinking super close, but Zod believes that there is a big difference.

Zod's mental power can mobilize and absorb cosmic energy and transform it into other superpowers, such as super speed, super power, super perception, energy control, flight, etc. In the Marvel world, cosmic energy is basically the most advanced energy , Only under the power of the phoenix, most cosmic gods are so powerful because they absorb cosmic energy or have the means to use cosmic energy.

This is not the thing that excites Zod the most. What excites him the most is that the power of the mind gives him the same ability as teleportation. As long as he can imagine and remember, the places he has been and seen can be reached by teleportation. The difference is How much mental power is consumed.

What Bronsky is completely abused is just a substantive use of psychic power. Zod's psychic power is as vast as a sea. It is estimated that it can overwhelm Professor X in a mutant. It can be called a treasure house. Nothing. The experienced Zod can only explore slowly.

   The force locks the throat!

  Zod stretched out a hand, and Bronsky was strangled by his throat, struggling to be lifted off the ground.

   "It doesn't feel difficult. Is it because the mental power is too large?"

Zord throws Bronzie aside. Bronzie dared to be angry and dare not speak. There is no way. There is a wave of thoughts. When Zod thinks, he has to turn his head 360 degrees and "suicide". There is no way to fight back.

   "How is the situation with Bucky?"

   Zod asked calmly.

"They have successfully mixed into the Hydra, but Bucky has been frozen. It is said that the Winter Soldiers are thawed when they need to perform tasks, and frozen when they are not needed, to ensure that their combat effectiveness remains optimal. status."

   Bronsky got up and replied, the Winter Soldier's actions made Bronsky sneer at it. It's not a big deal to think about the Hydra that covers the whole world.

  The snake in the world is the most powerful!

The ambitious Bronsky is not satisfied with the current world leader of the snake and animalized soldiers. He wants to become a more advanced super animalized soldier and even the beastly general who occasionally revealed in the mouth of Zod. Although he does not know what the beastly general will be, But it sounds more powerful than Super Beastization and Super Beastization.

   It is impossible to replace Zod. The existence of Nianbo makes Zod the undisputed leader of the world snake, but the second-in-command can still be grabbed.

   "Oh, how many Hydra agents have been found?"

  Zord's plan is to start with a small number of Hydras, brainwash them and develop them into the offline snakes of the world, and then slowly nibble the Hydras in North America step by step.

   When the time comes, the Snake Shield will become a world snake.

   "Twenty Hydras have now been locked, and they are ready to capture them."

  Bronsky is not only the instructor of the animalized soldiers, but also the leader of the action team. Of course, because the internal department of the world snake is undecided, how long this action team can last is still unknown. Maybe the next day Zord disbanded because of trouble.

   "Don't worry, we must eliminate all traces, take your time, we have time."

  Zord said, if the world snake is exposed, he will definitely abandon the world snake and create a new organization.

   After finishing the duel with Bronsky, Dr. Connors found Zord through the Black Queen with excitement.

   "What makes you so excited, Dr. Connors?"

   Zod asked calmly.

   "Boss, there are new developments about the vampire virus! It's amazing!"

   Dr. Connors said excitedly.

   Then Zod went to the biological laboratory, and then Dr. Connors explained to Zod his discovery of the vampire virus.

   "The vampire virus is a powerful virus that has never been seen before. It can kill all the viruses currently known to occur in the human body. It can even be called the king of viruses, Boss, this is simply a panacea!"

  Dr. Connors said after a demonstration that all the cultivated viruses were easily killed by the vampire virus, and then the cell infection and transformation were completed quickly.

What excites Dr. Connors is the transmission mechanism of the vampire virus. It is hard to imagine that there will be a vampire virus in the world, such an aggressive virus. It can be said that it was born specifically for the virus. The virus killer and nemesis.

   If it can replicate its mechanism and delete the drawbacks of transforming cells into vampires, it will be the savior of all mankind!

   "Calm down, Dr. Connors, you haven't tried tests such as leukemia and cancer yet. Try to see how much vampire virus can do against various diseases in humans."

   After all, Zord had seen Krypton's more advanced medical technology, so he was not surprised. It was just a theoretical panacea and had not yet been manufactured.

Moreover, it is estimated that it is difficult to overcome the mechanism of vampire virus transformation. It is very likely that the vampire virus has such a powerful ability to target other viruses. It is related to the transformation ability. Deleting the transformation ability is expected to greatly reduce the ability of the virus killer. It's a powerful medicine, not a panacea.

  Dr. Connors thinks it is right. If the vampire virus does not only have the ability to target the virus, then... I can't imagine it!

   Abandoning Dr. Connors who was in a state of research, Zod saw Uuld come over.

After being rescued before, Uuld has been tossing and turning. She hasn't been in a relationship for many years. She doesn't know if this is the feeling of being in love. But as a strong woman character, Uuld decided to take the initiative because of how Zord looks. They are probably all nerds who are devoted to scientific research. In his eyes, he thinks that no woman is attractive because of the atomic equation. So, if she doesn't take the initiative, should she wait for Zod to take the initiative?

   As a result, Uuld hadn't asked Zod to eat as a thank you, so Zod found something for her and did it.