
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 349: Add more today

The more developed a country is, the more resources the people of that country occupy.

Because the more resources occupied, the physical fitness, educational capital, health, etc. of the country's citizens will be stronger than that of poor countries, because the stronger the country, the stronger the country.

The poorer the resource, the shorter the life, the less education, and the worse the country, the worse the country.

This is like an endless loop, which is firmly tied to the development of various countries.

If human unity can be realized and resources are no longer wasted in large quantities, then the development of the human group will become efficient and powerful.

The earth civilization has been struggling to survive. For a hundred thousand years or even longer until now, our people are still struggling to survive.

Even today, there are still people all over the world who can't eat enough to wear warm clothes.

Countless people hope to break these prisons.

And all of this has achieved initial results. The earth is entering an era of rapid development, in which countless old systems and monopolies have been broken, and new opportunities have appeared in front of everyone.

This era is fair to everyone, at least relatively fair. As long as you are diligent enough, you can seize the opportunity to make a career.

In fact, Tony Stark has already come to Raccoon City, a city full of hope, with a population of 10 million people, in fact, more than 40 million people are more than enough.

The premise is that the streets and alleys are piled together to form a hell's kitchen or the densely packed small houses in the Middle East.

It is said that in order to prevent people from smuggling into Raccoon City, Umbrella Company has poured steel and steel into a three-meter-thick and ten-meter-high titanium steel alloy wall on the seashore around this new continent.

In addition, residents living in Raccoon City will wear wrist-mounted computers, which are used to identify identities. The ubiquitous mechanical soldiers scan the wrist-mounted computers on their hands at all times. Stowaways cannot hide these days and nights. The sight of the non-stop mechanical soldier.

There are also a large number of mayfly drones in the air to monitor various areas. These mayfly drones fly without any noise. They have a "tinder" reactor inside, which can last for a year and only need to be replaced once.

Under this kind of protection, Zergs and weird people can't get in at all. As for terrorists and criminals, this city currently lives in Umbrella's employees and their families, and no outsiders will be able to live in in the future. , So there is no need to worry about this issue.

Umbrella can also produce and sell self-sufficient products, food, beverages, medicines, etc., without relying on external imports.

From Stark's point of view, this is a perfect city.

"How can a busy person like you have time to come to me?"

Zordheath asked jokingly.

After all, Zordhis has stepped down as the director of the Excalibur Bureau, and Stark has become the head of the security department or monitoring department of the Excalibur Bureau. He is busier than the director, Captain Rogers.

This is also difficult for Stark, because he is responsible for the supervision of the Excalibur Bureau.

With his arrogance and stinky temper, as well as his disposition of not minding offending people at all, he did it very well, but Director Rogers received so many complaints that he did not know.

I'm not afraid of offending people, but there are too many things to deal with. For example, a coffee cup from the Excalibur Bureau actually costs $3,000 each!

This can be regarded as an old way of financing. A coffee cup with a value of only ten dollars is quoted at 3000 dollars. Then the entire Excalibur Bureau will purchase coffee cups according to this standard. Mr. Chief's coffee cup. Even if it is exactly the same, it is said to be the Supreme Deluxe Limited Edition, which is more expensive.

Only in this way can we get more funds. That's how S.H.I.E.L.D. purchases were done before. Otherwise, where would there be so much money to repair safe houses and bases?

How could Stark tolerate this kind of thing, so he severely approved the deputy director of the salted eggs, and transferred the money of the salted eggs to his own name.

Rogers ran out to make a round. The trinity structure originally told him that Zordheath could not go wrong, so Rogers quickly persuaded the two to argue with each other.

"I have something to come to you, Zod."

Stark said seriously.

"If it's an official business, you don't have to. I'm just a businessman now, a businessman in the world's largest company."

Zodhis waved his hand, Umbrella company has never been listed, Zodhis is the only controller, there is no so-called shareholder meeting, although those who want to invest just grab a lot.

"This is a private matter."

Stark shook his head.

Tony Stark.

A world-class billionaire and superhero Iron Man, this is a very vigilant person, because of all the things he has experienced, let him learn how to protect himself. So be it a superhero or a billionaire. Tony has always been a lonely person. He rarely trusts others completely ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Only a few people have gained his trust in his life. Pepper Pepper, Dr. Ethan. Of course Zodhis can be added to this list now.

This is a friendship established in many actions. Because he had experienced many things together, Iron Man Tony Stark became more aware of the character and thoughts of Zordhis, and he identified with this man.

This made him let go of his guard against this guy who was much younger than him.

It can be said that now in the superhero circle, only Zordheath can have a friendly and equal dialogue with Iron Man.

Tony Stark is a genius, he always has an attitude towards this world.

It is precisely because of this attitude that he will not hesitate to shut down the arms manufacturing department in the company's most glorious era, causing the company's stock price to suffer a severe setback.

At the same time, it was because of this attitude that he thought of developing new energy sources and allowing mankind to enter a new era. Even afterwards, he was jointly attacked by old energy giants from various quarters, even assassinated, etc., he did not give up. , But went back with a tough attitude.

This kind of attitude and character of trying to reverse the whole world can be said to coincide with Zodhis.

Zodhis and Tony are actually very similar at the deepest point.

There is one kind: what I want, then I will figure out how to get it myself.

It's just that there are differences between the two in some details and pursuits, but this does not prevent the two from communicating smoothly, and it also makes Stark feel that he can tell him something.