
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 346: The richest man in the world

Before Umbrella launched the weight-loss drug, it initially interviewed patients with severe obesity.

"Control your diet? Don't talk to me about diet control! In life, I want to eat and drink. My goal in life is this. Why should I work hard to make money? Isn't it to eat tomahawk steak and cheese grill every night? Shrimp?!" Phelps said.

So let him control his diet and exercise to lose weight? forget it.

Especially since his current weight has reached 350 pounds. He is even more reluctant to exercise.

"Go to the gym to find a fitness trainer? Haha, it's my right to eat and drink and not exercise, and it's my right to lose weight! I just want to eat and drink and sleep in while losing weight! This is all ours right!"

Epsilon's words were domineering sideways.

Yes, we just don't want to go on a diet, exercise, or do everything we don't want to do, but we still want to be slim and beautiful!

Hollywood big-name stars also advertise Umbrella's weight-loss drugs.

"Ah? Eat fried chicken and drink Coke, don't want to exercise yet, and still want to be in shape like Chief Rogers? Was I crazy or did I lift the quilt the wrong way when I got up today?"

"No, you didn't dream. Zordhis, the world's greatest genius, invented a weight-loss pill! Only one pill is enough to guarantee a weight loss of 20 catties a month and 20 catties without side effects, although It may rebound after stopping the drug in a month, but a pill is only sold for $100, what a cheap and considerate price!"

Even the great President is a patient suffering from obesity, but now, his figure has returned to a healthy standard.

The programmers in the United States are also very excited.

Because of professional relations. Many programmers have to face the computer for eight to ten hours a day.

Sitting in a chair for a long time can't move, and many people's diet is not very healthy.

So half of programmers are overweight, and at least one-fifth can be counted as fat.

As mentioned before, in this country where one-third of the people are obese and half of them are overweight.

Obesity and weight loss are an inescapable topic.

But losing weight is a very heavy one. Everyone knows that obesity is not good, and that excess weight can harm your health.

But losing weight is too hard. Many things cannot be eaten, and at least one hour a day must be set aside to exercise.

Even when the economy and time permit, many people still fail to lose weight.

The reason is simple, because everyone can't stick to it. Not everyone can insist on eating healthy meals without any taste for half a year or even a year, and then have to do retraining.

People are always lazy, and people who lose weight successfully are always less successful than those who fail to lose weight. In the United States, because there are too many fat people, everyone can't reduce it, so there is even a feeling of resistance and avoidance.

This kind of resistance is [you are not allowed to call me fat! Otherwise it is discrimination! ], some people dare to curse **** in the street, but absolutely no one dares to curse fat man in the street.

This kind of evasion worked, no one dared to say, then it seemed as if nothing existed.

This is like the Toyo Nuclear Power Plant. When the government closed its eyes and said to the people, "You can't see, you can't see." It didn't happen at all, it didn't happen at all] It's as if nothing really happened.

Evasion is a method, but the problem of evasion is still there. The number of deaths due to complications caused by obesity is not a small number in the United States.

Do you think American fat people want to lose weight? Do you want to thin into a lightning bolt? I definitely wanted it, but they couldn't do it.

But now, all these problems are gone, and Zodhis shines, and he has become the savior of everyone in the world.

Because it's not just fat people who need weight loss pills, but also those who struggle to control their body shape.

For example, a beautiful young model who does not control her body shape will not get good treatment, life and sweet love.

But after I got it, I couldn't enjoy it, so don't worry about it now.

If you lose 20 catties a month, you only need to take one weight-loss pill every month, so you can eat and drink as much as you want without exercising.

100 US dollars per pill is really too cheap, even ordinary families can afford it, with small profits but quick turnover, not to mention the fact that the profits are very high.

For 100 dollars a pill, Zordhis can get a profit of 99 dollars.

In fact, in addition to fat people, there are also some people who have been using strict diet management to control their body shape and are also very interested in this weight-loss drug.

For example, many stars in Hollywood said that they have great ideas about this medicine.

"Do you know? It's really difficult to stay in shape, especially if you want to maintain your body shape with a low body fat. You can't enjoy all kinds of high-calorie foods, especially sweets and fried foods. But But you have to do high-intensity exercises to maintain your muscles." The famous Shi Huang complained.

He has been strictly controlling his body.

The specific performance is to exercise for at least three hours a day, eat nutritious meals, eat fruits and vegetables, and not eat any sweets, barbecues and other delicious things.

"Can you imagine my life before the weight-loss pill? Really hell, I hadn't eaten doughnuts for three months in order to shoot a movie. And my assistant she had afternoon tea every day? It's donuts and hot cocoa. I can only eat corn and vegetable salad."

Known as the lover of most people's dreams, UU reading www.uukanshu.com first-line actress Scarlett Johansson also followed.

"Ahem, I can only say that weight loss pills are really a good thing."

The former global ball grass, the famous little plum, once broke the hearts of his fans after the water gun incident.

But now, when he came out to accept the interview, he had recovered his youthful appearance, and those fans who had turned black screamed and fell into this man's smile again.

Low price, strong effect.

Weight loss drugs swept the global market less than half a year after they were launched. Gyms closed down, and the sports industry was hit hard. Various manufacturers and distributors of sports equipment were affected by this storm.

"Now, I say I'm richer than Batman and better than Superman. No one has any doubts, right?"

Umbrella Company was in the 500-meter-high building in Raccoon City. Zordhis looked down at the completed Raccoon City, opened his hands, and said with a smile as if to embrace the whole world.