
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 345: Cosmeceutical king Zodhis

On the brim of the hat is a t-shaped star sign is a miscellaneous soldier, and the cosmic Rogers can hit about ten.

The cross star on the brim of the hat is the captain level, and Rogers can be singled out with a shield and space equipment.

The eight-pointed star on the brim of the hat is a centurion class, and is also a core member of the Rising Star Corps.

In theory, Rogers should not be able to fight, but generally look at the plot.

Not to mention that the current Rogers was transformed into a battleship-class Superman version by Zordhis.

But Rising Star Centurion is also very powerful.

The toilet head boy is a cross star helmet.

In addition, because of the existence of the New Star Legion, Thanos is not completely lawless in the universe.

Thanos is the most wanted criminal in the Rising Star Legion.

Thanos was arrested (it seems to be, I don't remember clearly, or it was exiled.)

But later the New Star Army was also destroyed by his group.

Apart from the background board in the Marvel world, no one is truly powerful enough to rely on personal force to rule all latitudes.

Anyway, the New Star Legion is a very high-level organization, but in fact it is just such an organization.

Just treat it as the universe version of [Chaoyang Mass].

The Nova helmet on Sam's head is different. Although it is a captain's helmet, it is different from other captain's helmets. It has a higher energy quota and higher command power.

This is a Centurion-level Super Nova helmet with the highest authority of the Nova Legion. The only person who has been awarded this helmet over the years is Richard.

Richard is Sam's father. Many people in the Nova Legion have heard of Richard's deeds. His position in the Nova Legion is like that of Captain Rogers on the earth.

So Sam is not a new star centurion, he is a super new star!

"Are you busy again?"

As soon as the phone rang, all the figure girls looked over.

"No no."

Zodhis shook his head. He is enjoying the warm water spa with his hand-man. Nothing is more important than this.

Esdes floated in the huge warm pool in the swimsuit prepared for her, talking lazily.

"Ah, I really don't want to leave here."

The fully automatic warm water spa pool has automatic heating and intelligent water flow regulation.

Floating in this pool, you can clearly feel the impact of hot water at the right temperature on all parts of your body. This kind of gentle warm water massage has another kind of comfort compared to the massage technician's hand massage.

Coupled with the various special-tuned essential oils added in the pool, it can relax the body very well.

Esthers especially likes this large spa pool, which is the same as the swimming pool. It is too comfortable to swim in it. It feels like the whole body is massaged by warm water at 360 degrees without dead ends.

As a war madman, Shaking Queen S, Asides said that he no longer knew what war was and what was torture.

Zodhis picked up a sandwich, which didn't seem to be suitable for such an upscale and luxurious place.

Yes, it looks like an ordinary sandwich, but the ingredients are freshly cooked Australian lobster meat and fresh dry fried scallops.

The sauce that looks like ordinary mayonnaise is mixed with French foie gras, and the black object sliced ​​to boost the aroma is actually French black truffle.

The price of this sandwich is probably enough for many people to eat sandwiches for three meals a day and eat them frantically for a month.

As for the taste of this sandwich, is it more than a hundred times better than ordinary sandwiches? Different people have different opinions.

It can be said that this kind of food and service that burns fiercely with the aroma of banknotes, ordinary people simply cannot afford to enjoy them.

To be able to make this sandwich light and breezy like this, eating it is as simple as going to a breakfast stall on the street and ordering a pancake with fruit.

When you are still wondering whether to add an extra egg or more crispy to the pancake fruit, people always sprinkle black truffles as chives.

"In fact, it's not very tasty."

Zordheath gave an evaluation after eating. Although he had enough money to take out and burn to keep the whole American people warm for a whole winter, in fact Zordheath didn't know how to spend the money.

Now the whole world knows that Zodhis' most profitable project is not large-scale industrial equipment, nor is it the development of new energy. Nor is it a military weapon.

It's selling cosmetics and health products. Well, it sounds nonsense, but that's it.

It is reasonable to make more money from selling creams than selling white powder.

It's easy to understand, because not everyone needs to take drugs, but almost every woman and a considerable number of men in the world wipe their faces every day.

The absolute profit of industrial equipment, military weapons and new energy projects sold by Umbrella is inferior to the online products of its pharmaceutical department.

For example, the most classic triple combination of rat poison, cockroach medicine, and mosquito medicine. These three seemingly cheapest products are actually sold crazy and are being used all over the world because they are really useful. It, Umbrella can earn hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue every year.

This is still after-tax income. You must know that Stark Industry is not considered the current new Stark Industry. The market value of Stark Industry in the original plot is only 400 billion U.S. dollars. Stark itself may be a bit richer, because he has A large number of weapon patents and invention patents collect money.

Then there are the newly launched cosmetics. All water-retaining moisturizing Zordhess are taken apart and sold, even if the effect of the Extremis Virus inside is castrated to a heinous degree~www.mtlnovel.com~ but it completely beats the others. cosmetic.

Your other cosmetics, even those well-known brands, can only be used for a year or even several years. Umbrella's cosmetics can be achieved in only one month, or even better!

Of course, these are not the best selling drugs. The best drugs are hair tonic and weight loss drugs!

These two drugs are all Umbrella's products as soon as they are launched. After all, one-third of the American population is obese, and half of the remaining two-thirds are mildly obese. .

Nearly half of the world's obese population, and there are countless people with bald, Mediterranean, hair loss, bald, alopecia areata, etc.

It's really huge, it can eat the profit market for a lifetime without knowing how much.

Umbrella's weight-loss drugs have now helped the United States reduce 90% of moderately obese and severely obese patients.

People with mild obesity disappear directly. Although they need to continue to take medicine, it is not a problem for those who are obese. The most important thing is that they can eat and drink without exercising.