
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 344: Sam Alexander

A worry-free town in Arizona.

It's another ordinary day, and there is nothing exciting here.

A small town or small town with a population of only about 10,000, you can't expect it to be prosperous.

Almost all the shops and entertainment venues in the whole city are set up on both sides of the highway that passes through the city.

Including a Wal-Mart supermarket, a small grocery store, two barber shops, a repair shop and several clothing stores.

There are also two bars, a fast food restaurant, two family restaurants and a gas station.

This is almost the main business place of the entire Arizona Worry-Free Town, and there are some branches in other places, but not many.

If you want to buy more things, then please drive to a big city with a population of more than 500,000, fifty kilometers away.

The whole town is quiet and peaceful, which is unchanging and depressing.

Sam walked down the street kicking the can, and the red Coca-Cola bottle was clanging loudly when he kicked it.

This city is boring. Sam walked down the road and let out a long sigh.

Compared with New York, there is almost nothing in the worry-free town of Arizona.

But here is his family, his little sister and mother live here, oh, if his father didn't leave, he should also live here.

Sam feels that he should live here too, because he has to take care of his mother and sister. He shouldn't be leaving, however. Hey.

Young boys always have a day in which they fantasize about getting ahead.

Sam also hopes that he can do this, establish a reputation in the big city, and then bring his mother and sister a better life.

The person he admires most is Zord Heath, or everyone worships Zord Heath. He is a genius, synonymous with success, the most indispensable core of human progress, and his birth in an era is the greatest fortune. It is also the greatest misfortune.

Fortunately, this era will be remembered in the future. Unfortunately, those geniuses who lived in an era with Zodd Heath will be desolate.

This way, the mother does not have to worry about the living expenses of herself and her sister while working in the supermarket every day.

Sam wants to have a different life, but he doesn't know how to speak to his mother.

She has lost her father, although she keeps saying that his father will come back. But when is that going to happen? Would she be happy if she left home at this time?

Sam didn't know, didn't dare to think about it, he didn't know how to speak.

Thinking of these messy things, Sam has returned home. He opened the door and shouted at the house: "Mom, I'm back."

Today is his mother, Ms. Eva, taking a shift. At this time, she usually prepares dinner for her family in the kitchen, while her little sister will sit in the living room and watch TV.

"You're back, Sam."

Mom was tired as always, but still smiled at herself.

Sam clenched his fists secretly.


His sister also put down the TV and ran out to meet her brother.

Sam touched her head, then went back to his room.

He wants to be a superhero!

As long as he can become a superhero and join the Excalibur Bureau, he can get a very good salary. Sam doesn't know how good he is. He only knows that he can bring his mother and sister to live in the Excalibur Bureau's big city, which is more than other places. Be safe, don't worry about weirdos, don't worry about worms, let alone worry about aliens.

And Sam's reliance was left behind by his father, a helmet with a cross star on the surface.

Wearing this helmet, Sam can gain superpowers, can fly, be powerful, and so on.

Sam's father told many stories, but Sam always thought he was a lie.

When he was young, he used to be a new star in the universe to defend justice and fight against various evil forces. There are also stories about adventures with an organization called the Guardians of the Galaxy.

It was not until this New York battle that Sam knew that there were really aliens in this world, maybe his father didn't lie to him.

Then he found the helmet in the warehouse. It originally belonged to Sam's father.

It belongs to Sam now, and he intends to call himself a hero nickname-Rising Star!

It's just that his feelings for his father are now more complicated. He always thought he was just an ordinary school worker in school, responsible for repairing toilets and sewers.

His father's previous departure or disappearance was because Sam thought he was tired of that humble life, so he abandoned himself, his mother and his sister, but now it might not be that simple.

Maybe it was captured by some evil alien organization?

If my father had ever been a space police officer or something, this might happen.

Just like in the movie, a certain big drug lord finds the policeman who has made him suffer before.

What Sam didn't know was that after he activated the Nova helmet, Umbrella's Black Queen smart program Red Queen locked him.

After all, Zordheath has updated them many times, and the superhero profile has been updated. Zordheath did not cancel this plan, then this plan will continue to run.

This also caused Sam's information to appear on Zodhis' cell phone.

"Rising stars... If I had just come to Earth, I could still think about it. It's no longer necessary now."

Zordhis knew that the Nova itself was a weak scum, and it all relied on the Nova Helmet of the Nova Legion.

Nova Legion, the order maintainer of many galaxies including the Milky Way. There are many black technologies.

It is equivalent to a cosmic policeman, but it is more of a voluntary police job~www.mtlnovel.com~ From the setting point of view, it is very similar to the Green Lantern Corps next door, and its function is very similar. Except for one by the helmet, one by the ring.

Then the Rising Star Army cannot rely on fantasy to transform beyond reality. So Xinxing is almost the green light for the low version. (The Green Lantern has movies to watch, but the shots are okay. It was made by the leading actor of Deadpool, and you should understand the concept of the Rising Star Legion after watching the movie.)

Moreover, the Guardians of the Galaxy are going crazy and raining in the universe, making trouble everywhere, and the key to making a lot of powerful enemies is that. The Star Legion is backed by the Star Jue, and the Star Jue has a very good relationship with the New Star Legion.

Of course, from the setting point of view, the Rising Star Legion is very tall, and the righteous fighters are chosen from the various races in the universe, but they are all different.

The single strength of new stars is generally not high (cosmic level), and most of them are fighting in groups. The combat power of the general nova is the same as Tony's steel armor (universal grade).

Rising star classification.

There are no stars on the brim of the hat, and the Nike logo on the chest is for logistics. It is estimated that the U.S. team will be able to hit a hundred one by one after wearing the cosmic-level equipment.