
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 342: Zodhis decided to play the game seriously

Zordheath didn't have any objection, mainly because just a quota of using the Cavaliers system had given a sky-high price of 100 million U.S. dollars, and Zordheath agreed after thinking about it.

Anyway, just assemble the armor bucket, steel bucket, gold, silver and bronze bucket, thunderfly, **** brother, and sword scorpion casually.

Angel Yan was not honest when he was talking, touching Zordhis with both hands, and then slowly crossed the forbidden line.

Zodhis ignored Angel Yan's actions and fell into deep thought after hanging up the call.

Recently, his research has made new progress. The [weapon] was born by adjusting the fusion of the X gene and the alien gene.

"Weapon of Meteorology-Weather Witch. Implant electromagnetic cells to gain the ability to influence the atmospheric air flow by influencing the planet's magnetic field and the electromagnetic force in the air to control global meteorological activities, making hurricanes, rainstorms, hail, drought, etc. controllable Weapons. Not to mention the secondary disasters caused by celestial phenomena. The energy contained in hurricanes is incomparable to human nuclear bombs, and the weather witches essentially take advantage of the influence of solar radiation, earth rotation, and lunar tides on the atmosphere to make good use of the situation. ."

"But to actually complete it requires a complete Earth weather model, which requires the cooperation of at least three-digit meteorological experts, as well as weather satellites all-weather feedback data, and a supercomputer capable of processing huge amounts of data-the power of a scientific army Only by focusing on the individual can it be completed."

However, Zodhis originally built a huge weather control satellite system, so it is completely possible for this system to cooperate.

Entrusting a person with the power to control the planet's weather is equivalent to creating a **** in ancient times.

I just throw this idea into the database of the Black Queen, and I don't know when it will be used.


Then there is the issue of the development of the Krypton Empire. Although the Krypton Empire is very strong, it also needs money.

It doesn't matter how the internal currency is, only the currency recognized by the whole universe is important.

There are 500 billion stars in the Milky Way, and every star has a habitable zone. As long as the planet's orbit is in the habitable zone, it is possible to have water, atmosphere and even life like the earth. According to incomplete statistics, the Milky Way There may be 10 billion habitable planets.

These planets are good places for the Krypton Empire to carry out interstellar colonization. Each planet has the resources to support billions of Kryptonians.

However, the Kryptonians stepped into space too late, tens of thousands of years later than the Crees, and the Crees were tens of thousands of years later than the Skroons. Most of these habitable planets already have masters, even if they haven't. Development and colonization have already been registered on the Galaxy Quantum Network.

The Krypton Empire is considered a powerful civilization in this star field, but it is not yet powerful enough to ignore the rules of the universe, and cannot arbitrarily **** the livable planets that it has been entitled to.

Those robbed before are not counted, those are done by the Burning Legion, and now the Burning Legion has been wiped out by Zordhis.

So these planets are the territory of the Krypton Empire since ancient times!

Of course, Zordhis could become the overlord of the galaxy if he wanted to.

But that would be boring. Now Zodhis wants to play the game according to the rules, and the Skuru Empire is about to die, probably just recently.

When the time comes, the four empires will be the second. Will the remaining Kerry Empire still be the opponent of the Krypton Empire! ?

If there is anything valuable in the Krypton Empire, it is probably a super soldier.

Thor is worth 10 million galaxy credits in the high sky-zun Saka star arena. Hulk is estimated to be even more valuable. The miscellaneous superheroes sell them at an average price of 10 million credits, and they can earn it all at once. Hundreds of millions of credit coins, so many credit coins, can buy many livable planets.

Super Kryptonians, that is, true Kryptonians, although there is a limit on their strength, they can also beat the cursed warriors with four times the strength of Thor, and each one can sell at least hundreds of millions of credits.

But Zodhis is not a fool. How could he sell Kryptonians? This is equivalent to an empire selling its own people for profit, which is too outrageous.

As for the superheroes who catch the earthlings to sell... Wait, it seems pretty good.

It is estimated that the huge resources of super soldiers on the earth can sell for a lot of money.

In addition, it was the original business of the Burning Legion, earning commissions.

In the Sandal Star Territory, catch a wanted criminal and send it to the headquarters of the New Star Legion. He can get 200,000 to 1 million commissions to help aliens resist cosmic monsters, and can also get a similar amount of bounty.

In addition, there are **** missions (interstellar predators are rampant, there are a hundred factions), adventure collection missions (for example, the Star Lord goes to the ruins to obtain power gems, which is completing an adventurous collection mission), kidnapping missions (such as Yongdu offers a reward of 120,000 credits to capture Xingjue), assassination mission (Ayesha offers a reward of 1 million credits to hire Yongdu to kill Xingjue).

This seems to be considered, isn't that group of players have excess energy, then let them do the task, they can also earn credit points back, foreign exchange enters the local market, can drive the economic development of the Krypton Empire.

As for whether they can succeed or not, what are you kidding about, this is the Marvel universe, the main theme world of superheroes and supervillains!

In this universe, a race without superheroes is sad, a huge fleet, countless years of technology development, tens of billions of people, and hundreds of livable planets in the territory...

Putting the huge fleet of the Kerry Empire and the superhero team of the earth together ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ the scale of victory will tilt towards the more than 6,000 superheroes in New York, USA.

Although New York is gone now, it's almost the same. Excalibur has recruited more than 5,000 superheroes.

When the Kerry Empire was at its strongest, it had tens of thousands of warships, a 500-kilometer-long super-large mothership, and a battleship main gun capable of producing supernova explosions.

But so what?

Above the Kerry Empire, there are also the Scroo Empire, the ancient builders...

The civilization of the Kerry Empire originated from the scientific research spacecraft of the Scrooge Empire, and the ancient builders arrived billions of years ago, opening the seeds of civilization and creating all the civilizations in the universe. They are almost immortal.

These cosmic civilizations, which seemed countless times higher than the people on Earth, were ultimately defeated by a mere dozen people in colorful tights.

This victory has nothing to do with the level of civilization development, economic, political, and military strength. It can only prove that high-dimensional interference is above all else. This similarly realistic world is also ridiculously false.