
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 341: Bugs

I have to say that evolution points are really expensive. For example, it takes more than 1,000 evolution points to evolve from [Blade's Edge Worm] to [Pioneer Hunter] or [Mayfly].

Fortunately, the data of Pioneer Hunter and Mayfly is much higher than that of Blade.

The most important thing is that the mayfly can fly! (You low-level ground species!)

So everyone can only work **** liver evolution points. There is no way to open up wasteland. The conditions are difficult to understand.

Thanks to the previous knowledge sharing by the big brothers in the forum, and many civil engineering students who took the initiative to stand up and take on the responsibility of engineers, there are no problems in our construction work.

In fact, in the past three hours after opening the server, some of us have started to build a house. Let me show you:


Because it is written wherever you think, there may not be any logical order in the expression, so everyone will just take a look.

Next, let me show you some NPCs, live pictures, etc.:

[Image] [image]...

Here is the live broadcast brought to you, I am looking forward to the day when the Zerg kills the Krypton Empire! (Manually funny


[Irish Son of Light: The insects are so terrible, shall we kill them in the future? ]

[Black Technology Xueba: Actually, I am more concerned about why bugs emerge from the soil instead of laying eggs. ]

[Heavy A and Weak Chrysanthemum: According to the official background introduction, the Zerg is a spore-like life form, it is not surprising that it emerges from the soil. ]

[Doraemon is not dorayaki! : Just want to see what the queen looks like? ]

Of course, in addition to the new faction, the influx of a large number of players in the third test also affected the Krypton Empire.

Although Zodhis did not allow players to be born on Krypton because of concerns about their destructive ability, the impact of nearly 200 million players on the local ecological environment and residents is not small.

For example, they tried to enter other people's homes and search everywhere, but they were stopped in time by the Black Queen.

There are also new players who want to hack passers-by. These players are purely chaotic and evil players, so they are punished by the Black Queen.

The races on this planet have begun to immigrate on a large scale, or they are hiding in another corner of the planet.

"I'm so ridiculous, did you read the news yesterday? The hat was blown away..."

"A lot of gold coins are on sale, five yuan and one hundred copper coins. I need it quickly!"

"The price of game currency has dropped again!"

"It's normal. There are more than doubled players. It would be strange if the price of gold coins does not fall but rises."

"Listen to me, hurry up now, and the price of gold coins will definitely go up when you look back!"

"Why the fuck?"

"Now many novice players have a reputation level that is not up to standard, and many green and blue equipment cannot be equipped. When their reputation level goes up, you see if they want to change equipment, then they will have to spend money. There are more people who collect gold coins. Is the price not going up?"

"Veteran! Big brother teaches me. I heard people say that this game is so easy to make money. Some people make money. Why can't I make money?"

"If you want to cut down the tree earlier, the forest farm will be bald."

"6666, the game terrain will be changed by you, it's really invincible."

The construction of the Zerg home planet is very fast, mainly because Zerg players are interested in starting a war with the Krypton Empire.

In the past few days, they began to work normally, cutting down trees and clearing open spaces at a very fast speed, then began to move trees, and began to dig soil to build a simple foundation.

Someone drew blueprints of some buildings on the wooden boards as a guide. In addition to the buildings, they also began to plan various areas. The first to be built was the living area.

Not only the living area, but also a fence made of wood.

This is just over two days!

When the Krypton Empire and the Zerg Mother Star are in full swing, they are busy building, and then preparing for war.

On Earth, the damage caused by the invasion of Zerg continues.

But at this time, the umbrella company introduced the Knight System.

The person who transforms into a Kamen Rider has the same speeding ability as the Zerg, and also has the special move that can end the Zerg.

It's not like Tony Stark has to fight for several hours in a speeding state, forcibly hammering out the worms.

A Zerg was discovered by a detection device developed by the umbrella company. When people flee in panic, a team of heavily armed war machines surrounded the Zerg.

"She's shed!"

The war machine exclaimed, and then they opened fire without hesitation.

The bullet hit the zerg with sparks, and then the swollen outer shell of the zerg cracked, and an adult zerg, modeled after a dragonfly, was drilled out of it!

At this moment, a person came over on a yellow locomotive.

"team leader!"

After the onlookers saw the other person getting off the car, a huge bee flew over and landed on his hand.


Then he inserted the emperor bee into the transforming device on his wrist, and then transformed into the Kamen Rider emperor bee!

Everyone could only see that after a blink of an eye, there was a sudden bang, a green flame rose up, and the Kamen Rider Emperor Bee also changed its appearance, turning his back to the explosion slowly.

"Is this the knight system, Zodhis is really a genius."

The major forces naturally got the videos and materials in the first place.

After seeing the person who turned into Kamen Rider King Bee and the Zerg in an instant, they all realized that the pattern of the world had changed again!

Think about it, a person who has become a Kamen Rider wants to use his speeding ability to kill Mr. President, and then walks out in a big way~www.mtlnovel.com~ I guess no one has noticed it all the way, right?

It's terrible, this weapon.

Can Zordhis control this weapon?

Although they also knew that if Zordheath really wanted to kill Mr. President, it would be futile even if all the forces of the United States tried to intercept him, and Zordheath was so smart, of course he knew that simply killing the president would not solve the problem, so he would not Do it.

But can you guarantee that those who become Kamen Riders will be so sensible, think so and do so?

Therefore, both the United Nations and the Excalibur Bureau found Zordhis on the question of who became the Kamen Rider.

"Hope I give up the quota of the Cavaliers system for you to choose candidates?"

Zodhis was making out with his figure girl Angel Yan, but it didn't matter that he opened a voice communication, and then he heard the request from the United Nations and the Excalibur Bureau.

"We are hired for this quota, and we will never let the umbrella suffer."