
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 34: Atomic Energy Physics

Obadea was attacked, and he had to cut off one hand and one foot. Tony Stark was very angry when he knew it.

   The current Tony Stark still regards Obadiah as his closest relative. In his opinion, this is hurting his family. No matter who it is, Tony Stark will never let him go!

For the war machine of Blade Technology Industry, Tony Stark has already developed his own weapons. The self-defense system is just a signal to remind Zod that he is about to launch an attack. Neither of them regards the self-defense system as one. Going on.

The Osborne Industry was on the verge of closing down. The emergence of the war machine hurt the Osborne Industry too much. When shareholders wanted to cannibalize the Osborne Empire, the Blade Technology Industry took a hand and got the Osborne Industry 100 Thirty-fifths of the equity, most of the shareholders have already sold the equity and shares of Osborne Industries. Blade Technology Industry's move this time can only be said to be a loss. Ould has advised on more than one occasion that Osborne Industries has no future. Yes, but of course Zod will not watch the Norman and Osborne industries close down. He also needs the laboratory of Osborne Industrial Research Super Soldier Serum, as well as all kinds of data and instruments.

Norman had a bottom in his heart, so he didn't panic at all and confronted the shareholders. This was actually a clearance of Zod. Even the military sold off the shares held by Osborne Industries when the stock price of Osborne Industries plunged. Thirty is only more than half. Norman himself has taken back a lot of shares. Now there are only Norman, Harry and Zod in the shareholders meeting. The remaining small shareholders are not to be afraid of. It is precisely because of this, Zod Only then can the production and research of the animalized soldiers be transferred to Norman.

  Norman took the initiative to accept the transformation of the lycanthrope. Zod gave him a place for the lycanthrope. As for the super lycanthrope, it can only be made in the Blade Technology Industrial Base.

   Osborne Industries held a press conference in order to win back the stock price.

   "Mr. Norman Osborne, what do you think about the acquisition of shares of Osborne Industries by Blade Technology Industries, which invested tens of billions of dollars?"

   A blonde girl squeezed to the front with a microphone, her red lips are very eye-catching.

   "I can only say that this is a collaboration. Next, Osborne Industries will cooperate with Blade Technology Industry in the biological field. As we all know, the biological field..."

Norman is in a good mood. After becoming a beast soldier, he is about to join the world snake. Apart from being warned not to let people get pregnant, so as to avoid the problem of genetic hybridization. Norman can be said to be a light body and has troubled his family for so many years. Her genetic disease has also been completely resolved. There is no need to inject special medicines every once in a while. The next step is to see when Harry is contacted.

"Mr. Norman, what do you mean is that Blade Technology is looking for Osborne Industries to cooperate in the biological field? What is this cooperation project? Who will lead it? Mr. Zord Heath will participate in this project. Is it a cooperative project?"

   Other reporters felt that this was big news. Blade Technology Industry now completely replaced Stark Industry. Every time it appeared was a big event that shocked the world. For Blade Technology Industry, people only have one word to say.

   "Can your special products be produced faster!"

The special effects for mice, cockroaches, mosquitoes, and flies are sold out of stock. They are now severely out of stock. However, the blade technology industry cannot produce them. The same lack of sufficient assembly lines. The same is true for vitamin ∞. The secondary krypton gold and war machine are even more serious Needless to say.

   "What the cooperative project is for the time being kept secret, but with the name Zodhis, I believe you will not be disappointed. Osborne Industries and Blade Technology Industries are already at the forefront of the next era. Please look forward to it."

   Norman ended the press conference. In fact, the project Zod handed over to him was not about the biological field, but about the energy.

  Norman can't understand very well. Doesn't Blade Technology Industry already have a "tinder" reactor, why do they need to study other energy sources?

   But he still followed Zod's orders and found a physicist named Otto Gunther Octavius.

This physicist majored in physical sciences and became an outstanding nuclear energy physicist. His specialization is atomic energy physics. He has published many well-received papers in the industry. He is currently looking for someone to invest to enable him to develop tritium. reactor.

Otto was surprised when he was called by Norman. When he heard that it was Zodhis who asked Norman to come to him, Otto was relieved. In the opinion of Otto, who is confident that he has not experienced failure, Zodhi Si is basically the super genius of this century such as Einstein, Tesla, and Joule, and there can only be one evildoer in each century.

   After all, Zodhis has realized a cold nuclear fusion reactor that is more difficult than a tritium reactor, and it is still a scaled-down ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although Stark Industries has long had a cold nuclear fusion reactor, and it is still huge.

   But that was accumulated over several generations, and Zordhis did not have any information about cold nuclear fusion reactors, so he built a downsized cold nuclear fusion reactor entirely on his own.

   So it's not surprising that Zodhis will recognize himself, because he is such a genius, he has something in common with himself.

  Of course, Otto also has a question. Since there is a better and more environmentally friendly cold nuclear fusion reactor, why should he come to him?

You know, Zordheath and his "tinder" reactor are basically Otto's obstacles. Before Zordheis was born, Otto's tritium reactor could still get investment and sponsorship, although history Tuck Industries' cold nuclear fusion reactor market is larger, but after the advent of Zordhis's fire reactor, Otto's tritium reactor is completely dismissed. Since there are more advanced, more environmentally friendly, and better fire reactors, There is no need to pursue a tritium reactor.

   Otto, who has been studying for most of his life, has fallen into the worst of his life. Fortunately, his lover never gives up. He also plans to abandon the tritium reactor and re-study other fields.

   "Science can't only be a one-way street, Dr. Otto."

  Zodhis answered Otto's question after meeting.

   Then came some academic discussion. Although Zordhis did not have the physical science of Krypton, he learned a lot of the physics of atomic energy on the earth, and he also studied at Anton Vanke and Ivan Vanke, which is more than enough for Otto.

  Geniuses can only be subdued by more geniuses, Otto felt right after experiencing it for himself.

   "Open up as much capital as you need."

  Zodhis put down a blank check.