
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 336: Vacuum 0 point energy

As we all know, in the Fantastic Four, Mr. Fantastic Richard likes scientific research daily.

For example, opening a channel to other worlds, and then what kind of monsters will appear.

This time is no exception. When Zordhis arrived, the interior of the building was already full of chaotic spaces and passages, densely packed, making the scalp numb.

Not to mention that there is a lot of horror in these passages.

The Fantastic Four was even missing. Zodhis looked around, sighed and shattered all the monsters that rushed out.

By adjusting the existence of microscopic matter through gravitational waves and magnetic waves, the bridge between three-dimensional space and four-dimensional five-dimensional space can fully achieve the ability to adjust time by dialing the timeline.

After Zordhis showed this kind of ability, the chaotic time and space inside the building began to become orderly again.

However, Zordhis soon discovered that such a chaotic time and space was filled with a large amount of vacuum zero-point energy.

As we all know, quantum theory is one of the two cornerstones of modern physics.

Quantum theory predicts that there is a huge amount of background energy in the vacuum, which still exists under the condition of absolute zero, which is called the vacuum zero point energy.

The idea of ​​zero-point energy comes from a well-known concept of quantum mechanics: Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

The principle states that it is impossible to know the position and momentum of a particle with high accuracy at the same time. Therefore, when the temperature drops to absolute zero, the particle must still be vibrating; otherwise, if the particle stops completely, its momentum and position can be accurately measured at the same time, which violates the principle of uncertainty.

The energy of this particle's vibration at absolute zero (zero-point vibration) is zero-point energy.

This energy is so powerful. According to the calculation of scientist Wheeler, the energy density of a vacuum can reach 10^95gcm^3, which means that the energy produced by the annihilation of matter in the entire universe may not be as much as the zero point energy of a cubic centimeter of vacuum!

So, can such a huge vacuum zero point energy be extracted? Or will it have any effect after extraction?

Due to the conservation of energy in the entire universe, it may as well regard this sum of energy as zero. Hawking believes that the energy possessed by matter motion is positive, while gravitational energy is negative (it takes work to get rid of gravity), then the extraction of zero-point energy in the vacuum makes the matter in the universe possess With more energy, will there be some kind of effect to interfere to make the total energy constant?

Krypton has already been studied at this point, and Zodhis doesn't know how far the Earth in his previous life has reached in this respect, but the study of Krypton cannot.

Because after the extraction operator acts |0> or |0>, it will not become |-1>.

The vacuum zero point energy is at the ground state energy level of quantum vacuum. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to extract it for use without consuming additional energy. The energy consumed will only be more than the energy obtained.

Back to the topic, there is an energy level difference between a false vacuum and a true vacuum. What does this mean?

It means that if a point falls from a false vacuum to a true vacuum, its incredible potential energy will give it the same amount of kinetic energy, enough for it to complete a world-breaking explosion.

It's okay to just almost the Big Bang directly, you don't care about Master Gu Yi!

That's how it was said, but Zodhis seemed to be stunned, and stood there blankly.

The zero-point energy of a cubic centimeter of vacuum is much more than the matter of a universe. It is a huge energy that astronomical figures cannot describe.

The limit from the single universe to the multiverse level is the concept of "infinity" and "infinity".

The surrounding vacuum zero can maintain the danger of a big bang that may destroy the entire universe at any time, but Zordhis seems to have found his way to become a multiverse.

We cannot absorb the universe to reach the concepts of "infinity" and "infinity".

Then why can't I absorb the vacuum zero point energy to reach it?

As I just said, it is impossible to extract the zero-point energy of the vacuum normally, but here is the Marvel Universe, a world that I can do by thinking about it. Basic physics and quantum mechanics are estimated to be as fragile as foam plastics, and they can be casually taken by people. Strong.

So how to achieve a steady stream of energy from the vacuum?

The answer is to extract the energy whose total value is zero.

Extracting zero energy, naturally does not need to consume any additional energy.

It sounds like a cold joke, but this is the truth.

Zordhis' current accumulated knowledge of time and space has proved that starting from the three-dimensional space of the ground state, and moving along the expanded fourth dimension to the limit, one can reach another three-dimensional space of the ground state.

That is the space where there exists the same amount of antimatter as the current universe's total matter, negative three-dimensional space, and anti-universe.

The quantum vacuum ground state energy level in the positive three-dimensional space is the highest energy level in the negative three-dimensional space. In the anti-universe, all energy reactions proceed toward the lower negative energy level.

If the energy level of the vacuum zero point energy is 0 and the energy level in normal space is 1, then the normal energy level in the universe is -1.

Therefore, if you want to extract the zero-point energy of the vacuum without restriction, you have to penetrate the positive and negative universe, extract the ground state 0, and split it into positive one and negative one along the two-way channel, so that the sum of the extracted energy is still the same for the entire universe. Zero, but in a single three-dimensional space, there is an extra amount of energy that can be used at will.

Every time Zordhis extracts a piece of vacuum zero-point energy, it means that an equal amount of negative energy is produced on the anti-universe side.

To be honest, this behavior of extracting vacuum energy ~www.mtlnovel.com~ is estimated to accelerate certain reaction processes between the front and back of the universe, and may accelerate the arrival of the end of the universe... But this is a drizzle of extraction. The universe is so vast, don't care about these details.

So although Zordhis currently understands the technical details of the vacuum zero-point energy, he has a big practical operation problem to be solved-how to penetrate the positive and negative universe and build the initial cornerstone together at the two ends?

In terms of previous experimental results, the twisted four-dimensional space-time at the center of the black hole undoubtedly leads to the anti-universe side, but it is impossible for any matter to pass through the four-dimensional channel at the center of the black hole.

Because the closer to the twisted space-time, the slower time passes. It is only a momentary thing for him to fall into the black hole and die, but from the outside, he can find that his body is solidified near the black hole until the end of the universe.

Of course, this is not possible for others, but for Zodhis, it is much simpler.

So Zodhis pondered for a while, and then he began to twist the time and space around him, constructing a low in time and space in the environment near the black hole.

Relative to him, external things stood on the plateau of time and space, and their time operations suddenly accelerated crazily.