
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 335: Ask for help

They are all enemies, but all they see are smiling faces. Under such a situation, they can find the abnormality of S.H.I.E.L.D., which shows that he is qualified as an agent; and can gather the remaining parts after S.H.I.E.L.D. is disbanded, and Relying on the previously operated system to continue to work hard to protect the earth, he is also qualified as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.

Nick Fury took the shot, and he stopped the malice against Excalibur and Tony Stark.

I also see clearly who is contributing to the flames behind the scenes.


The contradictions within the blood race have reached a terrible level after decades or even hundreds of years of accumulation, but the gap in individual strength has been suppressing the voices that contradict the thirteen pure-blood elders, but after entering the new century, all this All have begun to change, and the development of the world is gradually incomprehensible.

Not to mention the Zergs that accompany meteorites, the increasingly advanced human technology gradually challenges the power of vampires. Those who desire longevity are no longer loyal to the kinsmen, but instead develop technology, and the development of various products makes the situation of vampires even more Danger.

Heroes are born in troubled times. Under the great changes unseen in a thousand years, the already rigid order within the blood clan begins to turbulence. Everyone wants to challenge authority, but the prerequisite for challenging the blood clan ruling class is to have strength!

Tony Stark's suit is a good choice.

Before Zodhis was there, everyone was shocked by him, even the blood race did not dare to do things behind, for fear that the omnipotent super genius would develop something that could kill all blood races in the next moment.

"The blood family wants to do something?"

Ma messed with Fakxia's face dark, although he was dark at first, but now he can still be seen that he is even darker.

The blood races have always been involved in things. The blood races that love humans in movies and TV are just propaganda methods used by the blood races to reduce the resistance of human beings. If there is no behind-the-scenes man, those writers who were originally little-known really Will it generate electricity for love?

There is such a story that alien creatures from high latitudes descend on the earth and discover that the earth is controlled by something called "capital", and the existence of "humanity" is just a slave of "capital".

Human civilization is built on petroleum, coal and its by-products. No matter what you need, food, shelter, or transportation, you can't leave the products derived from these two things. Even hundreds of millions of people live on an industrial line derived from petroleum. These two things are the lifeblood of the global economy.

As long as they master the resource of oil, even in the desert, the giants can build the most prosperous city in the world.

In order to maintain this kind of power, capitalists have done their best to not only promote oil as a non-renewable resource by buying scientists and manipulating public opinion, but also suppress the claims that oil is actually a renewable mineral.

In addition to these, energy giants continue to suppress alternative technologies, attacking new energy sources, high-energy batteries and the like, just like when the car first appeared, the bosses of the carriage shop aggressively attacked the "unsafe" and "slow speed" of the car in the newspapers. "The kind of problem is the fear of cars taking away their business.

Even Tony Stark was attacked by resource giants when he gave up the arms business and entered the new energy market established by the Ark reactor, causing the stock to plummet.

If it is not backed by the Excalibur Bureau, the relationship between the arms business and the military has always been good, and the Stark Group is an established capital group, and there are unmatched talents and exposure as a hero activity. Stark's wealth will evaporate a lot out of thin air.

The troublesome thing about the kinsmen is... they have learned to control capitalists and oil.

This made them an existence that could not be shaken, except for the years when Zodhis was the director of the Excalibur Bureau, they were so honest that they could get a social youth award.

At other times, the blood races are very arrogant and domineering.

"They want a mimic suit. They can buy it for ten billion dollars, or use an oil mine to exchange for a hundred mimic suits."

The person Majesty Fakxia asked was a member of the intelligence department in the Excalibur Bureau, which was Agent Hill.

"They are delusional!"

Nick Fury sneered, one oil mine for one hundred mimicry suits?

Even if it's an oil mine, Tony Stark doesn't bother to deal with it. The horrible data and combat effectiveness of the mimic battle suit are almost equivalent to mass production Hulk. What is this concept?

Not to mention that the mimicry suit also has diverse functions. It is completely an almighty warrior. Tony Stark can't hand it over at all, and no one can let him hand it over.

In the absence of a replacement in a short period of time, Tony Stark can become a first-class powerhouse in the universe by mimicking his suit.

As for the previous powerful symbiote battle suit, it has been eliminated by Tony Stark and put in the basement as a collection.

"Your Majesty, Zerg is really a powerful biological weapon..."

After the empress watched the whole battle, she obtained a lot of data.

She is very interested in this kind of humanoid creature.

"Speeding is just the basic ability of the Zerg, in addition to the ability to attack with energy, stop time, absorb vitality and energy to counterattack, split, create a subspace, and so on."

Zodhis said quietly.

"I have to overthrow the current Zerg and start over, so I can't serve your Majesty for the time being."

Said the queen.

"How is the digestion of the Extremis Virus? Can it be perfectly integrated?"

Zodhis nodded and didn't care, but asked other things.

"Extreme Virus fits very well with the Zerg. In addition, your Majesty, I think the Zerg can evolve elite bugs with superpowers by capturing superpowers on Earth. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com"

The queen suggested.

"No, I will give you a copy of mutant genes and alien genes later. Most superpowers are actually mutants and aliens."

When Zordhis was about to explain something, suddenly, the time and space in front of him became distorted, and a child-like translucent figure struggling to emerge.

"Uncle Zod, hurry... go and save my mother..."

After that, the struggling child was dragged back by the time and space that was glued like super glue.

When the empress was looking dazed, she found that Zodhis had disappeared.

Using its unmatched gravitational force as a lever, leveraging the four fundamental forces of the universe, Zordhis was able to span thousands of light-years of time and space in an instant. Without even a femtosecond, he reached the magic four. Xia built a new building in Los Angeles.

Then he knew why Franklin would ask for help. This building opened a way to other worlds!