
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 334: Powerful suit

The people around ran away in a panic after the governor became a Zerg, and Tony Stark also put on his new uniform for the first time.

A mimicry suit that is more powerful than the symbiote suit! ! !

Just when these people started to take the first step, the special abilities of the Zerg were activated, and the world seemed to be slowed down sixty-four times, allowing the Zerg to move arbitrarily and no one could see its figure following. Its speed.

But Tony Stark did it.

"Zerg Mode!"

The mimicry suit on Tony Stark deformed at a very fast speed, slightly changed its appearance, and the appearance of the armor suddenly began to change.

Part of the metal suddenly seemed to become a fine liquid, quickly reorganized and solidified into a new form. In less than half a second, the red armor on the chest of the armor was separated to both sides, and the central part It was replaced by red armor studded with golden stripes, gleaming neon lights in the rain.

"Zerg mode is complete!"

Steve is trying his best to prevent the Zerg from harming other people. His movements are fixed in the display in front of Tony Stark along with the hideous expression, slowly decreasing with a degree of movement that is almost invisible to the naked eye.

The rain and water all over the sky solidified in the air, and turned into countless drops of water, just like a magical landscape painting.

Tony Stark took a deep breath to adjust his rhythm, experiencing this incredible feeling.

The invisible force field enveloped every part of the mimic battle suit in the form of electric current, and the golden glow of electric current was reflected in the countless water droplets still in front of him.

"Is this the world in the eyes of Zerg, it's really beautiful."

Tony Stark said so.

"See its movements, and can still keep up with it!"

The figure that was originally captured by a high-speed camera slowed down in front of Tony Stark's eyes. Although the movement of the Zerg was still swift, Tony Stark was able to keep up within the range of human acceptance.

He clenched his fists and moved his feet.

The metal body disappeared in an instant, and a circle of white spray burst out suddenly on the ground.

Zerg originally thought that no one could keep up with his speed, but Tony Stark punched him directly and flew out.

Tony Stark's mimicry suit continued to flow with energy light.

This mimicry suit that brought together him and Dr. Bruce Banner (Doctor, you crossed the field again.) made Tony Stark the possibility of becoming the strongest superhero in Excalibur.

In addition to the Zerg mode, the mimicry suit also has the infinitely powerful Hulk mode, the agile spider mode, the stone mode with very strong defense, the red Hulk mode that can use high temperature attacks... and so on.

"Tony Stark is really a genius. A larva of a Zerg can upgrade his suit skills to this level."

Zordheath marveled at Tony Stark's genius. Although he could do it, Zordheath could only do it by standing on the shoulders of the giant Krypton.

Without the advantage brought by overspeeding, Zerg was completely crushed by Tony Stark. Although his mimicry suit has not yet completed the most perfect stage, that is, he has the power of all modes at the same time, but Jarvis plays on his behalf. , It is estimated that the fighting skills are stronger than that of the Chief of Heaven.

The Zerg was knocked down in three or two, but at this time Tony Stark's embarrassment also came.

He doesn't have a knight kicking nirvana, and he can only kill Zergs in a speeding state by hand-to-hand combat. After all, at this speed, even light can easily avoid it.

After everyone arrived in the next second, a loud noise suddenly came from their ears, and the air swelled and exploded, shattering all the fragile items.

Tony Stark stood on the side with rising air currents.

The zerg that threatened everyone's lives fell to the ground on the other side. The exoskeleton was broken and limbs were mutilated, and the viscous green tissue fluid flowed all over the place, as if being crushed by a truck, it was as miserable as it had become a corpse.

The battle between humans and the Zerg was won for the first time.

Although the Zerg is powerful, its physical strength alone is not as strong as the endless superheroes and villains. It's just that the ability to move at super high speed is too difficult to deal with. As long as it can keep up with its speed and have a certain degree of aggression, it is very easy to solve. easy.

Tony Stark abruptly knocked down the adult with only his fists and feet, and then fainted because the load on his body exceeded the limit.

After the incident, the five gangsters strongly demanded Tony Stark to hand over the skills of mimicry suits, because there were so many Zergs that Tony Stark alone could not deal with them all.

There shouldn't be only one mimicry suit!

This time, the United Nations, which stood on the righteous side of mankind, and lost the incomparable super genius Zordhis, Excalibur was facing tremendous pressure.

But at this time, the Excalibur Trinity system created by Zodhis came out.

Steve is the face of the Excalibur Bureau, which is the image of the Excalibur Bureau. With him as the director of the Excalibur Bureau, except for some people, everyone else is at ease or can't think of other than Zordheath. Who is eligible to grab the position of director of the Excalibur Bureau with Steve?

Tony Stark is the head of the Supervisory Department of the Excalibur Bureau. With his uncompromising, confident and conceited attitude, no one can do things in front of him, and he will not get along with anyone. Nobody gives face.

Finally, there is Deputy Director Nick Fury. Although Ma messed with Batman without Batman's ability, he was in Batman's heart, but he became the Deputy Director that is the reason why Zordhes feels relieved~www.mtlnovel.com~United Nations To oppress Tony Stark and Excalibur Bureau with human righteousness?

Who is the Majestic Fakxia? The dignified former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the king of secret agents, he is always prepared for the worst. This principle is so principled that he doesn't even eat diagonally cut toast, and he doesn't even kill Deadpool. How could a temperamental person endure being restrained by a rope around his neck.

Based on the funds of the Security Council and the information collected by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, under the concealment of the complicated and complicated rules of the American financial industry, Nick Fury has mastered the shares of many large and small company groups. To support a special agent system independent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and exclusive to him, the bulk of which is Stark Industries.

As a shareholder of a large arms group, Nick Fury can use this capacity to purchase a batch of equipment at an internal price, and then quote the market price when reporting, and this expenditure will be used as a shareholder dividend to enter the one-eyed bald head. In the account, one eats two ends-so Stark Industry can't lose.

Regardless of his behavior, Nick Fury is a capable person-at least the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was Hydra, and under the connivance of the former director, S.H.I.E.L.D. only had to change its name to Hydra, and whoever would be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Only being kept in the dark by the concerted efforts of the upper and lower, can only fall into the fate of being overhead.