
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 333: Hardest hit area

Later, the exposure of the Zerg was only an accident. When a certain Zerg mimicry was undergoing a physical examination, the doctor discovered through medical equipment that the Zerg mimicry was different from normal people in certain physiological aspects, and then the Zerg was reported to the relevant department. The existence of is known.

But like that sentence, "As long as you see a cockroach at home, it means that there are hundreds of cockroaches hiding in the house." Before the zerg was discovered, the human society had been infiltrated by the zerg. It's full of sores.

Before the exposure of the Zerg, there was an urban legend circulating among the people-if one day you see someone exactly like you, then your death date will not be far away, that person is your dual body, He (she) will kill you and live as you.

"Excalibur Bureau investigated and found that the appearance of Zerg was probably related to the meteorite that destroyed Shibuya Town in Kansas within a few months."

Excalibur Bureau's investigation into the emergence of Zerg is very detailed, mainly because humans now attach great importance to all kinds of monsters, and there will be no such things as obstruction of investigations, non-cooperation, or mentally disabled leaders in the movie.

Under such an efficient investigation, the Excalibur Bureau quickly found out the time when the Zerg appeared and what happened recently.

The meteorite that destroyed a small town is obviously a very large meteorite. However, the American Aerospace Research Institute only found a small piece of meteorite debris and obtained a good metallic mineral.

But now it seems that it is very likely that this meteorite is malicious.

"Is this kind of speculation really reliable? Under that kind of shock, there shouldn't be any creatures that can survive the ultra-high temperature."

People in the Security Council are also skeptical of the Excalibur Bureau investigation.

"In fact, the first urban legend, the so-called rumor that you will die if you encounter a double body, is in the area near Shibuya Town, and most of the urban legends in the early stage are also in that area, until one Only a month ago, this kind of urban legend began to spread across the United States."

Nick Fury said with a cold face, not to mention Tony Stark, he also had a headache.

It was mainly Tony Stark who had caught live Zerg larvae, that is, larvae that did not shed their skins. Through research, Tony Stark was shocked to discover how powerful and terrifying this creature was.

However, Tony Stark is not without benefits, that is, he has extracted materials from the mimicry of this creature, and plans to add it to his battle suit.

He faintly felt that his suit might be about to usher in a breakthrough of leaps and bounds.


Hearing that the Zerg has spread throughout the United States, the members of the Security Council took a deep breath, and the directors of other countries decided to immediately close all traffic, including air routes and waterways, between their own country and the United States after returning.

"How serious is the situation?"

The Security Council was shocked for a while, then asked.

"It's very serious. The United States has now become the hardest-hit area. Other countries may not be able to avoid it. I suggest increasing the armed forces of the Excalibur Bureau, for example, purchasing a large number of war machines from the umbrella company."

Nick Fury motioned to Captain America Steve, and Steve said immediately.

"As for the war machine, can't we already produce it ourselves?"

Said the Security Council.

Ultron's matter was quickly resolved, but because the psychic gem is now in the hands of Zodhis, the vision is not born, and the vibrating body is useless. For the blessing of Toautron, the human side The five gangsters obtained the production technology of the war machine.

The Umbrella Company's War Machine and Iron Overlord were quickly run out of the monopoly market by the five gangsters' War Machine and Iron Overlord, but the other umbrella company didn't care about the sales of War Gear and Iron Overlord at all.

After all, the third-generation Decepticons of War Machine and the fourth-generation Zaku units still monopolized the world's business, and the five gangsters and the world still have to buy from the umbrella company.

"The war against alien life forms is not smooth. Finding out the lurking Zergs from the total population of 285 million U.S. Emperors is not an easy task, especially when Zergs find that the situation is not good for them, they will change their mimicry. Object."

Tony Stark rarely explained.

"Moreover, the individual strength of the Zerg is very strong. If it is a Zerg in the pupal state, the Excalibur Armed Forces wearing a war machine can pay a certain price to destroy it; but once the Zerg mimics to a certain degree, it will be destroyed. It will enter the molting stage and develop into a more powerful adult with a speed that exceeds the speed of human visual capture."

Nick Fury continued.

"The war machine can't deal with it?"

Asked the Security Council man in surprise.

"Yes, the war machine will not only become a living target in front of the adults, but the attack power of the adults is also very strong. The Excalibur Bureau has already lost a hundred war machines and more than a dozen Iron Overlord's deworming units."

The Security Council, which knows exactly what the concept of more than one hundred war machines and more than ten Iron Overlords is, would like to say that this is impossible!

Although they weren't the strangers and aliens who had destroyed the heavens and the earth, they were all very small in number. However, the number of alien life forms was very large.

"Are there many adults?"

A director asked seriously.

"Very many. This kind of extraterrestrial life forms basically within a hundred larvae, it is possible to give birth to an adult, and the strength of the adults is also different."

Of course, even if it is an adult, the superheroes can deal with it, but they can't keep up with the speeding movement of the adult.

In normal fighting and fighting, Hulk can smash the adults into scum~www.mtlnovel.com~ I heard that there is one adult in a hundred larvae. Even if there are only a thousand larvae, there are ten adults.

What's more, the situation investigated by Excalibur Bureau is that Zerg worms spread all over the United States, and America has become the hardest hit area.

Thinking of this, the Security Council went numb, and they quickly approved the Excalibur Bureau and Umbrella Company to purchase the funds for the Decepticons.

They all understand the truth about lip and tooth cold, and since the main battlefield is in the United States, it couldn't be better.

The Excalibur Bureau was not idle either. With the efforts of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, they developed a detection device that could detect Zerg, and then hunted down a Zerg disguised as the governor of Kansas.

Unfortunately, it is only an adult.

This Zerg is like a combination of a human and some kind of spider. It is two meters high and has a human-shaped outline. Its face is symmetrical with three pairs of black glass bead-like eyes, and its hands are insect claws, four pairs. The appendages are curled up on the ribs, the whole body is covered by a gray-brown and black exoskeleton, and the body is covered with tiny spikes.