
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 332: Zerg Invasion

"Fuck, why are these bugs so powerful?"

The machine gunner players all complained, and even if their heads were blown out, they wouldn't die, and even if their stomachs were pierced, they could still violently knock down players and soldiers.

However, more than half of the casualties on the player's side did not collapse, but the vassal race and new immigrants collapsed first.

Obviously none of them died under the protection of the players. After all, the players discovered that the "Krypton Empire" is a **** thief, and the soldiers under their hands will not be refreshed after they die. They have to recruit by themselves, and then the soldiers die too much. When recruiting, those NPCs refused to follow them, because their death rate was too high, so the NPCs refused.

In desperation, the players had no choice but to scold the dog for planning, and at the same time chose to protect their own little soldiers. Too many deaths would not be able to become the overlord of a planet.

But they didn't expect their little soldiers to be frightened to collapse by the fierceness of the Zerg.

"This game is too hardcore, right? My little soldiers were so scared that they asked to retreat. If they were not allowed to retreat, they defected directly."

"Fuck, I worked so hard to make money to buy equipment for them, but they turned around and ran away!"

"Gan, I took the lead, shouting and rushing with me, why did they scare away?"

The players cursed, but they still didn't flinch to fight the Zerg.

But they were quickly overwhelmed by the Zerg.

"The hunters seem to be much better than them."

After the queen got the new gene, she said with satisfaction.

Directly smashed a hundred million hunters, killing the players has no way to play, although they can be resurrected infinitely, but their money and equipment can not be resurrected infinitely.

"Queen, I have an idea, see if you can realize it."

Zordhis said to the queen.

"I am happy to serve you, great emperor."

The queen closed her forelimbs.

Although she has a very feminine name, she is actually a black beetle with six pairs of cicada wings over a hundred meters in length, and her abdomen is bloated.

But what she produced was not eggs, but spores.

After all, insects are all plant-like organisms, not oviparous organisms.

Coupled with the small size of the spores, the queen can release hundreds of millions of spores at a time, and these spores will then lodge in the soil.

The spores in the soil begin to sprout slowly. They will spread underground to form countless plant ovaries. With sufficient nutrients and water, the first batch of worms born are pioneer insects and working insects, the latter of which The work of farming mushroom plants, the former becomes food for newly hatched hunters/hunters.

The entire ecosystem does not need foreign objects to provide excess nutrients, ensuring that hunters will never lack human and food resources no matter where they march.

But now, with a large number of new genes and Zordhis's advice, the queen began to encode the next spores.

She was very interested in the concepts of Zerg and Protozoa proposed by Zordhis.

There are also the concepts and prototypes of the Tyrann Zerg and the Zerg Zerg, the Star Zerg and the Galaxy Squad Zerg, as well as aliens and many other bugs or bug-like life forms.

The Tyrannian Zerg can be said to be a race very similar to the Zergella. The main reason is that the Tyrannian Zerg has no worm type. Instead of relying on the fangs and claws that come from the womb, they will use weapons to walk upright like a human. Category.


On the earth, the night sky with a dim moonlight is lit up-it is a meteorite attracted by the gravity of the earth.

It was brought from outside the solar system, not captured by Jupiter's gravity, not blocked by the moon, and went straight to the earth to compete with the atmosphere of the planet's last barrier, as the outer material was rapidly consumed in friction. There was a dazzling light.

The meteor that pierced the night sky cut into the atmosphere and traversed most of the earth, and finally crashed into a small town in Kansas, USA. The huge impact completely destroyed the small town!

The number of meteorites falling to the earth every year is a huge number. On average, the amount of material carried by meteorites to the earth every year is as high as tens of tons or even hundreds of tons.

Most of these meteorites will turn into dust in the friction with the atmosphere, and very few can survive. In addition, 71% of the earth's area is covered by the ocean, and the land is occupied by humans. The range is not wide, and there are even fewer meteorites discovered by humans.

The meteorite that destroyed a town in Kansas is a rare occurrence in a century, so it got the name of the destroyed town and was named the Shibuya Town Meteorite.

After the meteorite falls, there is a special organization to recover it. Certain traces of material on the earth are brought to the earth by the meteorite over a long period of time.

The Excalibur Bureau ignored such trivial matters. After all, there were so many meteorites falling every year, and the Excalibur Bureau would be too busy to take care of everything.

As far as the American space research institutes think, this meteorite is an iron meteorite, and the metal composition is quite excellent, as if it has been processed by humans. The best alloy on the earth, the secondary krypton gold is only a line higher than it. .

Through the reverse analysis of this kind of metal, many technologies that have been stalled due to material limitations can be developed, and America's lead in all aspects can be further advanced.

But what a meteorite brings is not a gift. There is also a disaster. The destruction of small towns is just the beginning. Along with the meteorite, it descends on the extraterrestrial life form of the earth-Zerg is a greater threat to people.

It was a green life form that resembled the pupae of certain insects, covered with various wrinkles, and had hands and feet that looked like humans but were asymmetrical.

Zergs have the ability to mimicry ~www.mtlnovel.com~ can change their appearance at will and pretend to be anyone, and even their memories can be copied together.

And the physical fitness far superior to humans allows Zergs to kill mimics immediately after mimicry, and destroy the corpses through the secretion of special acid. With the help of human's advanced transportation ability, in a short period of time There are countless Zergs that have lurked into human society.

The Zerg mimicry incident that occurred earlier than the secret invasion event caused by the Skrulls is obviously much more serious.

After all, in the secret invasion event, the targets of the Skrulls are all superheroes. They want to solve the powerful guardians on this planet by initiating the internal fighting of the superheroes. Then the Skrulls can directly receive the earth Up.

However, this is still too early. The Scroo's empire has not been wiped out by the Kerry Empire. Although they are eyeing the earth, they are not so urgent yet that Nick Fury trusts him because of Captain Marvel. Batches of Scroo refugees.

One of them also became Nick Fury's stand-in, but it was also because of this Skrull that he was able to carry out internal fighting so successfully.