
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 329: The destruction of the universe

The attack on important employees of the umbrella company also made the umbrella company angry, and the United Nations was also angry.

It's not good if you don't get angry, after all, who knows if the umbrella company will think they did it.

Let's follow a piece of anger, so as not to be misunderstood.

But who is such a tiger who dares to move the umbrella company?

"Excalibur Bureau will attach importance to this kind of thing and will never let it happen again."

Steve made a fair guarantee, and then used the power of Excalibur to help the Umbrella Company fight the enemy... No, it was the attacker.

As a result, everyone who has targeted the umbrella company has been questioned by the Excalibur Bureau, especially the Rockson Energy Company, which has sent thousands of lawyers' letters to the umbrella company every day.

Roxon Energy CEO Dario Agger showed a strong attitude of non-cooperation in the face of Excalibur's inquiries.

If it is normal, because Roxon Energy has its own large team of mercenaries, as well as many powerful weapons and powers, and there are still capitalists for a long time, maybe Excalibur Bureau does not use his hobbing meat. Method.

But now it is different. The United Nations is behind it, no matter who it is, just check it!

No matter who it is, if you die, you will die!

Nick Fury was like holding a chicken feather as an arrow. It was unlucky to catch anyone, and everyone who could not handle it usually took advantage of this opportunity to deal with it.

What's more, a little Dario?

Besides, he and Roxon Energy are not clean.

"You dare to catch me!!!"

Dario yelled at the Excalibur Bureau angrily.

It's just that no one cares about him.

Although he was very angry, although he wanted to become Minotaur and make a fuss, he rushed out of the prison directly.

But Dario has read and doesn't know how many superhero information, so he knows very well that if he really becomes Minotaur, the result may be a battle against Hulk, Red Hulk, Golem, Super Abomination, Captain America ,iron Man...

Even though Minotaur was a demigod and very powerful, it couldn't hold back this group of people basically having the ability to kill gods.

It is estimated that the best result is to be beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, and the worst result is to be beaten to death.

The biggest difference between Marvel's superheroes and DC's superheroes is that they are more inclined to eliminate criminals instead of catching criminals and handing them over to the law.

Marvel's superheroes naturally stand themselves above the law, except for some individuals, such as small spiders.

So Dario could only hold back this breath, planning to find a chance to retaliate in the future.

But he didn't know that Nick Fury hadn't even planned to give him a chance to retaliate.

Dario Agger and Roxon Energy are actually a group of black-hearted businessmen who can ruin everything in order to make money.

His plan is to build factories in the sky, and because of the huge air pollution and dust, the residents below will sell their land to Roxon Energy at a low price.

And Dario Ager also wants to eliminate most of the natural fish in the world, so that their farmed fish can be sold to everyone.

These problems that can be solved by money, and are not painful or itchy, have been raised to threaten all mankind, and the meaning is different.

In addition, Uuld actually saw Dario, a guy who often sends lawyers letters, not pleasing his eyes for a long time. With the umbrella company entering the market, Roxon Energy has thoroughly realized what it means to push everyone down.

I don't know how many people want to please the umbrella company. Although Roxon Energy is powerful, they are quickly defeated after eliminating the wits in the comics.


At the same time, the conversation between Zodhis and Gu Yi continued.

Zodhis did not expect that the fallen stars mentioned by Gu Yi actually meant the Star Lord.

When Zordhis copied Eagle's data with reality gems, he ignored Star Lord and Eagle, which led to Star Lord's success by Eagle.

Then now Yigo started to make the surrounding planets a part of himself, trying to conquer the universe with this.

But this is not the main reason why Gu Yi came to Zordhis.

She knew that she had no ability to stop Zordheath from doing all kinds of things that would change the future. After all, since Zordheath became the black hole superman, his own powerful gravity has affected time and space, and even fate.

Countless futures went to him, but did not extend the future that the supreme mage could see, as if he had eaten all the possibilities of the future.

"Because of your influence, other dimensions are approaching us."

Gu Yi continued.

"Other dimensions?"

Zodhis thought of the Dimension Demon for the first time. The weakest of this big ticket is the Dimension Demon of the single universe level. It hurts to think about it, especially since they have bonuses in their own territory, and they won't. Leaving one's own dimension without authorization was killed by you by seizing the opportunity.

What's more important is that you can't kill you.

"It's not that group of dimensional demon gods. In your words, it should be a parallel universe."

Gu Yi shook his head.

"Parallel universe?"

Zordhis never expected to get involved in this. What's the matter, is Marvel starting to be a bad person? Is it going to be restarted?

"Your power can already affect other universes. Recently, Kama Taj and Agomoto mage discovered that other universes are approaching us, that is to say, they may collide or merge with our universe."

Gu Yi explained in a way that Zodhis could understand.

"Is it because of mass effect?"

Zodhis knows that his total mass is equal to the mass of the universe he is currently in, and he can be detached only a little bit. Then he will be a super-monomer level powerhouse, second only to the multiverse.

As for how to achieve the multiverse level, I don't know ~www.mtlnovel.com~ After all, it is a combination of infinite parallel universes.

Because his existence is in the dimension of reality, it has also affected the entire universe, and this influence has even spread beyond the universe.

"Will it have any impact?"

When asked Zord Histon, he did not expect such serious consequences.

"When the two universes collide, they will either be destroyed or merged together. Then the world will change drastically, and I may no longer exist."

Gu Yi calmly talked about this big issue related to the life and death of the entire universe.

"No, how long will it be?"

Zordhis did not expect that the Kryptonians could be metamorphosed to the extent that they would passively affect the destruction of the universe, even though he was not a serious Kryptonian.

"At present, it will take a hundred years, but your quality is improving all the time..."