
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 32: Big orders from the sky

  You can get the production line of Hanmer Industry by destroying Hanmer Industry.

  Zod was very heart-moving, and Hanmer Industries was about to be run out of place by his blade technology industry. After all, now Stark Industries has retrieved orders it didn't use before, making Hanmer Industries very passive.

   Fortunately, after Tony Stark studied carefully for a period of time, he came up with the "Anti-War Machine" self-defense system.

Now the form of warfare has changed due to the emergence of war machines. Radar and satellites are unable to monitor war machines. In addition, the target is so small that it is difficult to intercept even if it is detected by the naked eye. It can be said that the whole world is working overtime because of Zord. Researching the radar for the war machine, it turned out that Tony Stark had researched it so quickly.

   The United States used War Machine to test, and the result was pleasantly surprised to find that Tony Stark's self-defense system had an error rate of only 30%. What is this concept?

   "Should it be Tony Stark?"

The United States is very satisfied. The self-defense system developed by Tony Stark and equipped with weapons, specially designed for the armor of the war machine, one shot at a time, originally looked invincible in all countries, the war machine that is too powerful suddenly seems like It's the same as a paper tiger.

Naturally, this information cannot be concealed from other countries. What's more, there is the possibility that the United States will not conceal it deliberately. There is no way. Stark Industries is controlled by the military. It is impossible to sell this self-defense system to other countries, and only Austria. Badea may sell it secretly, but when it first came out, the United States must have been tightly grasped, and Obadiah would not sell it so quickly.

   "Sure enough, Tony is still the strongest, and he immediately discounted the cross-age weapon that Zordheath is most proud of!"

   On the board of directors, Obadea said confidently, and the other shareholders were all smiles, sweeping away the smog before.

You must know that many of them have to consider selling shares in Stark Industries because of the shrinking assets after the machine of war came out. However, they are not stupid. Now Blade Technology Industries is not listed, and the stock price of Stark Industries is still not listed. Can barely keep, once Blade Technology Industry goes public, the stock price of Stark Industry will not jump so quickly.

This set of self-defense system launchers, radars, and command posts are all valuable. However, in the face of the possible threats from war machines, the US military and defense departments chose to purchase 12 sets, not too many, after all, they are mobile. Self-defense system.

   Blade Technology Industry also naturally received news, as well as videos of US military experiments.

In the video, there are three exercises pretending to be enemy war machines entering the territory of the United States. When they just crossed the border, a missile car on the ground responded, the electronic eye turned, locked the preset target, and opened it. After the launcher was carried, a very special missile was exposed. Then the missile flew out. The war machine made evasion and wanted to shoot down the missile. However, the missile suddenly split into sub-munitions in the middle of the road. The war machine was caught off guard, and all of these missiles seemed to hit their penetrating power. The flame range of the explosion was very small, and the war machine was directly detonated inside and exploded into fragments.

   Looking at the war machine that was easily knocked down, Uuld showed a worried expression, but then saw Zod's look thoughtful.

  Zord did not expect that he was forced to force him, and he actually forced out the Jericho missile that was only available eight years later.

   And Tony Stark is really a genius. Zod originally thought that Gears of War could dominate for at least two or even four years, and he would launch Gears of War 2 when the market was saturated.

   As a result, I didn't expect Tony Stark to make countermeasures against the steel suit so quickly, yes, big shit, sure enough, you have a special hand in anti-self weapons!


   Urder is still waiting for Zord's instructions.

   "Regardless of it, even if the self-defense system is very sharp, the military still wants to buy our war machine."

Zod calmly said that the emergence of this self-defense system is at best to give Blade Technology Industry a feeling of being targeted. In fact, it does not affect the orders of Blade Technology Industry at all. After all, the interception system has been out long ago. Isn't the same type of missile still manufactured?

   Because there is an interception system on the opposite side, I don't need missiles anymore? What a joke, the United States has also purchased up to 12 sets of self-defense systems, and the rest is war machines, because the charm of this weapon has conquered the world, who doesn't want to wear that steel suit and fly in the sky and enjoy the invulnerability. Crush the pleasure.

   Haven't seen that even the fourth-class multi-purpose bipedal red deer livestock have proposed in Congress to equip the army with war machines?

   It's just that this ridiculous proposal was directly rejected. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com War Machines are all of the Air Force, and one cannot be missing!

   The navy and the air force are about to break their heads when they are grabbing shares, and where will they get the army?

   The National Guard is also very jealous, but there is no way, it can't rob the Air Force and the Navy. The Air Force said that the war machine can't be launched. What's the use of the Navy?

  The navy means that the war machine is equivalent to the carrier aircraft of an aircraft carrier. Why is it useless? It is so useful!

Then Blade Technology Industry also received a big order. The United States expects to produce a new aircraft carrier, and this aircraft carrier is called the "Poseidon" plan, because it intends to use sub-Krypton gold to build it, which needs to be used. The secondary krypton gold is simply an astronomical figure, which is equivalent to the United States buying out the remaining ten or even decades of the secondary krypton gold of the Blade Technology Industry.

   "The Poseidon Project? An aircraft carrier is being built this year, isn't it a nuclear submarine?"

Zod said that he did not understand the wealth of the United States very well, and the United States is so rich. You must know that the price of secondary krypton gold is 8,000 dollars per gram. It is not known how many tons of this Poseidon will be designed. It has been manufactured for at least fifty years, and it may die halfway.

However, if you have money to make Zord, you don't care if it will die. Even if it dies, you don't need to worry about the lack of a market for the secondary krypton gold produced. The blade technology industry in the world can produce secondary krypton gold. Can eat for ten lifetimes.

   In the future, we will find some extraterrestrial minerals. If they can be used, better alloys can be produced. In the field of materials, one step ahead is a big step ahead in the industrial revolution of all mankind!

  It is naturally impossible for this big list to leak out. After learning about this big list, Urd felt much more relieved.