
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 319: Raiders failed

"The self-detonation tactic is effective!"

"MMP, the second team blew up the infantry!"

"The death squad rushed with me!!!"

The players got excited. Obsidian Five had been playing for so long, but finally he was seriously injured and hanged up. It has always been a scratching injury, making the players feel that the dog plan did not actually want them to win.

But the thinking of the players is that if you don't let me win, I want to find a way to win!

As a result, a group of players madly moved bricks to work for construction tasks, prestige and game currency, and offered them to players in the strategy team to buy weapons.

Then the players in the Raiders team thought of the micro-nuclear weapon. Since the Ebony Maw is a strong control, the black dwarf is a tank, and General Deadblade is outrageously immortal, so players have no way to start. Blast tactics!

And now the self-destruction tactic is obviously successful!

"They were able to achieve this level, killing one of the Five Obsidians of the Dark Order."

The Black Queen was shocked.

"This is actually related to the fact that Obsidian V has never encountered the human sea tactics. It is like the dead Proxima Centauri. In fact, if it is one-to-one, the earth cannot find a superhero that can deal with her at present, because of her The weapon is very strong, but her weapon has the disadvantage that it can only deal with one enemy at a time."

Zodhis shook his head, seeing through the essence of the matter.

Speaking of it, in fact, most of the superheroes and super criminals in the Marvel Universe do not have the ability to deal with the human sea tactics, or lack of effective AOE attacks.

If it were to be replaced by the powerhouses of the Krypton Empire made by Zordhis...The Obsidian Five would actually lose even faster.

After all, Dou Jian had only brushed the Dark Order, and beat Thanos and his Dark Order.

However, if it were replaced by the Excalibur Game of the current Earth, it would take a long time to fight a protracted war, fighting for days and nights, and defeating the Five Obsidians after all the superheroes were scarred.

Oh, General Deadblade may not die yet, after all, his warblade is almost indestructible, but the superhero may have more people dead in his hands.

Because the wounds cut by General Deadblade's war blade will not heal, and will continue to corrode the opponent's vitality, coupled with his immortal body, as long as he does not encounter opponents of the type of spiritual manipulation such as Ebony Maw and Superstar, he will die. General Blade is basically hard to lose.

Next, although the players launched a suicide attack, the serious ebony throats and superstars prevented the players from approaching, and the self-detonation of the micro nuclear bomb was also blocked by them.

The thick-skinned black dwarf roared and swung a superalloy battle axe into the crowd, killing an unknown number of players.

But it was useless, the players continued to rush over.

However, both Zordhis and the Black Queen can see that the players have reached their limit.

Obsidian Five will get serious, it is not a copy that players can brush. Although the weakest black dwarf is not good at large-scale AOE, it is not something that players can deal with.

It's as if a group of ants can kill Green Hulk?

So, it's time for the plot to kill.

Zodhis was about to take a shot, and suddenly his excellent thinking ability stopped him again.

Wait, the Dark Order seems to be able to develop into a long-term hostile force like the Burning Legion in World of Warcraft.

And this seems to save players the energy of continuing to spend their brains on finding enemies for the players, just staring at the Dark Order.

This time, if they failed to completely kill the Obsidian Five Generals and Thanos, the players would be very unwilling, although they may also curse the dog for planning.

So in order to make up for this unwillingness, the players will definitely work hard and work hard to move bricks to work and mine for construction, and strive to be able to kill Thanos in the future.

Thanos suddenly discovered that the barrier was gone, and the Five Obsidians just couldn't stand it.

"It's not good, the elite monsters and bosses are leaving!"

"Damn, there is no health bar in this game, you can't see it!"

"The dog is planning to cause trouble, hurry up and stop, don't let the hatred get out of the war!"

The players saw the five obsidian generals and Thanos running, and rushed over to stop them.

But Thanos directly let the battleship's shells wash the ground, killing the players.

The remaining players who rushed over could only fire at the battleship with their guns while taunting.


"My Gan Nimang!"

"Come down, Fak, Bitch!"

Thanos and Obsidian Fifth Generals completely remembered the terrible Krypton Empire.

[Task Name: Chapter One Krypton Empire·Dark Order——Completed]

[Earn rewards...]

All players who participated in the battle flashed a message like this in front of their eyes. Even the players who did not participate in the battle were rewarded. The reason was that they were responsible for moving bricks to work and save money.

Although it has been completed, there is no reason why there is no strategy for important goals. Players only get a lot of money, prestige and merit rewards.

Then, as expected, posts cursing dogs cursed on the forum.

Even though they didn't lose this time, they made a fortune, but in fact they still want equipment rewards.

[JJhenying: The dog planning actually let the universe overlord run away, it's crazy! ]

[Mulan's breast wrap: After all, it is the overlord of the universe. I feel that in the future, I will continue to fight against the Dark Order, just like Sa in World of Warcraft. ]

[Fried Baolongxing: So, Thanos can also be called President Sa, President Sa of the Dark Order = President Sa of the Burning Legion, reasonable! ]

[I want it all: I said long ago that it's not that simple, how could it be possible to fight the overlord of the universe so quickly~www.mtlnovel.com~ It is estimated that this is the last time we have seen the overlord of the universe in a long time in the future. After five levels and six generals, it is possible to see Thanos again after several hundred main missions in a row. ]

[Snow White actually likes the queen: However, we still killed an Obsidian Five General, why is there no equipment reward? ]

[Pinocchio's nose is very useful: It is probably that the five obsidian generals who were killed can actually be resurrected? ]

The players chatted wildly, and hundreds of thousands of posts were refreshed in a short while, Zordheath watched with gusto.

As for why Proxima Darkness did not give equipment rewards, of course, it was because Proxima Darkness's weapons were too high-level for the players, so they should be honest machine gunners.

And if Proxima Darkness will be resurrected, of course it won't, unless Thanos can get the Time Gem or Soul Gem, otherwise Proxima Darkness will not be resurrected.

Then he uploaded this video of the war to the civilization of the universe.

Seeing that Thanos and his Dark Order, who had frightened countless civilizations, suffered such a big loss in the face of the Krypton Empire.