
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 318: Raiders Obsidian 5

In order to open up wasteland smoothly, we plan to dispatch all personnel who can fight to form a strategy group, which is divided into two groups: tank group and output group. The tank group is to give sacrifices one by one, and the output group will output from all angles. In the interval between each attack, rush up and chop and escape with the fastest speed, as shown in the tactical chart.

(Tactical map)

In addition, the target of attack is the ebony throat first, because according to the results of our many tests, we found that this ebony throat can control players to kill each other.

In this way, we will set off right away, everyone wish us good luck!

[Haw Waiwai: Have you ever considered that dozens of people hold the hands and feet of the ebony throat, and then take the opportunity to beheaded? ]

[Moonlight light panicked boy in baseball cap: Damn it, the game ghost upstairs! ]

[People live for Mai Sakurajima to kill Mai Sakurajima with AK: This kind of social fighting routine may work! ]

[Mai Sakurajima killed people with a grenade and lived for the sake of Mai Sakurajima: Shocked, did you directly behead your heads in social fights upstairs? ]

[The dagger killed people and lived for Mai Sakurajima and Mai Sakurajima: Is it still possible to fight the boss like this? If you can't play this time, can you try this style of play? promise me! ]

[Macho Brotherhood: Are the names of the three of you upstairs open black? ]

[Berker's Creed: I am extremely curious about the physics engine of this game. ]

[The belief of the assassin is a big sword + a great shield: It's a **** to the engine, people are virtual reality online games, new technology. ]


In fact, by now the Obsidian Five Generals have panicked.

No one expected to come out and bring so many miscellaneous soldiers to be defeated by the continuous refueling tactics of the Krypton Empire and the intrepid Krypton army.

Even the Five Obsidians and Thanos were trapped on Nidavi Star. They could not leave. It seemed that the entire Nidavi Star was surrounded by a barrier. Thanos was studying how to break through this barrier. Hei Yao Wu will be responsible for not letting those Kryptonian troops disturb Thanos.

"Damn it, from beginning to end, there hasn't been any powerhouse in the Krypton Empire, just sending these clutters to deal with us!"

General Dead Blade said angrily.

If it was a strong player who lost to the Krypton Empire, that would be fine, but the problem now is that the Krypton Empire didn't seem to put them in the eyes at all, just sent a mixed soldier.

As a result, the Dark Order was really forced to a desperate situation by the miscellaneous soldiers of the Krypton Empire.

This is too ridiculous.


Hearing this familiar roar, the faces of the Five Obsidians changed drastically, and they suddenly knew that the group of lunatics were coming again.

What is it that is not afraid of death, not a lunatic?

The question is, where are so many lunatics in the Krypton Empire? It hasn't been long since their founding.

"The weapon of General Deadblade is mine!!!"

"Chong, the first artifact in the entire server is today!"

The players rushed up to surround the Obsidian Five and began to scrape and attack.

Ebony Maw suffered the most concentrated fire attacks, but it was able to control the bullets that flew toward him with ease. At this moment, he saw a soldier being thrown by his companions one by one.

The Ebony Maw, who realized that something was wrong, wanted to control the soldier and stop him in the air.

As a result, at this time, the distant player launched a plasma energy attack.

"The loyal plasma never gets too hot!!!"

This makes Ebony Maw have to defend against plasma energy first.

The plasma fusion gun is a big killer that players can only exchange for money. It can emit supersonic flying plasma energy, generate hundreds of thousands of degrees of high temperature, and come in contact with enough to vaporize all substances.

For Ebony Maw, this is a more threatening attack.

As a result, that player exploded after being thrown a certain distance by other players!

Then a violent flash flashed, followed by a dull roar of explosions and a small mushroom cloud floating around. About hundreds of square meters around here were all within the bombardment range of the explosion wave, together with the ebony throat and other obsidians around it Will all be caught in the fireball.

Mini nuclear bomb!

Or it can be called the new element warhead, which is the ultimate weapon that Zodhis sold to the earth to replace nuclear and hydrogen bombs.

It's just miniaturized, but its power is absolutely terrifying.

After the explosion, Obsidian Five died directly to Proxima Dark Night!

Ebony Throats, black dwarfs, and supergiants were seriously injured.

General Deadblade was unscathed because the warblade had not been destroyed, but he was also taken aback.

The power of the mini-nuclear bomb was so powerful that he was just wiped out.

As for the dead wife of Proxima Dark Night, it is nothing to General Dead Blade, a wife is everywhere, just find another one.

But this is undoubtedly an unimaginable blow for the Obsidian Five Generals.

What is Obsidian Five?

The five obsidian generals are the five strongest under Thanos Thanos!

They follow Thanos to rampage the universe, destroying how many civilizations they don't know, they are so fierce!

General Deadblade is the commander of the five black generals. He has immortality, super power, super speed and superb fighting skills.

Ebony Throat is a white-haired old man with yellowing skin. His fighting ability is not outstanding, but he has super intelligence and spiritual power. He can use spiritual power to make verbal hints to invade the target's spirit and brainwash the target. He is powerful The ability of mental manipulation, even the Supreme Mage Doctor Strange could not resist.

At the same time, Ebony Maw is also a genius scientist, able to create weapons and armors that greatly enhance his strength, and has unique experience in cultivating super fighters.

Proxima Dark is a vigorous female warrior~www.mtlnovel.com~ The spear she uses is an artifact forged by Thanos himself. After being cast, it turns into three tracking energy beams, and each energy beam has a star. Core power and super quality.

It is equivalent to pressing three Thor's Hammers on his body.

Even powerful men such as Hyperion and Hulk, after being hit by a spear, will be bound by the huge mass of the cores of the three stars, and will be unable to move after being severely injured.

The superstar is a blue-skinned female superstar wearing a white robe. She has extremely powerful mental powers and can perform mind control and teleportation.

The leader of the alien race, the Black Bat King, could not resist the mental manipulation of the superstar, while the Omega-class mutant iceman was controlled by her on the battlefield, and instead turned to deal with the X-Men compatriots.

The weakest of the five obsidian generals is the black dwarf. The black dwarf is a pure warrior, with super defense, super strength and super resilience, and its combat power is similar to Hulk.

But now, they actually died under the siege of the Krypton Empire's army, and they were not besieged by the Krypton Empire's strong, but only by a group of miscellaneous soldiers! ! !

shame! What a shame!