
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 316: 4th more!

Players are not sure whether this game has a hatred system, after all, they used to fight monsters on their respective planets.

This is the first time this large-scale battle scene has been encountered, so it is not very clear.

After the players discussed it, they decided to fight like this. Soon they formed hundreds of teams with different divisions of labor and cooperation. Some people stood up alone, and they were responsible for attracting the hatred of the elite obsidian five generals. , To put it bluntly, I intend to go to death.

Of course, this is to ensure that the Obsidian Five will have a hatred system. If it does not, they can only desperately hold the Obsidian Five.

In fact, the Dark Order has also increased their vigilance. Although I don't know why the Rainbow Bridge has sent a few fools to commit suicide, after all, it is such a high-end thing as the Rainbow Bridge.

If Thanos had not known that Asgard had actually destroyed the Rainbow Bridge, and the Krypton Empire had also developed the Rainbow Bridge, it would have been a surprise.

The superstar in charge of the garrison felt that it was making a fuss. Although the Krypton Empire was terrifying and the strong were like clouds, it did not mean that the Krypton Empire could take care of everything.

Superstars are used to space operations where thousands of warships are deployed and bombarded. The superstars have almost forgotten how to command ground warfare, but the problem is not big. There are too many inferior races to take refuge in Thanos. The heap will do.

The battle in the original book is really an insult to IQ, probably because the funds were used to make special effects for the male protagonist Thanos, and the final battle was played extremely hastily.

First of all, Thanos' army. At the time of Reunion 1, there were also advanced units of Qitarui with extremely high technological content. As a result, in Reunion 3, the air force became the ground army, not to mention that the infantry even had a laser gun. No, the damage depends on the fangs and claws in the mother's womb.

It's troublesome, you are not aliens!

Besides, even if it is an alien, people also have advanced methods of self-mutilation and attack with corrosive liquid!

In this comparison, I am afraid that it is not a single alien that can kill five Vanguard Guards.

What are the elites of the US military who have experienced the baptism of modern warfare, the Winter Soldier, the US Team, War Machine, and the Falcons?

The Winter Soldier is holding a semi-automatic rifle. After firing a magazine, he exchanges a magazine for another. On average, one magazine kills 2.5 vanguards;

The U.S. team charged into battle, hammering an enemy with a shield every 3.8 seconds, and then was overwhelmed by the sea of ​​beasts with exhaustion;

The Falcon uses individual combat weapons to kill 9 vanguards and return to supply ammunition;

There was only the war machine, which dropped a few incendiary bombs by air, causing good damage, and then fell into the embarrassing situation of running out of ammunition and having to fight melee.

What a trouble! Since firearms and other weapons are effective, then cannonballs wash the ground and missile bombards!

Therefore, in real war, there is no room for superheroes to play. Unless it is technological arms such as Iron Man and Gears of War, and they have to form a corps, they will die as many as possible, even if it is a human weapon like the Hulk, in the war. There is no wave in the tide.

Therefore, superhero teams, such as the Avengers, are more similar to special forces and perform decapitation tasks.

The special effect of removing the burning funds is equivalent to the railway guerrillas. On the frontal battlefield, they are not much different from ordinary soldiers.

Then the players followed the beautiful rainbow of the Rainbow Bridge, and this time, they brought their own soldiers.


The players shouting the battle cry, led their own soldiers to the Vanguard and the Zeta Rising!

boom! boom! boom! boom----

The machine gunners fired frantically, while the organic armor directly fired shells and energy beams.

The sound of fighting, screams, gunfire, countless sounds gathered in one place, all in the camp of the Dark Order.

The fire was blazing, the black smoke rose, and the sound of guns never stopped. Vanguard became a target in front of advanced long-range weapons, and the number of deaths was renewed in units of thousands per second.

The main reason is that it is too dense. The superstar has no tactics at all, or her tactics are brainless charges to win by quantity.

At this stage of the war, an excellent commander will never let the soldiers continue to fill the pit, but the superstar said it doesn't matter. With cannon fodder like this, she can pump and adjust ten planets, and only a few hundred thousand will die. Sprinkle it!

This is the gap in resources. Thanos has conquered half of the universe. The number of soldiers under his command is so large that the finances are tight, and Pakistan will die several hundred million.

It's not easy to destroy the family's great cause. With so many mouths waiting for him to feed, his life has been relatively tight. He has been single for many years and adopted a daughter. Fortunately, the Shia Empire invaded and plundered a wave, but the Shia Empire used gravity to collapse the bomb I made a trap and lost my money again, and now I finally regained my breath.

The players were very happy to kill, but gradually discovered that the problem was not right.

The Vanguard and the Zetaris also had more alien creatures who didn't know what name they fell down like a stubble of leeks, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that the other party didn't care about the loss of this scale.

"Fuck, this large-scale battle scene is too hardcore!"

"Fak, my face is covered with internal organs and blood, I dare not wipe it!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"


"How many weird things are there? It's going to be a few days, I'm still in a hurry to submit a paper!!!"

Then soon, the players' ammunition was finished, and the energy weapons were out of energy.

"I'm broke!!!"

"Ah ah ah ah, all my ammunition has been used up, my possessions!!!"

Without the firepower coverage, the soldiers of the Dark Order roared and launched a charge. Looking from a distance, they saw a black line spreading. The ground shook again, like a death knell.

The players were not timid, and pulled out the high-tech cold weapons carried by the exoskeleton armor or mecha.

"Brothers, kill!"

"For the emperor!"

"For equipment!"

"For the family property!"

"Kill them all!!!"

Players who are not afraid of death make the superstars a little surprised ~www.mtlnovel.com~ At this time, the enemy would choose to surrender in the face of the waves.

It's not that there is no fear of death, but it is strange that all these guys are not afraid of death.

The superstar even saw a person being penetrated by the vanguard, and smiled and grabbed the two vanguards and greeted their companions to attack.

This kind of willpower to ignore the pain is not only possessed by one person, but all the opposing staff can do it!

"What a terrible Jagged Legion, is this the Krypton Empire?"

The superstar sighed, but it's a pity that they will all be wiped out here.

But to the surprise of the superstar, the rainbow light of the rainbow bridge lit up again, and then new players, who did not wear exoskeleton armor and mecha, rushed over.