
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 315: 3rd more!

"Come out! This task introduction, is this a task chain?"

"Finally, this is the main mission, right?"

"It's the first chapter, it must be the main task."

"The first main mission of this game is so difficult. Go directly to the overlord of the universe. Isn't the first chapter of the main mission generally at the entry level?"

"It's not a day or two for the **** of this game. Are you calling it hard now?"

"In other words, in the first chapter, we will fight the overlord of the universe. What will happen after that?"

"What should we do now? Shall we start a group to fight?"

"I want to go too! Take me!"

"Hurry up and discuss how to fight is the right business, right?"

These players chatted wildly, and after heated discussions, everyone quickly decided-to investigate a wave of enemy conditions first.

After all, it is the overlord of the universe. Players are still very persuaded, because the dog planning of other games still has to consider the player's feelings, but the dog planning of "Krypton Empire" may not be so hardcore. Players are fighting the universe. Overlord, and will not be killed by the plot!

If this is the case, then...what else can the players say, I can only say that this game is really hardcore.

So, how can there be desperate and unfinished tasks in the game? Unless it is a mission that cannot be achieved by the player set by the system!

The players quickly started to take action. They used their own methods to investigate the enemy's situation!

Zordhis originally thought that after the mission was released, these players would shout "Waaaaa!" and rush towards the Dark Order, and then after the tragic death, they would work hard to move bricks, and then they would learn combat courses and purchase. Equip, and then continue to "Waaaaa!" to die tragically under the weapons of the Dark Order.

Yes, Zordhis never expected them to win the Dark Order from the beginning, even if the vanguard of the Dark Order didn't have high-tech weapons, it relied solely on the fangs and teeth in the mother's womb.

After repeating this cycle more than ten or twenty times, the players eliminated the miscellaneous soldiers of the Dark Order through their unremitting efforts and struggles and obtained generous rewards.

Or the Dark Order was frightened by the players' unforgiving challenges. Zodhis even took the initiative to capture the Dark Order at a critical time to prevent them from escaping, so that the players can continue to challenge. Until the completion of this main task.

After all, this is a rare exercise opportunity for the Fourth Natural Disaster!

However, they didn't know what they were drowsing.

These players started to have new actions after two hours of tossing.

There are about twenty players, they took off their exoskeleton armor and weapons, and left all the valuables on their bodies.

This is because this is a real world reason. The exoskeleton armor and weapons on their bodies will not return to the cultivation tank with them, but will remain on the corpse, which makes it easy to lose equipment. This also makes the "Krypton "Star Empire" is criticized every day that this game is too **** and real.

Then they set off in simple shorts and shorts.


Thanos sent his subordinates to monitor the dwarf king Ai Tre and the other dwarves, asking them to create a container that can hold infinite gems as soon as possible.

When the Pioneer Guards and the Zeta Ruixing were on duty boringly, a rainbow of light fell from the sky, and then twenty or so strangely dressed guys rushed over yelling "Waaaaa!"

The Vanguard and the Zeta Rising people were startled at once.

The Rainbow Bridge is also famous in the universe. The iconic rainbow light also makes many civilizations clear. Thanos' Dark Order is even more clear, because Thanos was beaten by Odin and beat the Dark Order. Out of the scope of the solar system and the nine worlds, Thanos has been afraid to go to Earth for this reason.

Then what happened to these twenty-odd creatures?

At any rate, they also took a weapon, but they didn't have anything, and they didn't even have a defensive armor, so they rushed over to attack them with their fists...

It feels like you see a primitive man carrying a stone and a wooden stick being teleported from a high-tech teleportation device.

This also made them dumbfounded, and then after being hit by the players with their fists, they turned into anger from embarrassment!

There was a massacre immediately. Some players were chopped to the ground on the spot, and some players began to run away, but they were quickly overtaken by the vanguard and fell to the ground.

The Zeta Rising is a child with a shot. Zodhis watched these players scurrying around, one by one, being chased down and fell to the ground. Soon these players were all dead. .

If he hadn't been a player and knew that they were reclaiming wasteland, he would really think they had lost their minds.

This is a way for players in most games to open up wasteland BOSS.

In the absence of any strategy, use the method of continuously entering the battle to test the BOSS's attack skills, interval and habit of action routes, and design corresponding combat methods in turn.

After all, monsters in any game will have their own mechanisms and routines. Be familiar with these mechanisms and routines, and don't be greedy for knives at the same time! Don't be greedy! Don't be greedy! If you do, you can basically tackle it.

Such as "World of Warcraft", "Jian Wang III", "Final Fantasy" and so on, these games will use this wasteland BOSS method.

Relying on this method, players have already mastered many games.

It's just that they don't know that "Krypton Empire" is actually the real world, so they don't know if this wasteland reclamation method is useful.

At this time, because there were no corpses, the players were resurrected from the cultivation tank.

"How? How? Did you find anything? BOSS skills ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ mob skills or something?"

"What I found, I only fought once, but we found that the Vanguard and the Zeta Rising, their hatred values ​​are not connected with the elite monsters, and pulling away the Vanguard and the Zeta Rising alone can pull them far. And it won't attract the attention of elite monsters!"

In fact, it did not attract the attention of the Obsidian Five at all...

"Yeah, then how many of us can lead us to kill?"

"You can try it, I think it's something."

"Some people try to hold back the hatred of the elite monsters, the five obsidian generals, and then another person leads the minions to clear the mobs, stand farther, and kill a few mobs and we will withdraw. Although I don't know how many there are, but With so many of us, we can kill dozens of waves, but the elite blames the five obsidian generals, and our heads are dead!"

"Wait, are you sure this game has a hatred system?"

"There should be, otherwise, why are those vanguard guards chasing us all the way, and those vanguard guards and the Zeta Rising people seem to only attack the closest to them."