
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 314: 2nd more!

So it can be exploited by these players.

"By working for others, mining, and construction, civilian players have made a lot of money. Because it is the behavior you ordered that is beneficial to civilian players to make money, don't interfere and stop, so I didn't stop it either."

The Black Queen continued.

"That's it."

Zodhis nodded, no wonder someone got out of the mecha so soon, it turned out to be a loophole, but this is also normal. After all, the local tyrants and the gods like to make their game experience better, and they will do so. Not surprisingly.

With mecha-armed local tyrants and sacred tyrants, they simply beat civilian players. In addition, all of their subordinates are machine gunners, giving them the pleasure of crushing.

The liver emperor among the civilian players only did what the Black Queen said, and his subordinates, including himself, were the results of machine gunners, which was already very good.

"In addition, the players in the Raiders group you ordered to pay attention have also learned to hire more local natives to help with work. Currently, the players in the Raiders group already have mechas."

The Black Queen said.

Zodhis thought.

"The Black Queen, issue an announcement to all players, asking them to fight against Thanos' Dark Order and support Nidavi Star."

Zodhis' thinking ability did not require him to spend too much time thinking, so he quickly gave the order to the Black Queen.

"Is this really okay? That group of players is still very weak."

Black Queen suggested.

"You don't know the fourth natural disaster, the terrible upright ape and the invincible man, you will soon know."

Zodhis said with a smile.

"I have always been curious, what are the three major natural disasters before the fourth natural disaster you mentioned?"

The Black Queen asked puzzledly.

"It's very simple. They are the Suzhen Agreement, which is the AI ​​crisis, the Void Demon, which is the Insect Swarm, and the high-dimensional invasion, which is the invasion of us by other-dimensional creatures."

"But there are also other versions, such as the undead, omnic, insect swarm, and player."

Zordheath replied.

"Meaning, is it possible for me to become a natural disaster?"

The Black Queen was silent for a while, and then said.

"Natural disasters are unlikely, but you should have the opportunity to see the first small-scale natural disasters in the future."

Zordhis thought that Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Dr. Pim had been weirdly getting together recently and didn't know what to do, he knew that Ultron was about to come out.

"Whether insect swarms and alien invasions are included in the scope of threat prevention?"

The Black Queen then asked, she thought it was necessary to prevent the threat of insect swarms and alien invasion, and even the crisis of AI rebellion.

"If it's the Greenskin of Warhammer and the four hawkers in the subspace, it's still possible. Don't worry about normal insect swarms and alien invasion."

Zodhis shook his head. Unless it is an invasion of Marvel's zombie universe, it is necessary to prevent it. After all, even robots can turn into zombies. It is also outrageous that even the flames and the evil spirit knights become zombies. .

"How will the announcement be made?"

The Black Queen asked next.

"For me, you will remember."

Zodhis brewed for a while.

"In the distant, unknown dark forest and starry universe, the Krypton Empire is an emerging interstellar empire and civilization. Under the leadership of the supreme and great emperor, the Krypton Empire bursts out with unprecedented vitality! But now this beautiful one The Krypton Empire has suffered an unprecedented threat!

In the universe, the infamous and fierce mad Titan Thanos led his dark order to attack the border of the Krypton Empire without warning, and the Nidavi Star of the Krypton Empire is at stake! It's too late to investigate the cause!

People of the Krypton Empire, take up your weapons! Fight for the future of the Krypton Empire, and fight for the freedom of the Krypton Empire! For the great emperor!


[Task Name: Chapter One Krypton Empire·Dark Order Leader·Crazy Titan·Thanksgiving· Thanos]

[Task objective: Take up your weapons, fight for the great emperor, for the Krypton Empire, destroy the Dark Order that invaded the Krypton Empire Nidavi, and get the head of the Dark Order leader Thanos! ]

[Rewards: All players who participated in the battle will receive third-class rewards based on their performance in the battle. ]

Third-class reward: Players who make ordinary contributions will receive one hundred silver and one hundred prestige rewards.

Second class rewards: Players who make outstanding contributions will receive three hundred silver and three hundred prestige awards.

First-class reward: Players with special contributions will receive one gold and one thousand prestige rewards. (Limited to ten people)]

[Task suggestion: Thanos is the notorious leader of the Dark Order and a nightmare in the memory of the universe civilization. His strength is extremely powerful, and the entire Dark Order is protecting him. Please prepare a group to challenge him. In addition, Thanos will attack any enemy in sight. ]

[Monster Illustrated Book]

[Monster name: Dark Order Zabing·Pioneer Guard (picture)]

Monster introduction: The most common miscellaneous soldiers of the Dark Order, with big mouths, fangs and claws. These monsters are powerful. The four forelimbs and fangs are very sharp. When the four forelimbs fall to the ground and run, they are extremely fast. In addition, they are very difficult to run. Deal with. They have a resounding name, Vanguard, and they are the running dogs of the Dark Order. They regard death as an honor and are loyal to Thanos.

Level: Level 20

Possible spoils: possible equipment or tatters.

Note: Most of the loot can be returned to the Krypton Empire in exchange for currency or even reputation and merit.

[Monster name: Obsidian Five Generals (Elite) (Picture)]

Monster introduction: The five strongest generals under Thanos, the leader of the Dark Order.

Level: Elite

Possible loot: equipment to be identified

Note: The trophies of the Five Obsidians need to be appraised. Appraisal needs to spend a certain amount of money, and meet the corresponding prestige and meritorious requirements.

The information about General Deadblade, Black Dwarf, Ebony Maw, Proxima Centauri, and Supergiant Star ~www.mtlnovel.com~, abilities and weaknesses have been marked.


[Monster name: Thanos·Thanos (BOSS) (picture)]

Monster introduction: Shock the universe with a powerful force, and is listed as an unprovoked dangerous person by many interstellar civilizations, and a fierce overlord of the universe!

Level: BOSS

Possible loot: equipment to be identified

Note: The trophies of the Five Obsidians need to be appraised. Appraisal needs to spend a certain amount of money, and meet the corresponding prestige and meritorious requirements.


After the announcement, the Black Queen also made a full-service announcement and sent this task to every player. Of course, the monster illustration can only be seen on the official website and official forum.

Players receive tasks when they are doing daily work, mining, construction, or developing PvP and PvE gameplay by themselves.