
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 312: Weather controller

[Ba La La Xiao Nan Xian: Damn it, is the dog planning such a ruthless one, just delete the second test? ]

[Death Wings: The group of local tyrants and gods might be crying. After spending so much money, they went straight to the water and closed the recharge channel. ]

[The attack of riding a pig: We have to cry too, the mecha that I finally brushed out. ]

The fierce and crazy exchanges between the players have no effect.

Now that I can only accept reality, who makes "Krypton Empire" so fun.

Then the players discovered that they seemed to have one more task.

That is to lead the vassal race under the rule of the Krypton Empire to mine, build, and fight monsters.

Yes it is. ,

Even in the territory of the Krypton Empire, there will be threats from space from time to time. Zodhis didn't plan to care about this, and it just happened to be used to hone players and vassal races.

Otherwise, the work efficiency of the vassal races of thousands of life planets is not as efficient as that of players who may only have a few hundred million at most. So what is the use of Zodhis, so just kill them all.

So this time Zodhis changed the gameplay, turning the player into an instructor used to lead these vassal races.

This novel experience quickly made the players who were waiting for the original grievances become elated.

[Strong man: Damn, there are thousands of people under my hand, all of them are aliens with strange appearances, the model of this game is too realistic! ]

[JJhenying: I withdrew the scolding plan, now it is much more fun than before. I also have thousands of subordinates, and I can direct them to work. Is it now in the lord mode? ]

[Butterfly Green: But everyone has to buy starting weapons. Electromagnetic machine guns and explosive machine guns both cost 50 copper. It's so black-hearted. Novice weapons are so expensive. My subordinates are mining, working, fighting monsters, and building it for a day. 50 copper. ]

[Demon Lord Fischer: The bullet is also 1 copper one round, too black-hearted. ]

[: Why close the recharge channel, I can directly redeem 10 million dollars! ]

[Shuang Ge Ge: Jingxian Shenhao, worship! ]


Seeing players with N's vassal races distributed to them, the Black Queen did not understand Zordhis's thoughts.

"I'm planning to cultivate corps-type talents, and the players are always the first to fight, and the occasional strategy is to make money. What's more, these vassal races are too many and too many, and it is a waste to leave it unused."

Zordhis said.

A player who brings thousands of vassal races capable of fighting aliens may still be in a rush at the beginning, and feels that the authenticity of the AI ​​of this game is too high, and each subordinate has his own thoughts and so on.

But after they got used to it, it would be terrible. After all, this was equivalent to training officers in disguise.

Although Zordhis didn't know whether the officer would be useful in the space war, he had to practice it before talking about it.

It turns out that Zordhis's idea is very useful.

In the first few months, the players were much more powerful in destruction than in construction, but after the players discussed strategies on the forum with each other, they became more proficient, and many life planets in the Krypton Empire were built as a result. , It also improves efficiency.

After all, the planet of life is not without resources, and Zodhis wants them to take those vassal races to the resource planet to mine and collect resources.

Now they have started to do this.

At the same time, he also found that his own level can be improved, and after the increase, the empire will allocate more subordinates to itself.

[Umekawa Kuko: This is what a big warlord's gameplay is! I like! ]

[The bell to the guest bed in the middle of the night: Now everyone's ranks are only third-class soldiers, how are the ranks played? ]

[Phoenix Satan Anderson: The lowest rank is the third class, then the second class, the first class, the second lieutenant, the lieutenant, the captain, the major, the lieutenant colonel, the colonel, the colonel, the brigadier general, the major general, the lieutenant general, the general, the general. So upgrade slowly. ]

[People live for Mai Sakurajima to kill Mai Sakurajima with AK: So, we might become the ball leader of a planet in the future? ]


Scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, he is used to solving all problems with krypton gold, and now he can only slowly do daily tasks, saving money to buy weapons for his men and mechas for himself.

According to the current statement of the Krypton Empire, they are machine gunners, and only machine guns and simple exoskeleton armor can be exchanged.

It looks a lot like a war machine, but it seems to be much more defensive than a war machine.

The second test of deleting files also added a lot of new players, but their number is still too small, far from satisfying the entire Krypton Empire.

Zordhis has already begun to think about new solutions.

There are limits to land reclamation. Too many new continents will affect the sea level and cause the diversion of ocean currents, and a series of problems that affect the world.

Fortunately, Zordhis can build a weather controller.

This is in the science and technology of Krypton. For example, there are two gravity engine converters that can transform the earth into the gravity environment of Krypton in the original plot.

This planet-level environmental weather control capability is sufficient for Zordhis to control monsoons and ocean currents, rain and snow and hail, or sunshine.

Only in this way can the ecosystem be affected.

"Umbrella company's new exhibition?"

"Does Zordhis have any invention that shocked the world? After the father of new materials, the father of new weapons, and the father of new elements, what else does he want to make?"

Although that was the case, a large crowd of people came over, for fear of missing something good.

Zordhis did not appear, but arranged for Urd to introduce his new concept invention ~www.mtlnovel.com~weather controller].

The five gangsters and the Excalibur Bureau and representatives of hundreds of countries were all startled.

Wouldn't it be that thing in a science fiction movie?

Even Tony Stark was startled.

"The umbrella company will launch a hundred satellites into space. These satellites will help control the global climate, monsoon ocean currents, sun and rain, etc. We will also accept any country or private commission to change the weather in a certain area. Gentlemen and ladies, yes, the era when mankind says no to nature has arrived—!"

Urder was not on it, it was Wanda.

Wanda, who has become a working woman, has shown a unique charm, and there is no stage fright in this big scene.

"How come that fellow Zodhis is full of beauties..."

Stark looked at Wanda on the stage sourly, but he already had a little pepper, so he hadn't looked for other women.