
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 311: Delete file test

The speed is very fast, leaving overlapping afterimages on the moving trajectory.

There is no need to wonder why with his belly, he can run at this speed and possess the blessing of supernatural power. Even the supernatural power he has just mastered is stronger than most superheroes/villains.

Yi Ge's clone followed closely, and Xing Jue could not be found before, because he was too capable of running, and his divine power had the same root and could not be traced.

Now it fell in front of Ego's eyes, and once locked, he couldn't escape with his wings.

The clone floated behind Xing Jue like a ghost, bewitched.

"Peter, give up, you are in my body and you will never be able to run out."

"How do you know if you don't try? Also, get away from me. If you come over again, I'm about to call!"



Xing Jue Keng was abducted and deceived, lustful and greedy, and he borrowed money without repaying him. Everyone broke the law and was wanted by many interstellar civilizations, but he knew he was a good person.

When Igo found Star Lord and said that he had prepared a large inheritance for him, he was happy to recognize this father.

It doesn't matter whether there is blood relationship or not, it doesn't matter whether he is born or not, whoever gives him the inheritance is his own father.

But when Ego lifted the mask of hypocrisy and Xingjue learned that the legacy is the Milky Way, and the future will be the entire universe, he refused.

He is a very simple person with a clear positioning, and his ambition is to spend endless money. There are countless girls out there when Kamora doesn't know it.

It is definitely not to dominate the universe and exterminate all interstellar civilizations.

According to Yi Ge, the clone seeds are planted throughout the universe, and the whole world is left with their father and son, the only two gods.

What's the point of being alive if you have no friends or a place to die with an old man.

"Peter, even if you don't think about me, you have to think about yourself."

The avatar raised his hand to cut off the surrounding complex passages, constantly shrinking Xingjue's escape route, allowing him to circle in place.

"The guy outside is very powerful. If you continue to resist, I will die, and you will lose your supernatural power and become a mediocre mortal forever."

"I have been mediocre for thirty years, and there is nothing dissatisfied with except my wallet."

Xingjue hummed and ran, turned his head and raised his **** to Yi Ge's clone.

"Trust me, you will never imagine the happiness of being an ordinary person!"

The clone was so angry that he couldn't understand why someone would choose to give up power and turn each planet into his own clone, and then both father and son would have invincible power, okay?

Although Igo didn't know the word sand sculpture, he guessed it now.

Suddenly, when Yi Ge was about to catch Xing Jue, his face changed drastically and disappeared instantly.

Xingjue was stunned for a moment, then turned around and ran. Although I don't know what happened, I should run quickly if I can run!

A divine light broke through the barriers that blocked the road, and Zodhis killed countless Igor clones along the way, and found the central center of the brain.

The brain is the source of Ego's thinking and the source of energy. Whether it is the material planet or the energy body, it is his artificial body that protects the brain.

To put it bluntly, Igo is the brain of a Celestial team, nothing more, it doesn't mean that he is a Celestial team.

This also shows from the side that the Celestial God Group is powerful, with only one brain left, and it still has the ability to dominate the universe.

boom! !

Realistic gems embodied a spear and turned into a streamer, nailing the center of the escape center in place. Zodhis did not kill Igo in the first time, raising his hand to release the shock of horrible energy, and turning the avatars in all directions into nothing. .

Eagle's brain center is comparable to an asteroid, with a surface area approximately equal to that of a metropolis.

"who are you?"

Ego couldn't figure out how he provokes such a terrifying enemy.

He has been rampant in the universe for so many years, and it is the first time that he has encountered Zordhess so strong that he can't fight back.

Zodhis ignored him, and the reality gem aimed at Igo.

Then the reality gem did not disappoint Zordhis, and directly copied Ego's data.

"This is the real usage of reality gems!"

Zordhis was very satisfied, and left without paying attention to Igo and Star Lord.


Star Jue:...

Wait, boss, have you forgotten something! ! !

Xingjue was shocked.

"Peter, where are you going?"

Igo stood up with a sneer, although he didn't know what Zordhis wanted to do, he came over and beat himself up, and then ran away, still stunned.

However, Peter, the sand sculpture son, is right in front of him, and he can't let go of anything!

So, after Yongdu got the news from the Galaxy Guards, Xingjue had no more scum left.

Zodhis copied another Igo out, 100% restored, even with memory.

"Why are you, why am I here, what's the matter!"

The clone Igo said in horror.

Zodhis casually used the power of the psychic gem to turn the replica Igo into a child with dementia.

"Black Queen, start filing, the genetic research of the Celestial Group!"

"The first filing has started."

The Black Queen was a little distracted here, anyway, her computing power is enough now, although it is not as high as the highest wisdom of the Kerry Empire, but it is also the second greatest wisdom in the universe.

I heard that Zodhis was planning to make celestial-level computers such as "Big Clock" and "Sky Blade Celestial Body" for her.


He is a local tyrant who lives in a mansion and villa of several thousand square meters. He is one of the masters of the United States.

But recently, addicted to a game.

That is "Krypton Empire"!

But the Krypton Empire has recently been updated, and all the previous files have been deleted.

The exploding remarks made by the players did not shake the umbrella company ~www.mtlnovel.com~ After all, the umbrella company does not lack such a little income from the game industry.

I was about to kneel. It was so hard for me to get a mecha, and you actually deleted the file! ! !

Angry, he intends to mobilize his family's capital power...to invest in the umbrella company. He wants to become a shareholder and be responsible for the umbrella company's game industry!

Unfortunately, his old father kindly told him that the Umbrella Company is not something that capitalists like them can do. Even the Big Five gangsters want to start the Umbrella Company very hard. It is no different from the Big Five gangsters.

It has its own private armed forces, military, and all walks of life, and even resources don't need the earth to supply.

Today is the first day to log in again after deleting files. Log in with tears.

Sure enough, most things in the Krypton Empire are different.

The Krypton currency is gone, and it has become a classic currency system such as gold, silver and copper, but it is electronic currency.

The Altman exchange is gone, all players have to mine, move bricks and build in order to make money.