
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 310: Igo and his sand sculpture son

Then Yigo's giant hammer was instantly torn into quarks after entering the range of the gravitational field.

Yigo was taken aback, and quickly retracted his hand. With his size, even if there is no surging energy fluctuation, a small movement can easily destroy a planet.

Unexpectedly, there can be no living body.

Igo chose another attack method, his facial sensations surged, suddenly emitting a destructive purple beam of light.

The torrent of elements crushed down, distorting the rules of the surrounding universe, causing the space to collapse, fragmented and turned into a state of disorder, forming a powerful and terrifying attack.

Zod took Igor's attack forcibly, and then converted the swallowed energy into an energy form, bursting out a golden light full of destruction, the golden light bloomed with thousands of beams, and instantly penetrated the endless void, eliminating all blocking power, and hitting hard. On Igo.

The beam of light penetrated Yigo's head, smashing its huge head, and then countless golden lights struck, flooding Yigo's body, slashing with thousands of swords, stripping off the purple armor little by little, and constantly extinguishing his energy body.

Yigo's body dissipated from above the abdomen, but soon, the energy reshaped the bones and flesh, and even the armor was quickly reborn.

When Zordhis saw this, he was thoughtful.

Then I saw him retract the gravitational field, but four arms about the size of Igo emerged from behind.

These four arms are each realized by an infinite gem.

Space gem! Power gem! Heart gem! Reality gem!

The surging energy stirred the void of the universe, and even Yigo was affected.

The four infinite gems burst out with dazzling light and terrifying power, as if the starry sky is rendered and illuminated by the light of four colors!

On the other side, Thanos of the Dark Order suddenly turned his head and looked in this direction.

"Infinite Rough Stone..."

He sensed infinite rough stones, and there were still four!

"Someone gathered four infinite rough stones?"

Thanos is incredible.

What he couldn't believe was not that someone gathered four infinite gems, but something that someone gathered and could use them at the same time!

Knowing that he was still having a headache thinking about how to use multiple infinite gems at the same time, he finally thought of the kingdom of the dwarves, after all, there is a famous artifact workshop in the universe.

As a result, now anyone can use four infinite gems at the same time?

Zordhis manipulated his four arms and hit Igo's face with a heavy blow.

After the silent vibration, the purple light exploded on Yigo's forehead, smashing his facial armor, revealing a physical body linked by energy lines.

Before the armor repaired itself, the power gem turned into sharp claws and plunged into it, fiercely pulling out a large mass of material energy.

Then Zod ate up this large mass of material energy.

The golden soul gem rushed forward with a big hand, the pressure and attack power doubled and soared, and the offensive that destroyed the world and the earth cut Igo in one fell swoop.

Zord seemed to have tasted the sweetness, and regarded Ego as an inexhaustible mineral vein. The space gem arm was anchored, and his power robbed him, constantly stripping his energy, and then plunged into his own gravitational field.

If you are seen by the Dimension Demon, you will definitely feel distressed that Zodhis is so violent, if these energy is swallowed by the dimension of the Dimension Demon, it can expand the dimension and enhance the power of the dimension!

"who are you!!!"

Igo, who was beaten for no reason, roared.

Zod completely ignored him, and continued to attack regardless of whether he would kill the Star Lord in Yi Ge's body.

Ego's body radiated purple light, glowing like a stellar dazzling light like a giant hammer melting pot, and a dangerous throbbing hit, but Zord's face remained unchanged.

The purple light in front of him filled the void, and Zod squinted his black pupils, and saw a purple streamer hit, and the solidified space was shattered, but after such a terrifying attack, after entering the gravitational field, it gradually and quickly disappeared, and finally collapsed. Nothing.

The frenzy is compressed and condensed. He then folds the space gems, strengthens the power gems, and stirs the huge energy into spiral arrows, increases the penetration and speed, and destroys the giant's energy entity through it.

In Yigo's energy body, the blood vessels and veins are like a highway extending in all directions, continuously transporting energy to all corners of the body.

In a certain blood vessel of the energy circulatory system, there is a white house full of sci-fi texture, and the honeycomb-like structure resembles a strengthened version of the heart.

But this is not the heart. Compared with the energy body, this room is too small, and it is not enough to maintain efficient energy transmission.

Here is Ego's lair, that is, the brain, constantly moving in the energy body in order to avoid Zord's attack.

Hiding for a while, not a lifetime, Ego knows that if this continues, he has only one way to perish.

What's worse is that the sand sculpture son, who he regards as an energy battery, did not know when he had mastered the power in his body, and refused to cooperate, playing peekaboo with him in the energy body.

Igo deliberately captured Xingjue back, but Zod's offensive was too fierce, and he must stick to his post and not leave.

Although there are many clones in the body, it is not enough to look at the Star Jue alone, at most five or five points, unable to capture the opponent alive.

"Damn, what use do I want this son!"

Yi Ge was annoyed. He spent countless years traveling through the universe. In addition to planting his own clone seeds, his other goal was to find other people.

Create it yourself if you can't find it!

In this regard, Ego is indeed a **** group.

He and countless races of the opposite **** reproduced offspring, and only Xing Jue had inherited the gene of God and was able to master the power of God.

Ego didn't understand very much. When he told his plan and plan and was willing to share the entire universe with Xingjue, Xingjue refused him without hesitation.

It doesn't matter if you refuse, just use force, just Xing Jue's small arms and legs, not at his mercy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he **** Star Jue, Zod appeared, and when he looked back, Star Jue ran away.

Bad news again and again!

"Damn boy~www.mtlnovel.com~ If he shows up in front of me..."

As Igo was talking, a panting figure ran out of the honeycomb tunnel, a white round-neck T-shirt + loose boxer briefs, and his perfectly rounded abdominal muscles trembled up and down as he ran. Who else could it be?

Good luck!

Igo was speechless and had no sense of accomplishment in victory. He knew that Xingjue was a sand sculpture, but he was too stupid to throw himself into the net.

Bad luck!

Xingjue looked dazed. He remembered running along a straight line. Why did he return to the starting point after running for a long time?

"Peter, it looks like you have figured it out."

Yi Ge sneered, strode over, and said nothing this time, he would never give Xing Jue a chance to run.

"Wait, stay away from me, I haven't put on any clothes yet!" Xing Jue backed away, suddenly turned around, and rushed out like a rabbit.