
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 31: Problems with the production line

"He is the major shareholder and veteran of Stark Industries, and he is probably on behalf of Stark Industries."

   Urd said calmly, understanding why Obadea came.

  Because his boss's war machine is selling so hot, he has taken a lot of orders from Stark Industries, which has taken the route of military weapons such as missiles and tanks.

  Before the emergence of Zod and Blade Technology Industry, all military industry groups around the world could only eat the leftovers of Stark Industry, and now it has become Stark Industry who wants to eat the leftovers of Blade Technology Industry.

   For most of the things that the war machine can do, many countries directly choose the war machine instead of other weapons, and only the few weapons that the war machine cannot do can survive.

However, this has caused Stark Industries, which is accustomed to eating big-headed food, to compete with the military industry around the world. This has caused Stark Industries' stock price to shrink. Many shareholders blame Obadea and Tony Star. Ke failed to come up with a solution.

In the past, Tony Stark would directly come up with a new weapon to break it, but now it doesn't work, unless Tony Stark can also come up with a cross-age weapon like War Machine, otherwise, even the United States feels war. Machines are more practical than tanks, aircraft, cannons and missiles. After all, the form of war is different.

  Obadea had no choice but to come over and talk to Blade Technology Industry.

   For example, can Stark Industries help produce war machines or something?

They also know that Blade Technology Industry is a newly established industrial group after all. Even if the machines in all aspects work overtime, they can't get out so quickly. After all, they are all good things that are so high-precision that a rabbit can't get it. If the rabbit is With these machines, the U.S. military industry would have long since exploded.

Although the production of these machines is greeted by the lords of Congress above, it is a green light for comprehensive certificates and certificates, and there will be no disgusting things such as card review and money, but the production and manufacturing speed of machine tools can be calculated on the basis of accuracy. If it fails, it will have to start again. In this case, Blade Technology Industry wants to have its own complete production line for at least several years. This is still an optimistic state.

The Stark Industry is different. The veteran military industry, and even the number one eldest brother in this line, not only has its own production line, but also has more than one production line, so Tony Stark can have whatever weapon he needs immediately. Just provide the technology and drawings.

  Zord's side is not good. Do you think that Uld said before that the reason for the large number of orders in all countries after two years?

In fact, the reason is that it can't be produced, and because it's on the American site, Zod and the others have to complete the order from the American military first. Of course, the majority is taken by the United States, and bears and rabbits can still get a part of it. There is no way to finish it so quickly.

   The three big hooligans can't afford to offend, and the United States knows this too. Since they took the more part, they naturally opened one eye and closed one eye.

   Obadiah naturally did not come here with good intentions, let them participate in the production, can't crack the secrets of the war machine?

   Then Stark Industry will have its own war machine. Even if Blade Technology Industry has registered a patent, it will be useless. There are several lawyers in Stark Industry that can drag on the lawsuit indefinitely.

   And I believe that the United States is not willing to see a domineering scene. Wouldn't it be better to choose more at that time?

  Unexpectedly, that glamorous female secretary came back and said politely that Mr. Zod is now busy with the next trans-era invention and has no time to see him.

   Obadiah clenched his fists, his expression still calm.

   A person like him who is defined as a villain must not believe what Zod said, only that Zod doesn't want to see him, despise him, and even humiliate him.

This made Obadea angrily, but the upper class like him, the tolerance is a basic compulsory course, even the elite who graduated from world-class universities like Uuld can't see it, and Uuld is not the only one who graduated from a world-class university. Elites who will die and study can gain the trust of Zod. Just half a year after graduation, they have been in charge of Daofeng Technology Industry, a large company with over 100 billion cash flow, hundreds of billions of assets, and hundreds of billions of market value. If there is no debut, it will be peak management Ability and execution ability, Zod will not put her in such an important position, there are more vases, and she is more beautiful than Ould, and her figure is better. Why did she choose her?

   Of course, now that there is a black queen, Zod can also take the place of management and execution of some things.

  Obadea could still keep smiling and said that he would meet again next time, but he turned around thinking about how to arrange Zord.

   With Zod's current status and influence, it is impossible to engage directly, but will be brought back.

   "Hey, are you the Ten Commandments Gang?"

  Obadea got in the car ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and took out the phone.


As for Obadea's intention to produce a war machine, Zod would naturally not fail to see it. Rather, it's too obvious to do it. Think of me as Tony Stark who only has brains and no human relationships. Guys?

Although the Kryptonians do not have such things as intrigue, because their set genes have eliminated a lot of emotions, but Zod was an earthling in his previous life, and was born in the land of China. On intrigue, he played yin and yang, hid a knife in his smile, and a sword in his mouth... Even if you don't, you can watch TV shows.

Zod also knows the problems of the production line, but there is no way. After all, those machines are only produced with official certificates and certificates. Each machine has its own number. The theft and damage must be recorded, and Recover the wreckage.

   Otherwise, he wouldn't have the idea of ​​taking over the weapons department of Stark Industries.

   But there are still eight years to go to that plot, and the ghost knows that there will be that plot. After all, Zod has done so excessively that he has robbed Tony Stark of his fame.

   "Or, directly destroy Hanmer Industry?"

  Zord pondered that Hanmer Industries also has its own machines, and he felt that those machines were too wasteful for Hanmer Industries. Of course, this is not to say that Justin Hammer was too bad.

Although the "ex-wife" is very hip, it is because the missile has the function of identifying friend or foe, so it did not explode. The reason is simple. No matter how outrageous Hanmer Industry is, it is a military industry in the world that has no rivals except Stark Industry. How could there be no explosion? If nothing else, would he dare to offend the American military and use it as shoddy?

   will definitely be tested before putting it on.