
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 308: The 4th Scourge Legion Prototype

"Next, I want to explain the game settings of this game."

Because the official did not release detailed game settings, but gave some introduction to the world background and the Krypton Empire. All game settings are currently just my own careful discovery and profound summary and bold guesses.

The first point: This game has no health bars and blue bars for the time being, and no attribute points and character panels. After entering the game, I went to open up wasteland as soon as possible, so this is an accurate response.

Of course, you can still give yourself a name you like. The name cannot be punctuated with characters, only fonts, and it will be displayed in green on the top of your head.

The second point: This game is different from the traditional warfare and animal husbandry system. There is no fixed career choice, no specific level of characters, no experience bar, and no skill points.

But considering that the background of the game is such a vast world as the starry sky of the universe, we should be able to learn skills through Krypton coins or other channels, or enhance ourselves, that is to say, what skills to learn and what kind of The direction of development depends on our own wishes, and the concept of career will not restrict you!

Some people may not be accustomed to this, but I personally think that this is a major advantage of this game. He himself came under the banner of 100% real and 100% freedom, so in the future development of combat skills, it is completely Let us control ourselves freely and let us make choices according to our own preferences and personal abilities. Is this way more in line with authenticity?

Of course, it depends on the content that will be gradually opened after the game.

The third point: Mission system, here I want to focus on the mission system. At first I thought that the mission system of this game is the same as other games, with fixed codes written in advance. What will it be triggered under certain conditions? Task.

But after experiencing the first test, I found that this is not the case. This game feels like a computer that is constantly performing real-time calculations. What kind of tasks will be released in the next second is entirely based on the development of the Krypton Empire. To carry on.

For example, if more people are required to mine, more mining tasks will be issued, and if more people are required to carry it, handling tasks will be issued, and so on. When a certain task is saturated, similar tasks will not be issued to You are done, no one has to worry about not having a task for you.

Because the Krypton Empire has just started to develop, there are so many tasks. I have been playing for a long time. Apart from taking time to explore some settings, I spend most of the remaining time mining and transporting, which I call For, move bricks!

At first I thought this kind of repetitive tasks was too mechanical. Even though I would be rewarded with a lot of Krypton coins for the task, even if I had more money, I would not keep doing it! But then...Oh, it's so fragrant!

That's right, the real experience of this game is so good that even if it is mechanically moving bricks, I think it is fun to explode!

Fourth point: currency. At present, all players are exposed to Krypton coins. I don't know if there will be other currencies on top of Krypton coins. After all, it is an interstellar empire. There should be electronic currencies that do not belong to Krypton coins and are specifically traded with other civilizations. I It should be there.

Krypton coins can currently buy many commodities, such as mechas, biological transformation enhancement projects, and so on. What is the specific situation, you still need to wait for the content of the game to be released later.

Fifth point: Because it is a high-degree-of-freedom online game, it is inevitable to mention the sandbox. For now, the game can pick up any items you can move and change their positions permanently!

You can also use a mining pick to mine in the planned place, and it will permanently change the landscape in the game!

This is really awesome!

Sixth point: about the resurrection. Playing online games, it is inevitable that you may encounter battle deaths. Players believe that death punishment is very concerned. I also tried it myself. To be honest, I was 100% painful at the time, and now I feel a dull pain in my head. The pain of this game is really too real.

After death, the player will be forced to exit to the game preparation interface, and then wait for the body to be repaired in the training tank, and then resurrect. While waiting for the resurrection, you can browse the official website and forum on the preparation interface, and you can only watch it. These two.

I have written so much eloquently. I basically think of where to write it. If you have any omissions, please add it yourself. It's not early, it's early in the morning. I have to rest early. The Hedgehog Cat will be live broadcast these days. Pause for a while, because I'm going to be busy playing "Krypton Empire". I'm not talking anymore. I'm off. I'll comment on it before I get up during the day.

[Are you sure that this NPC photo is not the COS photo you are looking for? ]

[Is the quality of this game so real? ]

[The survival capsule of the Krypton Empire doesn't seem to be very expensive, how about one? ]

[Long live the young master, what is the ID of the young master in the game? I'm going to find the young master! ]

[No health bar? How do you see when the monster will die? ]

In addition to [Miscellaneous Good Dreams], the UP owners of major spider webs have also uploaded their own posts on the forum.

No way. Currently, "Krypton Empire" has not yet opened the live broadcast function of Spiderweb, and players can only take screenshots.

This also makes forums, such as antiquities, become hot again, and the posts are refreshed quickly. Basically, if you press F5 every second, it will be a new homepage.

Then the post bar function that was brought to the spider web became hot, attracting more newcomers to join "Krypton Empire".

After temporarily fixing the future Fourth Scourge Corps, the Guardians of the Galaxy, which UU Read www.uukanshu.com has been following, finally had an accident.

They met Yi Ge, and then Xing Jue was taken away.

Then Xingjue's father, the predator's boss, Yongdu... well, he didn't know.

Because the story of the cosmic spiritual ball did not happen, Yongdu felt that Xingjue was just a stinky son who had escaped.

He had no idea that his precious son had fallen into Ego's clutches.

And Xingjue also dreamed of inheriting his cheap father's fortune.

For Xingjue, Zordhess has no good feelings, after all, he is the one who punched the Women's Federation five, but for Igor, Zodhess is very interested.

A member of the Cosmic Presbyterian Church, I don't know whether the Real Gems can copy his data, if it can... All members of the Krypton Empire Cosmic Presbyterian Church!

Thanks to having been following the Star Lord before, so through him, I found the location of Ego's Star.