
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 306: develop and use

"Definitely not, after all, it is the ultimate weapon of biological transformation."

The discussion among players was very intense. After all, Ultraman is too attractive, so it would be nice to become Ultraman by yourself.

Ferrari has also found a lifelong goal for this, he must become the first player among the players to become Ultraman!

For this reason, Ferrari worked harder to play games. Anyway, the umbrella company also said that the life-sustaining cabin can last for a month without eating or drinking, then he will get up for a month!

Moreover, there are more players attracted by the circulated game videos.

In the beginning, the number of players with only a few million players quickly soared to more than 100 million players.

Although most of these players have jobs and cannot play games for a long time, it is enough.

Because Zodhis has already planned to vigorously develop the population of the earth, such as accelerating the spotting of moon colonies and cities that reclaim land from the sea.

Raccoon City is expected to be able to accommodate 10 million people in the future, and it is a super city. After all, DG City has a population of about 8.1 million in the previous life.

Although the moon colony has been spotted before, it can only accommodate a few thousand people to live on it now.

"The population resources are too small. The number of players is estimated to be only one percent of the total population, or even less. I have to find a way to increase the income and benefits of my games and attract more players."

Zodhis turned his pen, and this challenging thing made him very happy.

So, he opened the recharge function of "Krypton Empire", which will greatly increase the interaction between cash flow and game resources, not to mention the current flow of the game "Krypton Empire" is very large.

More than 100 million players smashed into the Krypton Empire, which indeed caused a benign change in the Krypton Empire.

Not to mention that Zodhis has launched a series of "human body strengthening projects" in order to arouse the struggle of the players.

How much money needs to be made to be able to strengthen.

There are Hulk soldiers in these enhancement items, that is, the creature transformation warriors who can transform into Hulk.

There is also the transformation of Super Kryptonians, which is actually to become a real Kryptonian soldier gene.

In addition, there are super power enhancement projects listed in the mutant gene list, which allows players to do various super power enhancements and become multi-powered.

As long as the player has money.

Then there is the Saiyan enhancement project. After the Raditz invasion, the players naturally know what a Saiyan is.

Even Zodhis allows players to focus on their tastes, and provides a variety of monster enhancement projects and beast transformations that have appeared.

There is no shortage of wealthy people among players. Except for those enhancement projects with outrageous prices, a small number of people quickly completed the primary enhancement projects, and then they felt their superiority exploded!

Although the official exchange price of "Krypton Empire" game currency is one thousand US dollars equal to a little Krypton currency, after all, Zodhis is to satisfy those rich players and absorb their money resources to civilian players of "Krypton Empire" Realize the need to make money in the game.

Most civilian players can get Krypton coins from doing daily tasks and other tasks, and then sell them to rich players.

Zodhis announced this point and cited hundreds of successful players who have achieved monthly income of more than 100,000 U.S. dollars by relying on the game "Krypton Empire".

This immediately attracted more people eager to try, anyway, the price of the life-saving cabin is very cheap, and players who have experienced the game "Krypton Empire" say that the game is 100% real, and you can even talk to Krypton The other NPCs in the empire can do so, as long as you can soak in your hands.

Every NPC reacts like a real person, completely immobile, and if the NPC is dead, it is really dead, and the killed NPC will not be refreshed.

So soon there will be chaotic players who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, doing evil and committing crimes everywhere.

Then they were beaten into a sieve by the Krypton Empire police.

The power armor worn by the police has become a new curious discovery for the players.

Then, by asking other NPCs, they knew that it was the product of the second parallel technology tree in the Krypton Empire, power armor.

It can fly to the sky and escape, and its combat power and defensive power are very strong. The famous Space Knight Legion is composed entirely of powered armored fighters.

Players speculate that the four empires of the universe, which are called the Krypton Empire, may be their main hostile forces in the future.

After all, the Krypton Empire is so powerful, and the biochemical transformation technology and exoskeleton armor technology are so strong. The other three empires can't be much weaker than the Krypton Empire, right?

The Black Queen's sudden increase in efficiency and the tasks released by the group of players actually completed all of them. Even the dull mining and patrol and guard tasks can be completed safely.

This is much more powerful than the slaves captured.

The most important thing is that although the Black Queen wants to pay them a salary, the salary is much lower than that of a normal Kryptonian citizen, only one-tenth, but they are still happy.

For most civilian players, this daily task is a task that can make money at a real price. Of course, they will not refuse, and even beware of others to take the lead.

Then the player also received a notification of the game update.

"Is it constantly updated online?"

"It's amazing. The update was completed in one go. I don't know how big this game is."

"Anyway, according to the calculations of those great gods, the **** battle is at least several hundred terabytes in size, and the life-sustaining cabin also has its own **** battle and the Krypton Empire~www.mtlnovel.com~according to the vast background of the Krypton Empire and this For many units, it is estimated that it will start with a few thousand tons."

"Thinking too much, there must be no map for space warfare open yet, maybe you will hit an air wall when you fly up."

"Impossible, tell you the truth, I have become the **** of the energy ship. I **** the energy ship around every day and have already gone to several planets."


Zodhis opened the exchange of mecha battleships for them, and the romance of men is steel!

There are two types of fighter armor options. The first category is pure combat mechas, which are the so-called robots and mechanical beasts. Players took a look at them. These pure fighter armors do not require a pilot, and they have combat intelligence. System, follow the player's command.

There are giant robots imitating human creatures, up to ten or twenty meters tall and weighing tens of tons. The whole body is made of alloy and high-strength fiber materials. It looks like a modified diamond.

In fact, looking at the description of these mechas, these giant robots can indeed be transformed, some can become small fighters, some can become fierce mechanical beasts and so on.