
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 303: solve

But Hyperion, who had taken Zordhis's punch, did not fall.

When he moved his feet, his figure seemed to disappear in an instant.

The afterimage arrived with an electric shot, he flew up diagonally, his body accelerated to more than Mach ten in a short moment, and his heavy fist left a fiery trajectory in the air.


Hyperion's heavy punches blasted into the palm of Zodhis with all their strength, and the 100,000 tons of power seemed to sink into the sea, failing to make any waves.

The counterattack came with a quicker punch.

Zodhis slammed his fist and covered his face, the speed of his fist was beyond imagination.

Hyperion only had time to raise his arm by one block, and Pei Ran's strange force rushed into his arm and penetrated his body.

After a brief period of severe pain, there was a strong sense of numbness, and the arm seemed to lose consciousness after taking this punch.

Hyperion's body tilted its head back and flew out, and dragged out a string of rolling red dust on the ground. His back sturdily smashed a red-brown building in half, and his head fell into a huge pit.

Hyperion got up from the gravel, his arms gradually regained consciousness.

He looked at Zordhis in front of him with a low breath, and reassessed the enemy's strength from the bottom of his heart.

The knocked-out Hyperion only adjusted its breath for half a second and then quickly flew up, and the figure resembled an afterimage that broke through the air and flew towards Zodhis.

Zordhis punched again.

It was still a terrifying offensive, and the dust that the fist wind rolled on the ground swelled to the sky, and the extremely powerful energy was entrained in the fist wind, and the coercion was like the pressure of thousands of meters of mountain peaks.

Hyperion's figure moved, the afterimage flashed, and he evaded the past from the punch like a fish.

The air wave provoked by the fist wind rolled out like an invisible impact, blasting a building into fragments a few hundred meters away.

Immediately afterward, there was a flash of golden light in Hyperion's eyes, and the atomic rays flew out.

Zodhis allowed the atomic rays to hit him. The cells in his body were all black hole singularities, and the atomic rays fell on him and were swallowed up.

Then Zordheath's eyes were flushed, and a blazing light lit up.

The shock of energy pierced the face gate of Hyperion like a sharp sword out of its sheath, the overbearing cyclone blew away the sand and dust, and the overflowing energy filled the space, shattering the ground hundreds of meters away.

The golden light traversed a distance of two miles in an instant, and the suffocating energy hit his face.

Hyperion's eyes widened, and then he was directly annihilated by the golden light and turned into ashes...deceptive.

In fact, he has been taken away by Zordhis with the space gem and thrown into a temporary space created by the space gem.

"Every time you come out at a critical moment, it's stinking."

Tony Stark said dissatisfied with Zordhis.

"I'm no longer the chief of the Excalibur Bureau, nor a superhero. I want a businessman to come out to save the world or something. Have you done compensation?"

Zordheath said frankly.

It was then that Stark remembered that what Zordhes said was all true...

"What about hire?"

Steve spoke directly. Because he was released by Zodhith and his memory was cleansed, although he knew that he had become stronger, he thought that the Excalibur Bureau discovered his frozen self and thaw it.

"I'm the boss of an umbrella company, who can hire me?"

Zordhis just dropped a word and flashed.

But he did not lie, after all, the umbrella company now has a higher annual income than the annual tax revenue of the United States.

The United States' tax revenue this year totaled 4.6 trillion U.S. dollars, and the umbrella company's annual income after tax was nearly 10 trillion U.S. dollars.

With such a giant and behemoth, it is indeed impossible to hire the boss of an umbrella company.

More importantly, when Zordheath was in the position of the director of the Excalibur Bureau, the United Nations paid Zordheis US$1 billion per year. In the second year, it became US$3 billion per year.

When Zordheath resigned, the United Nations panicked and quickly offered a astronomical salary of tens of billions of dollars in an attempt to keep it, but Zordheath directly rejected it.

Then Zordhis learned that the Bacchus Mansion was about to be sold.

Isn't Bacchus Mansion the site of the Fantastic Four? This building is still for sale?

After understanding, it turns out that the Fantastic Four are already so poor that they are too poor to open the pot, to the point where they have to sell the property to repay the debt.

It seems incredible to say-sitting on a landmark building in a prime location in New York, as a public figure who is no less popular than a popular star, and there are world-class scientists like Shen Gunde. , And the other three are professional heroes of the Excalibur Bureau, with very high annual salaries.

But the Fantastic Four can owe debts and have no food to eat. I don't know if this is considered a super power?

I don't know how poor the Fantastic Four would choose to sell the mansion, but Zordhis didn't dare to buy this mansion.

It is well known that Shen Gunde does research in the building that ordinary people can't even think of. He is particularly keen on exploring the space that people don't understand. As a result, the Bacchus Building will pop up in three days and mess up. World creatures.

Zordhis felt that if anyone wanted to buy the Bacchus Mansion, it would definitely be flooded.

It's not surprising that all kinds of monsters emerge from the corner of the building any day. Whoever buys this ghost place will buy it.

Although the umbrella company needs to acquire real estate to expand its influence and maintain value, Zordhess itself is the biggest hedge.

Not to mention, the construction of Raccoon City has already begun.

This city, which will become the base camp of the umbrella company, did not choose to be in any country. Zodhis directly reclaimed the sea and built the land to build this unique big city on the sea!

This land reclamation technology has made the United Nations jealous~www.mtlnovel.com~ After all, population resources are expanding and land resources are in short supply. If they can obtain this land reclamation technology, their land resource problems may also be solved. .

From satellite photos, they watched a new continent take shape before their eyes...

They were silent.

The island countries reacted most strongly.

There has always been a deep land crisis, and they feel that the land area is narrow, and they want to use up the value of every inch of land.

Especially after seeing such a scene, they called the umbrella company without saying a word, willing to pay any price to let the umbrella company help them fill the sea and make land.

The United States also feels that if it can, how much will it cost them to expand land in several key areas?

Stark silently watched Zodhith's operation, only to feel defeated again.

Reclamation of the sea and land, should this guy be so against the sky?