
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 301: Powerful enemy

"Where is it?"

Steve asked with a serious face.

"The place... is the headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau!"

The researcher said in shock.

The headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau, which was once New York City, is not surprising. Most aliens would choose New York as the location of their invasion.

Now it seems that even if New York is gone, they still don't let New York go!

"Stark, do you have any energy shield and other technologies?"

Lu Dan looked at Tony Stark and asked expectantly.

Stark has a **** expression on his face.

"Even if I start researching now, it will take some time to research it out."

He said depressed.

The main reason is Lucy who never thought that there would be an alien who could break through him.

Sure enough, just as the scientific research personnel of the Excalibur Bureau had calculated, the dark thing landed on the headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau in a few minutes.

Although it seemed to have intentionally slowed down before landing, the shock when it landed still spread throughout the foundations of most of the Excalibur Bureau, and the ground was torn apart and dust was agitated.

Fortunately, after discovering that the location was at the headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau, everyone had begun to retreat, and this wave did not cause much casualties.

The one with the most serious injuries was that he was blown out by the air wave and broke his little tail finger of his left foot.

Although he was so miserable that he was heart-piercing and horrible, but in fact it didn't matter much.

After landing, everyone finally saw what the other party was.

It was a humanoid creature standing on a meteorite, wearing a golden armor...Bah, wearing a cloak, radiant.

Just looking at this appearance, if it were placed in ancient times, I am afraid that it would be considered a "god" to descend into the earth.

But now, it is clear that everyone is facing an enemy.

Zodhis also looked at each other, with his ability, he could naturally turn off the golden light filter on the other side, and then he could see clearly.

"Superhero, gather!"

Steve took up his shield.

Even though he has become a battleship-class superman, he still remembers his shield.

The golden figure released a golden beam of light from its hands. It seemed to be enough light to penetrate everything. It pierced through the building and cut off the building.

The two golden lights are like two brilliant swords that are dual-wielded. It wields its double swords and rages across the city. Nothing is its enemy of a sword.

At this time, the superheroes also rushed to the scene.


Steve has just landed and is about to throw his shield to stop the other party's behavior.

Slowly turned his head and glanced at them, then raised his hand, the dazzling golden light rushed towards his face.

Seeing from the screen and directly facing it are completely different things. The moment that shining golden light flew towards the face, everyone who was locked felt as if their souls were trembling.

Steve stayed away without saying a word.

The widow sister who was driving the fighter plane behind him pulled up in time, and the Excalibur evaded the golden light dangerously and dangerously.

The beam of light blasted through the building behind it with indomitable power. The hit part of the building was directly evaporated, and a neat circular cavity was dug out in the middle of the two-hundred-story building!

"Guys, be careful not to get rubbed by that stuff."

Tony reminded loudly.

"The energy level of that thing is not a joke, I think even the captain's shield will be exploded by that thing."

Although it is dangerous, no one backs down. There is no word back in the dictionary of superheroes.

Unlike the other superheroes who wander around, superheroes are still organized and tacit understanding, at least compared to when they were just teaming up, they can now be regarded as tactical and cooperative.

Iron Man's recoil gun tried to hit the opponent's body from various angles, but was directly ignored by the opponent, and the opponent flashed and disappeared, and Stark immediately formed a shield in front of him.

Even this kind of reaction surpassed the reaction speed of Stark himself.

Zordhis did not expect that Stark had actually developed this technology.

The basis for this change comes from the heat and nerve endings emitted by the pores on the human body.

The expansion and atrophy of each muscle due to temperature can be accurately sensed, so that according to these changes, the needs of each person in the environment can be modified accordingly.

Of course, it is also possible to make cumulative modifications of the defensive part based on the judgment results in the brain at the most dangerous time!

When the enemy disappeared, Stark felt the direction of the bullet.

Therefore, the brain will also make a relative visual response.

Of course, judging from the normal human body response, this kind of attack at an unimaginable speed cannot be avoided at all.

However, symbiotic metals that rely on neural judgments can rely on the interaction of each other to make corresponding changes in the shortest time.

The necessary protective layer is accumulated on the attacked part to achieve the corresponding protective effect.

This protective suit belongs to biological armor.

The filling layer in the middle is a variable metal with protein added.

The theory of using the human body's instinctive response to change the center of gravity of protective equipment has appeared in the group of supreme gods of the Scientology decades ago.

However, it takes a lot of time to go from theory to practice.

It's the kind of reflection defense technology that was once considered absurd!

Of course, this technology also requires the wearer to have a very keen observation and resilience, otherwise, it can only passively defensive accumulation based on the air fluctuations around the protected object.

Without the guidance of the brain, although the overall protection ability exceeds all the defensive measures, its excellent performance cannot be reflected at all!

Zordhis certainly doesn't think that Stark has the ability to use the brain to guide...so ~www.mtlnovel.com~ this guy is probably let Jarvis be the guiding mechanism.

Really, in that case, why are you still wearing symbiote armor, aren't you dragging it down?

Obviously, the enemy has never seen this kind of armor that can suddenly block his own attack, but his power is also terribly strong. After taking such a punch, the symbiote armor is directly sunken, and Stark also flies upside down a long distance. , Crashed into the building of Excalibur Bureau.

Fortunately, this place was built when Zodhis was still in office, and it was fairly solid, and the wall he hit did not crack a hole.

A large group of big muscle tyrants such as Lu Huoke and Hong Huoke routinely surrounded the opponent, and was solved by the opponent with punches and kicks.

The easy and simple look stunned Stark and others.

That means Steve can get away with each other five to five by relying on the shield.

But the man only waved his hand, a golden light flashed, and the superhero's formation was instantly destroyed.

The golden light ran across the two blocks, the road was split instantly, the flames aroused Lao Gao, and the houses along the way were cut open.