
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 300: 300

"When did you find it?"

Steve couldn't understand, but he asked with a serious face.

"This is already an image from a day ago. What's worse, according to the expected speed, the other party will reach the earth's atmosphere in three hours."

Marinated eggs is even more solemn.

Tony Stark and Steve understand why the marinated egg is so nervous, it seems that things are really rushing to the point of burning eyebrows.

The condition of the people on earth now is a bit like being bitten by a snake for ten years and fearing the ropes. Whenever they hear the word "alien", they panic. It feels like any passerby or alien can exterminate human beings. .

It is conceivable that governments of various countries have become a mess again.

Although the potential enemy only has such a dark group of things and doesn't know what it is, it is enough to be characterized as a crisis of "the risk of extinction" in everyone's eyes.

That is-"God" level disaster!

It's funny to say that the high-levels above were originally too confident about the hot weapons in their hands. They felt that the aliens were scum and nothing could be solved by a nuclear bomb. However, after a few losses, they now feel that they are alien. Everyone is a god, and the earth weapons are all bb bullets in front of them. It is completely useless...

Although it was said that Zordheath used his own invention to solve aliens for N times, and they felt that the earth weapon was very powerful, but now that Zordheath has resigned as the director of the Excalibur Bureau, there is no way to continue to count on him.

Stark is not as pessimistic as that. As a first-line hero who has directly fought with aliens, he clearly knows that not all aliens are as invincible as Raditz.

He patted the braised egg on the shoulder and said.

"Don't be too nervous.'Lucy' is already in place, and the speed and orbit of the thing are within the calculations, and my good girl will knock it off. That thing can't even touch the edge of the atmosphere."

Steve and the bitter egg are puzzled.


"My personal armed satellite, Iron Man's new equipment."

When Tony mentioned the name, it was a bit like showing off his own kid.

"It provides a large number of replaceable parts for the Iron Man armor, and it is also equipped with a recoil cannon that can destroy a large meteorite a hundred miles in diameter. Lucy is the first line of defense on earth today. She can fight no matter what the opponent is. Come down."

As Tony Stark, who has been surpassed by Zordheath many times, I don't know how long before, he will also think about surpassing Zordheath, just like his current satellite recoil gun, which is to surpass Zordheath's satellite. Railgun-the sword of Damocles!

It's the mule who came out from the horse to know it, and this applies to Stark's proud weapons and equipment.

Three hours later, the mysterious intruder arrived as expected.

Stark's armed satellite has also been adjusted to the expected position along the satellite orbit, and the three gun barrels loaded together protruded out, locking in the visitors from the other side of the starry sky.

There is no need for hesitation and softness.

Just as any country has the power to use force to kill the intruder when the territory of a country on the earth is violated, the same rules exist in the universe.

Without a pass, and without the permission of the sovereign planet, anyone should be prepared to be bombarded by the other party if they break into the corresponding star field.

In the Marvel universe, there are people who dare to come to the earth to be arrogant and arrogant in three days or two. In fact, it is to bully the backward technology and civilization of the earth. It is rare to see who dare to run into the star regions of the three empires.

Even Thanos, the most mad terrorist terrorist in the universe, would not dare to drive his Temple 2 to the gates of the four empires and scream, otherwise people would be able to smash him and even the spaceship with people into a sieve in the blink of an eye.

Stark loaded a large Ark reactor inside "Lucy", its size was similar to that of the prototype in the Stark Industrial Headquarters, but the operating mode was modified by Stark and the efficiency was more than tripled.

The reactor operates at full power, and a large amount of energy is charged into the barrel through the energy pipeline preset in the satellite.

The heavy artillery roared silently in the universe, and the intense light lased out, leaving a striking hum on everyone's retinas across the screen.

The recoil beam is like three divine swords pierced side by side, standing up to the uninvited guest.

The group of dark shadows did not evade, but seemed to speed up, as if the sprinter was finally accelerating when approaching the finish line!

Direct collision!

It can be seen that Stark's statement that it is "enough to destroy a meteorite a hundred miles in diameter" is not a rhetoric, and his new weapon does have such power.

The collision of energy and entities exploded an astonishing wave of energy in the dark universe. The mighty white light swept like waves, and the pure light instantly filled the entire monitoring screen.

However, when the picture resumed, Stark's eyes were almost straight.

Unscathed, at least that's what it looks like in the picture.

The black thing not only looked completely unharmed, it seemed to continue to accelerate. It didn't even glance at the proud "Lucy" Stark was proud of, as if it hadn't noticed the energy shock just now.

"That's impossible!" Tony frowned.

"There is no problem with my calculation, and the numerical display of the recoil cannon just now is also correct..."

It seems that Stark is not accustomed to the failure of his invention for the time being, but he will slowly get used to it in the future.

Under the surveillance of the satellite, the thing swaggered into the gravitational circle of the earth, and quickly rubbed against the atmosphere, and the whole body was wrapped in flames~www.mtlnovel.com~ Like a giant meteorite, it continued to accelerate and dive under the pull of gravity. Come down.

The entire Excalibur Bureau was in tension, and the alert level was instantly raised to the highest level by Steve, the director of the Excalibur Bureau.

Calls from the board of directors, the White House, and the Pentagon came one after another. When encountering this kind of incident, the first reactions of the bigwigs were all asking what to do with the egg and whether there is a plan.

Although most of them usually look at the bitter eggs, how unpleasant they are, but the outstanding ability of the bitter eggs can't help but make them unconvinced. This is the main reason why the council knows that the bitter eggs are greedy for ink every day but can't let him go.

More importantly, because the director of the Excalibur Bureau is no longer in the relationship with Zodhis, even the Excalibur Bureau himself is very nervous and panicked this time.

In fact, Zordheath is aware of this and he chooses to step down. He does not want to be the hope of all mankind. Such a burden is too heavy, although this also means undefeated golden body, but Zordheath needs that kind of thing. Well?

"Calculating the falling object's point of impact is combining the target speed, direction and angle!"

A researcher from the Excalibur Bureau said profusely.