
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 30: Snake Shield Game

  Winter Soldiers are almost like this. Although they also have their own thoughts, they are not too rigid, but don't expect them to have much emotional fluctuations.

   "Well, now please ask the champion to come with us to accept the award."

Zod said with a smile. In fact, he wouldn't mind if S.H.I. Hands and feet? Otherwise, he would definitely fly over a hundred war machines, and he would not be able to stop them.

   Looking at Bucky being taken away, although the Hydra agent felt something was wrong, he could only wait outside for Bucky to come out.

Then Bronsky led a few animalized soldiers in the crowd and silently took away the target that Zod had marked before. Just kidding, Zod was a Krypton with spiritual power, and the mental fluctuations in the crowd were all affected. He read it, and it was almost like a group mind-reading technique. The inner activeness of the few Hydra agents was the most active and obvious. Of course Zord could find out.

   "Let go of me! Who are you guys!"

   "Do you know who I am, dare to catch me!"

   Several Hydra agents were stuffed into a Chevrolet SUV, and then there was no movement. Bronsky got out of the car and signaled the surrounding animalized soldiers to disperse the guards to avoid any accidents.

After the transformation of the Ultra-Animalized Soldier, Bronsky found that even if he did not change his body, he still possessed very powerful physical functions. He could almost defeat himself at the peak of a hundred years ago. This also made Bronsky more eager for Zod. The ultimate beast soldier and beast general.

   What's more, it seems that the snake in the world is more promising. Let alone the super genius of Zod, the war machine and animalized soldiers alone will be enough to surpass the world for many years.

   Bucky was taken into the laboratory. As soon as he was taken away, Zod used his psychic power to control him, and several other ultra-beastized materials that had been selected long ago were also lying in the training tank.

   "BOSS, what do you adjust him to?"

   Connors asked after fixing Bucky.

   "Hmm, just make him the strongest one."

  Zod is very optimistic about Bucky, kidding, a good friend of Captain America Steve, it should be very strong too.

The strongest super animal warrior is a super animal warrior with a three-layer bone structure. The original skeleton of the organism plus two layers of exoskeleton, and his shell is a very hard material. Zod even turned this super animal into a monster. The formula of the soldiers is called "Asura One Horn".

Those hapless Hydra agents were also controlled and turned into animalized soldiers, and then Zod developed them into his own downline, through which they fished out the upper line of the Hydra, and then Zod continued to control, so Repeatedly, maybe even Hydra can directly become its own power.

   However, Hydra has several snake heads. Let alone the baron who concentrates on the study of alien races, Madame Viper is not easy in Japan. Zod doesn't want to take a risk if it is a movie or a comic.

   "Wait for me to get stronger."

  Zod thought so.


   Snake Shield, Director's Office, Nick Fury.

In the weather outside with a high temperature of 40 degrees, Li Dan wears his too thick coat every day. First, the office air conditioner is fully turned on, so you can hold it in hot weather. Second, there is air conditioning in the coat, so don't worry about it. heat.

   The third thing is that this coat hides a lot of secret weapons and information. The fourth thing is that the bulletproof effect is good.

   "Unruly fighting, what exactly does this Zod Heath want to do?"

For a super genius like Zord Heath, it is impossible for the Snake Shield to not pay attention, but Nick Fury did not find out what was wrong with the identity of Zord Heath. After Zod made the Black Queen, he Asking the Black Queen to modify her identity information and erase the traces of the Midnight Hotel, so it looks normal.

   Originally, Nick Fury thought that the hope of Snake Shield would be on Tony Stark, so he kept paying attention to him and protecting him.

   As a result, I did not expect that a super genius who was more exaggerated than Tony Stark would suddenly appear, younger than him, and more capable than him.

Whether it's secondary krypton gold, war machines, or miniature arc reactor technology, it's enough to make this young man the Einstein, Tesla and other roles of this century, but it's a pity that the Snake Shield is clear. It's just a super secret agent organization jointly created by five gangsters to protect global security. There is no way to have weapons such as war machines. Otherwise, it will be fine for Nick Fury to buy one or two hundred war machines with the funds.

  Nick Fury wants Zord Heath to serve the Snake Shield, but this cannot be forced, so he can only see if he can help him.

   At this time, he received news that Zod had contacted Jin and the underworld leader to organize the underground black fist together. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

  The first reaction is, is this really funny drama?

Jin is not a thing, if it is not for his good maintenance, and if he is resolved, most of the underground underworld forces in the United States will fall into the chaos of fighting for power, then Jin and the crimes will be charged. Nick Fury wants to kill him. It's just a sentence.

   Zod would actually find him? What does the underground black fist do?

   Then his right-hand man inquired about the news, it seemed that Zod Heath had a cross-age invention in the biological field, and this underground black fist seemed to be related to this invention.

   This immediately attracted the attention of Nick Fury, **** it, how long has it passed since then, has he made a trans-epochal invention? What the brain is made of is so far from ours.

  Nick Fury originally planned to send Black Widow or Button to participate, but an accident happened midway, so he had to hand over the one hundred war machines.

   Now Nick Fury feels that he can't just sit back and watch. I believe that with Zod's several inventions that shocked the world, he has received a lot of unkind attention. What if this cross-age invention is obtained by lawbreakers?

   In order to protect this cross-age invention, Nick Fury decided to send a black widow to sneak into the blade technology industry to help Zod protect that invention!

   "Zord, Mr. Obadea of ​​Stark Industries wants to talk to you."

   Uuld stepped on high heels, passed the voice lock and mouth lock designed by Zod, and entered Zod's laboratory. Then he saw Zod exposed his strong and powerful upper body, while smashing something.

   Urder's heart beats faster, and the perfect collarbone and abdominal muscles attract her eyes the most.


   Zod was paying full attention and asked casually.