
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 299: End of Guardians of the Galaxy

Star Lord, Kamora, and Treeman Grout are not the worst weakened people, the worst is Drax the Destroyer!

In the original work, Drax the Destroyer is a pure man comparable to Lord Kui. He has repeatedly singled out Thanos to drive Thanos into danger, and has successfully killed Thanos several times, but he has really killed Thanos' heart. He took it out with his bare hands and squeezed it.

It may be a change of skin. The gray skin Drax is not as powerful as the green skin in the original book. The most intuitive impression is that he is brute force, IQ is in arrears, and he is extremely good at making complaints and selling cuteness.

Drax's tragic experience once again proved that if you want to live your life, you have to be green.

Looking at this team of heroes whose livelihoods are mainly led by Xing Jue and relying mainly on selling cuteness, Zod once again fell into deep thought. How did they win in Fulian 4?

Naturally, the Guardians of the Galaxy would not know that a big man followed them.

After finding the daily sand sculpture entertainment on a planet.

The Guardians of the Galaxy were in a dilemma of spending all their money.

"Quail, you shouldn't let Drax drink last night, he drank a hundred thousand credits!"

In the silent Guardians of the Galaxy spacecraft, the Rocket took the lead in aiming at Drax.

"It's as if you haven't drunk this little bit."

Drax retorted.

Zodhis kept his attention to the Galaxy Sand Sculpture Group, because he wanted to see Yigo, the head of the Celestial Group.

Although it is very likely that Yigo is not the Celestial Group but the Celestial Clan, most people seem to assume that he is the head of the Celestial Group, and some people say that he is the head of the Celestial Group whose head was chopped off by Odin.

Of course, the latter statement is false, because the head of the celestial group whose head was chopped off by Odin is now a place of nothingness, that is, the territory of collector Tiwan.

After seeing Xingjue, Zordhis copied the Xingjue with real gems without everyone knowing.

Mainly because he was curious about the genes of Xingjue.

This is the gene of the Celestial God Group, and Xingjue actually possesses supernatural power in the presence of Ego.

Even if he is a horrible existence "in the body of a god, comparable to a mortal", Zord thinks it may be of great reference value.

After the research, Zod has a deeper understanding of the genes of the Celestial Group, but there is no need to create a Celestial Group genetic warrior. Ultraman will do. Zodhis has no interest in studying other super warriors now.

Ultraman can be big and small, and the lower limit is extremely high. There are not many that can deal with Ultraman. Even if there are really people who can play unparalleled in Ultraman, there are countless strong Krypton Empires, Doujian and Asid. Si and they can also play unparalleled in Ultraman.

Even if someone could defeat Doujian and Esders... wouldn't there be Zod, the invincible existence of the material universe, even if he was a full planet Devourer, Zod could fight him directly.

Others are probably the Dimension Demon God, but it is very difficult for the Dimension Demon God to invade the real dimension, and after leaving his own dimension, he is weak. No matter how powerful, Setolak does not dare to leave his crimson dimension easily.

As for the Celestial group?

Eat one Zord when you come!


Eagle Star!

A colorful, beautiful planet like heaven, the sky is fluttering with colorful streamers, the ground is full of green, and the fragrance of birds and flowers is like a fairyland in a fairy tale.

However, all of this is an illusion, the objects on the surface of the planet are illusions of material reshaping, and the real Ego Star is a planet with a human face.

The face is born from the heart, this old face is grim and cruel!

In the celestial system where the Star of Eagle is located, the original star has become a supernova. In order to avoid unwarranted consumption of its own energy and continue to maintain the illusion on the surface, Eagle begins to absorb other surrounding planets and occasionally tow the passing spacecraft.

This directly caused the surrounding area of ​​Eagle Star to be extremely empty, only it remained alone and motionless.

Because there is no cosmic spirit ball to inspire the lineage of the Celestial Lord, Ego doesn't know the existence of the Star Lord, so he won't go to the Star Lord.

He thought that Xingjue was already dead, just like his group of children who had become corpses.

It's just that Yigo has to look for new women, and then give birth to more children to serve him, so it is estimated that he will meet Xingjue soon.

Somewhere in the galaxy, a red spacecraft is sailing in space.

This red spacecraft is the spaceship Milano of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Xingjue (foreigners usually have the first half of their names, such as Tony and Natasha. However, Xingjue and Spider have the same names. To avoid misunderstandings, they are directly Xingjue) legs on the console, hands I was reading a copy of the Galaxy Express in it.

Although the top technology of the galaxy has reached a terrifying level, there are still newspapers as the most primitive and oldest way of conveying information regarding reports.

From the earth, although Xingjue has not been back several times, he prefers to read the Galaxy Express compared to other methods.

On the front page of this Galaxy Express, a big headline caught the eye.

"Shock! Ronan, the commander of the Kerry Empire, was done by the Krypton Empire! "

"The titles of these people are still so exaggerated."

Xingjue complained, and Camora took an unknown drink and sat beside Xingjue.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, none of us can beat it."

Xingjue shrugged his shoulders.


Camora rolled his eyes. Although it was the reason, why did you sound so uncomfortable when you came out so bluntly.

"Where shall we go next?" The Rockets walked over and asked.

"Go to the Sovereign Star first. We are hired to kill the monster who steals the battery. The commission is very generous, but you can't just deal with it."

Xingjue Road~www.mtlnovel.com~ Then let's go. "

Then Xingjue obviously didn't know the direction they were heading, and the direction they came out of with Yi Ge was the intersection line, but I didn't know if they could meet at the intersection.


On the earth, a golden light appeared out of thin air from outer space, and then it was discovered by the earth, which is now too advanced.

Marinated this matter very seriously, and immediately notified Steve, the director of the Excalibur Bureau, and he was responsible for picking the bones in the egg... No, Tony Stark, the director of the Supervision Department of the Excalibur Bureau.

"This is a picture taken by Mars one day ago." The halogen egg took a small remote control and pressed it twice against the hanging screen in the room. The picture on the screen changed, and it quickly switched to space.

Tony Stark quickly recognized that it was Mars. A group of dark things is flying in the direction of the camera through Mars, and the group of bright light on the tail is a bit like a jet tail flame. It's just that the distance may be too far and the speed of the other party is too fast, and only a blurry image is captured, and nothing else can be seen.