
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 298: Guardians of the Galaxy

Ronan possesses strength, endurance, speed, and reaction abilities that far exceed those of ordinary people. When wearing an armor suit, all of his abilities will be improved.

The warhammer called the 'universal weapon' is the high-tech crystallization of the Kerry Empire, a god-level individual weapon, with the ability to decompose and reorganize matter, absorb energy, control gravity, create force fields, launch shock waves, and transfer ideas.

So in order to block the aftermath of the dark star explosion, and protect yourself to survive in space.

In the comics, Ronan plays an important role in the great events of the universe.

In the early stage, he was a standard villain who once launched an army to attack the earth. After the defeat, he was controlled by the Supreme Wisdom, and he fought with two Captain Marvels, defeating and persevering.

After that, Ronan got rid of the control of the supreme wisdom and became an anti-hero. He overthrew the tyranny of the Kerry Empire and became the ruler of the empire.

When the interstellar war broke out, Ronan worked hard to protect the country, cleaned up the mess after the war, and ran around for the rejuvenation of the Kerry Empire.

From the perspective of the Kerry Empire, he can be called a hero.

Within a few seconds of the spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the asteroid belt was torn apart by a big opening, a sharp blade-like energy wave spewed crazily, and the whole sky was crushed in an instant.

Ultraman the Blue race noticed the small spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy, but just glanced at it and ignored it.

If you are accidentally affected, you will die if you die. The Krypton Empire can afford it.

It noticed that Ronan seemed to have some special life-saving means, so he folded his hands under his abdomen on both sides, two dark blue energy bullets condensed on his palms, and then his hands slammed forward and merged between the palms of his chest.

M78 light!


The dazzling blue light exploded, and a powerful force burst into the sky, and a bright deep blue light soared into the sky. The penetrating beam of light was extremely fast, and the entire asteroid was enveloped in an instant.

The deep blue beam of light that penetrated the earth bombarded the asteroid where Ronan was, and shattered it to pieces in an instant. Under this huge energy, the asteroid did not even have a decent resistance, and died silently into pieces.

The light of M78 annihilated the asteroid, and it continued to bombard far away, and then the second one. After bombing into a residue again, it advanced towards the third one without any impact on its speed.

The third, fourth, fifth...

The beam of light was like a straight ray, blasting the asteroid belt and erasing all asteroids on the straight line.

A thoroughfare ahead!

The light of M78 penetrated the asteroid belt and blasted into the endless galaxy far away, shining in the dark void.

Seeing this scene, there was a moment of silence on the spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Everyone opened their mouths and their minds went blank.

If the main gun of the space battleship came on such a shot, it would not be shocking, but the one who played this trick was a living being.

How much energy does he have in his body?

You must know that even if it is a space battleship, after firing such a round, it has to go back to supply it, and there is no way to continue fighting.

And looking at the appearance of the blue Ultraman, it seemed that he had enough energy.

Of course, the energy is sufficient, but Zodhis wears a light energy bracelet for each Ultraman, which is equivalent to a miniature plasma spark tower, which can continuously supply energy to Ultraman without causing them to fight. The energy indicator lights up at the meeting.

Then, after confirming that Ronan was dead with no place to bury him, and disappeared into nothing, Ultraman of the Blue Race issued a warning to the spacecraft of the Galaxy Guard.

"This is the area of ​​the Krypton Empire. Get out if you don't want to die."

Of course, the Guardians of the Galaxy ran away without saying anything. Even Drax, the most reckless man, didn't have any rebuttal, but felt that the spaceship was running slowly.

However, the revenge still made everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy smile.

"That guy Ronan is absolutely dead this time, right? Guys, how about I suggest we find a planet to have a drink and celebrate?"

Xingjue said immediately.

"I will upload the video first. The Ultraman of the Krypton Empire is really amazing. I heard that they can turn back into human appearance."

The Rockets said while uploading the video they just captured.

"They were originally humans, Rockets, but Kryptonians who have been transformed."

Kamora obviously knows more, because Thanos once had the idea of ​​the Krypton Empire, but just like Captain Marvel, it was repelled by the Kryptonians wearing the dual composite alloy mecha, but I didn't expect it yet. How long has it been since the Krypton Empire has produced such a terrifying weapon of war!

"Meaning, I might become Ultraman too?"

Drax said longingly, in his opinion, that kind of one-hundred-meter-tall guy is a model of real men and pure men, especially the terrorist and destructive power that the blue Ultraman just showed, which made him feel excited. Yearn for.

"You think too much, Ultraman won't give it to the stupidest person in the universe."

"Is that for you, Quill, your belly is not suitable for Ultraman!"

"My abdominal muscles are just too strong to become a piece!"

"By the way, Camora, does Ultraman have a female Ultraman?"

"I haven't heard of this, but I shouldn't have it."

The daily sand-sculpted Guardians of the Galaxy never thought that the videos they took would cause a sensation.

Because no Ultraman has shown such a terrifying light attack before.

Most of Ultraman's most powerful destruction and death lights are just nuclear-bomb-level energy units, and a small number of them can reach hundreds of terawatts.

However, this time the starburst ~www.mtlnovel.com~ not only exploded an asteroid, but destroyed several consecutively and killed Ronan!

Zordhis still traced their existence from the video of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Although he stayed away from this group of sand sculptures, Zodhis took a curious look.

It was found that they were really weakened like the Avengers on Earth.

Aside from talking about the Mantis Girl and the Rocket Raccoon, Xingjue, Kamora, and Grout the Treant are definitely weakened. Take Xingjue as an example. This is also a famous superhero in the comics.

The alien hybrid star possesses extreme strength, agility, endurance, resistance, mind control, and various occupations, including martial artists, strategists, and elite shooters, as well as a universe-level knowledge inventory. This shows that in addition to being a super soldier, he also possesses good strategic commanding talents, and he is also a learned wise man.

But now?

What appeared in front of Zord was a wretched little belly who was greedy for money, and this face looked like the killer world next door, greening Wesley's office colleague.