
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 297: The terrifying Ultraman

"You said that such a huge giant will emit light. The Krypton Empire has an entire army?"

Star Jue, including the Guardians of the Galaxy, were stunned.

They couldn't imagine how terrifying this, overwhelming giant?

Who can beat it!

It is true that no one has ever been able to fight, although the size of the body does not mean that it is strong.

But Ultraman is different.

Most large creatures are limited by the resistance of air and gravity, and are slow to fight when fighting.

However, Ultraman won't. When Ultraman fights, the speed of his fists and kicks can even be supersonic, and only the powerhouses of this level can defeat them.

Others, including Cursed Warrior, God of Axe... No, Thor, the **** of thunder, may not be able to solve an Ultraman.

Zordhis now said that Ultraman was too fragrant, not too fragrant.

Sure enough, being big is the last word, everything else is imaginary!

Ronan was stunned. He did not expect that he would take the fleet to find the whereabouts of the infinite gems to fight against the crazy Titan Thanos and the highest wisdom, but he encountered the Ultraman of the Krypton Empire.

After all, Ronan did not approve of the Kerry party that ruled the Kerry Empire by the Supreme Wisdom, so he would have been wandering outside and was almost taken over by Thanos.

As for why he encountered Ultraman of the Krypton Empire, he clearly remembered that this was not part of the Krypton Empire.

Although Eronan's arrogance, even if you see Ultraman, you won't be too scared to **** off, but after all, the Krypton Empire is powerful, and if you can, try not to provoke it.

As a result, he actually received the hostility of the Ultraman from the Krypton Empire, and Ronan's temper was of course unbearable.

Immediately let the fleet go to war with that Ultraman.

It was not the first time that Ultraman of the Blue race had encountered such an iron fleet, and he didn't take it seriously.

The dark star was in the center, and the three frigates opened the launch ports and ejected a total of twelve ballistic warheads.

"Dark Star" is the ship of Ronan, the leader of the Kerry Empire accusation regiment.

The missile with a jet black body and blue energy stripes on its surface. After leaving the hull, it started the thruster, but it was destroyed by the energy light bomb that Ultraman fired casually.

Then Ultraman the Blue Clan looked at them, the 100-meter-high giant was still very frightening, and immediately frightened the Cree people.

A fright flashed in Ronan's eyes, and he hurriedly ordered.

"Attack, stop as soon as possible, don't let him come close."

The two wings of the frigate warship were opened, and a huge number of small airships were dropped, forming a large net, covering the position of Ultraman Blue.

"Attack! Free to fire and knock him out!"

Following Ronan's order, Dark Star and the three frigates turned on all firepower, aiming at the front cover and firing.

The three frigates are scattered, the main guns in front of the battleship are charged, and the wings are opened one by one, and countless small airships are ejected. The locusts usually outflank the sides, and the black pressure is pressed towards the blue Ultraman Past.

After the main battery of the battleship was charged, the secondary guns fired first, and the dense missiles completed the saturated coverage strike first.

Three rounds of attacks followed, and in an instant, beams of light suddenly lit up, forming a shining light curtain, illuminating the entire dark universe.

The overwhelming devastating blow is the military strength that the Kerry Empire is proud of, and it is also the basis for their rampage in the boundless starry sky.

But in the next second, the vast blue haze stretched out without warning, and the previously shocking light beam, now as small as a pearl of rice, suddenly lit up and then quickly extinguished.

The iron hoof of war, representing the beam of death, is vulnerable to this blue haze.

The Ultraman of the Blue race opened a blue screen with both hands, continuously releasing light energy, erecting an indestructible solid city wall to block the attack of the interstellar battleship.

The beam of light submerged in it, and the mud cow entered the sea silently. Missiles and small airships directly slammed into it and exploded, fragmented into worthless space junk, floating in the universe.

At the end of the three rounds of offensive, the most powerful battleship's main gun failed to penetrate something like the dark blue energy shield, and the four battleships led by Dark Star were obviously weakened.

Relations between courtesy!

The Cree's attack ended, and the Blue Ultraman's counterattack began.

I saw it drew ten with both hands, and then crossed them together, emitting a blue destructive death light!

The azure blue energy that destroys the dead light easily disintegrates the energy shield of the battleship, as if it is like a hot knife cutting butter.

The powerful surplus of energy continued to swallow the disintegrated warship. From the attack to the end, a warship disappeared out of thin air, without even ten seconds before and after.

"Retreat! Return to the space node of the leap!"

Ronan was sweating profusely, almost roaring and giving orders.

The Ultraman of the Krypton Empire is too powerful. This empire is definitely not the fourth largest cosmic empire. The Kerry Empire, the Skuru Empire, and the Shia Empire, which is no longer an empire, are not the opponents of the Krypton Empire at all!

After all, the intelligence work of the Kerry Empire is still good. Ronan, as the leader of the Kerry Empire accusation group, naturally knows that there are tens of thousands of Ultramans in the Krypton Empire. Can other civilizations take the lead?

The blue Ultraman made an expression of contempt, the blue destruction and death light came on again, and the dark star and the two frigates were frozen. The surface of the battleship glowed with devastating blue light, and huge energy and shock waves swallowed wildly. Wearing the energy shield of the battleship, it was exhausted in the blink of an eye.

Energy invades, the hull slowly decomposes, starting from the surface, the steel frame is stripped, and decomposed to the molecular level under the surging force!

The destruction of the three interstellar warships is a foregone conclusion. Ronan knew he could not recover, and grasped the universal weapon warhammer, and wanted to teleport himself back to the Kerry Empire.


He saw that Ultraman had made an area ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and enveloped the surroundings.

Space is blocked!

No choice, Ronan is a man who does great things, unwilling to accompany the dark star to perish, and decisively teleports to escape.

Thirty seconds later, the three interstellar warships disintegrated and turned into cosmic dust under the devastation of the dead light.

Then it was Ronan, who Xingjue and the others saw, who was hit by the explosion.

Ronan survived only by relying on a technological artifact made by the Kerry Empire-a universal weapon.

But the Blue Ultraman obviously didn't seem to be ready to let him go just like that.

Just when the Guardians of the Galaxy didn't come out in shock, the spacecraft bumped up and down due to the rush of energy. Several people reacted and fled in embarrassment in a random direction.

Without equipment, they can't survive in the universe.