
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 296: Ultraman of the Krypton Empire

At this moment, in the deep space not far away, a small spaceship with an extremely fast speed is... aimlessly driving.

This small two-wing spacecraft shuttled around the edge of the asteroid belt like a meteor, carrying a long tail, and sailing out of a star field in a short while.

In the cockpit, people on the earth are listening to very familiar, but very aging music is roaring.

The leading man flicked his fingers along with the music and nodded and twisted his waist from time to time. This man full of anger is the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Peter Jason Quill, nicknamed "Star Lord".

The other five members of the Guardians of the Galaxy are also in the cockpit, Kamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Grout, and Mantis. They come from different planets and fight against Ronan's mission. Let these have different The people of fate came together.

However, even after becoming superheroes, they are still gangsters, which may be related to the temperament of the leader.

Of course, they should have met in a cage.

But because the cosmic spiritual ball that prompted them to know has been obtained by Zordhis in advance, there is no plot of the predators, nor the plot that urges them to meet in the cage.

However, destiny is such a trick of human existence, not to mention that destiny is still a very real concept **** in Marvel. Therefore, a coincidence, in order to fight against Thanos, the Cree commander Ronan brought them together, and then Under some accident.

Even Thanos' adopted daughter Kamora joined the team in a weird way. She was supposed to be by Ronan's side and ordered by Thanos to help Ronan **** the cosmic spiritual orb, and then take it back.

After all, Kamora is the number one killer in the universe, with a big name, and Thanos is also assured that she can solve Ronan and bring back the universe spirit ball (funny).

However, because the cosmic spiritual ball was taken away by Zordhis in advance, she would naturally not be sent by Thanos to Ronan's side. Now it was entirely because of an assassination accident that caused her to be rescued by the Star Lord. Jue didn't know why he fell in love with her at first sight, so he greeted her... No, he moved her for a long time before staying.

Grout, the tree-person, also kept the appearance of the tree-person because he didn't have the stimulation of the cosmic spiritual ball.

Suddenly, the spacecraft turned its course and increased its speed abruptly, which awakened the sleeping Rocket Raccoon, he complained.

"Guys, why are we on the road again? Didn't you say that today is a holiday?"

The voyage of the universe is always boring. Even though this spacecraft is extremely fast, the unit of distance in the universe is light-years. Every voyage will make people physically and mentally exhausted. After finally having a rest, Rocket Raccoon didn't want to be delayed because of Xingjue's nerves.

"We received a distress signal, there may be casualties, and we must go over and see."

The answer was Kamora, Thanos' adopted daughter, a beautiful alien girl with a hot body, all very good except for the greener.

"Why do we have to go, aren't you afraid of being a trap?" Rocket Raccoon tried to save his vacation.

"Because we are good people!"

Xingjue looked righteous, and under the contemptuous gaze of Rocket Raccoon, he changed his words.

"Maybe they will give us some benefits as a reward. If it is a trap, it would be even more wonderful. We can take away all of their net worth."

"This is what you really think!"

Rocket Raccoon dissatisfied, because of the captain's selfish interests, his vacation fell through.

Xingjue gestured with brows.

"Don't say that, anyway, the distance is not far, and it won't take much time. Besides, we are good people and should take the fight against evil as our own responsibility. I can't wait to implement justice!"

"We are about to reach our destination."

The Mantis Girl is probably the only person on the ship who is still working hard.

"Okay, guys, cheer up, this trip might be a bit dangerous, so everyone must pretend to be a little bit fierce."

Xing Jue was excited, and the commander said.

"You have to be like me and make yourself look tall and mighty, Drax, let's yell when the two of us come out later, build prestige and scare each other."

"Quil, just forget it!"

The muscles burst and Drax rolled his eyes with a look of flesh.

"If you yell, the other person will laugh."

Malicious cheers and ridicule sounded in the cockpit, and a group of unscrupulous people began to ridicule Xingjue in verbal, ironizing his beer belly can only be funny, it is difficult to form the so-called deterrent.

Xingjue thought that he had been insulted, and he secretly made up his mind to make everyone look at him when he came on stage, and then taunted him back ten times.

The spacecraft traveled at the speed of light and stopped in front of a chaotic asteroid belt. The reason why it was said to be chaotic was because the asteroid belt did not rotate according to the path prescribed by gravity.


With a loud bang, just as several members of the Galaxy Guards were looking for the distress target, a figure flew upside down and smashed away from the rocks, and fell past them.

"Scumbags, howl! Roar! Roar--"

Xing Jue, who screamed with great momentum, saw this figure, his roaring voice immediately changed.

"Roar-hiccup, hiccup!"

Xingjue's weakness and cuteness did not attract the teasing of his teammates, because everyone was shocked by the scene just now. If you read it correctly, just...

"Guys... Guys, just... then... what's that?"

Xingjue's eyes were wide and round, and he squatted and asked. Although he had an extremely correct answer in his mind, subconsciously, he wanted to find someone to verify it.

There was silence inside the boat. If there was no dizziness, a Ronan had just been beaten up in front of them!


This is Zhou...Ahem, Grout the Treeman swayed in the flowerpot, and then replied.


Xing Jue felt relieved, touched the sweat on his head, calmly said.

"It turned out to be a Groot, scared me to death, I thought Ronan was beaten. Hahaha..."

"My 屮艸芔茻~www.mtlnovel.com~Groot of wool, Ronan was beaten!"

Then, everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy saw a huge blue giant flying over in amazement.

"what is that!"

None of them could express their inner shock.

"That's Ultraman of the Krypton Empire!"

Only the well-informed Rocket and Kamora said solemnly.

"What is the Ultraman of the Krypton Empire?"

Others still don't understand.

"I am Groot!"

Groot also expressed his doubts.

"Ultraman is a soldier of the Krypton Empire. The Krypton Empire has an entire army of giants like this. It is their capital to sweep the universe!"

Rocket and Kamora roared.