
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 294: Rebuild Krypton?

   I have to say that although this decision is detrimental to the face, it is extremely correct, because if you refuse, the only thing that will be unlucky in the end is the earth. The level of technology is not enough to cross the interstellar. Once a war breaks out, the earth can only be beaten passively.

   The Earth, which is actively preparing for war, is looking for the Kryptonians, and on the other hand, it is preparing for the Kryptonians to turn their faces and deny them.

   Mainly, I have fought aliens several times. Although the people on earth are afraid, they don't think they have the ability to resist.

   Stark cursed secretly for not being able to contact Zod this time, this guy is always offline at critical moments.

   But the superheroes are ready. The last sword fight with Shia Empire made Stark realize their advantages.

   Now he has also developed his own spacecraft, ready to attack the Kryptonian spacecraft in space.

   on a spaceship in outer space.

   Drew Zod!

  General Zod was once the military commander of Krypton, and was a colleague and subordinate with Superman's biological father, Joe Ayre. They both believed that Krypton was dying. Faced with the inaction of the parliament, General Zod resolutely launched a coup, but failed and was captured, and was exiled to the Phantom Space with his team.

   After the destruction of Krypton, Zod watched the tragedy happen but was helpless. After escaping from the phantom space, he vowed to rebuild Krypton and continue the civilization of the race.

   "The life code is on me."

   Zod made General Zod and Fola, five Krypton soldiers and two Kryptonian researchers look at him in one sentence.

   Then I saw that Zod took out his authority key, of course he rubbed it out with his hands. His one had long been shattered with the passing of the Marvel Universe.

   "Are you also a Kryptonian?"

   General Zod's expression suddenly softened a bit.

   But, he seems to be thinking of something again.

   "Are you Carl Al?"

   "No, I am a pure Kryptonian."

  Zod inserted his key into the Krypton spacecraft. With the key embedded, the identity of Zord Heath also made General Zod clear to them at a glance.

   My father is an elder of the Krypton Council, my mother is a great Krypton scientist, and he is a researcher of Krypton weapons and materials...

   "How is it possible, I have never heard of you in Krypton!"

   General Zod frowned. Although they were imprisoned in the Phantom Space for a long time, before they were imprisoned, Krypton was actually on the verge of destruction.

   So it is impossible for them not to know the existence of Zodhis.

   "About this, I think it might be explained by parallel universes."

  Zord looked at them and said.

   "You mean?"

   General Zod and the others looked dumbfounded, but the two Kryptonian researchers shined brightly in front of them.

   "Yes, you and I are Kryptonians from different universes."

  Zod nodded affirmatively.

   "Then how did we meet, traveling through the universe can't be that simple, right?"

   Kryptonian researchers dig into the roots.

   "In fact, it's that simple, you just came here."

  Zod said silently.

   If he hadn't searched the earth again and was convinced that there was no one named Clark Kent, he might have thought that he was the one who traveled to the DC universe.

   "And you don't have to look for it anymore. There is no Kryptonian named Carl El on this earth. It is estimated that you have crossed the universe without knowing it, or you may have come out of the Phantom Prison in this universe.

   Zod explained.

  General Zod and they looked at each other with incredible expressions.

   Is it so easy to travel through the universe?

   "Then rebuild Krypton..."

   General Zod looked at Zod.

   "The reconstruction of Krypton has been completed. Krypton has become one of the four empires in the universe, and now there is an empire that is no longer worthy of its name."

   Zod said calmly.

   "Really, take us there!"

   General Zod's lifelong wish is to rebuild Krypton, even if it is another Krypton in the universe.

   So Zord took them to the Krypton in the Krypton Empire.

   The light of the plasma spark tower illuminates the entire planet, and the angel army patrols in the air.

   "This is the reconstructed Krypton?"

   General Zod and their faces were suspicious.

   "Yes, the people living here are all Kryptonians created by the Code of Life. Welcome home, General Zod."

   Zod said with a smile.

   "All Kryptonians?"

   General Zod was very excited.

   "Take off your armor, and then you can experience the true power of the Kryptonians."

  Zod said to them.

   The real power of the Kryptonians?

  General Zod, they disarmed the armor without much thought.

   After the armor that prevents light radiation and various radiations was loosened, they felt pain.

   Pain beyond imagination.

   "The light of the yellow sun will interact with the cells of our Kryptonians, allowing us to gain omnipotent power without wearing armor."

  Zord's voice came slowly, and through the soul gem, soothed their uncomfortable spirit because of their awakening ability.

   There are so many plasma spark towers here on Krypton, and the effect is naturally beyond imagination, not to mention that they are professional soldiers, their combat genes have been adjusted to the best, and they will adapt in less than a moment.

   Formidable power emerges in everyone's body, and General Zod and others have personally experienced the benefits of this planet for the Kryptonians.

   Zod got the Krypton spacecraft.

   This records the knowledge of Krypton's rule over 100,000 worlds. Although it is said that science based on the DC theological universe may not be able to be used in the Marvel universe, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can still refer to it.

   And General Zod and his group soon adapted to the Krypton Empire and integrated into the Krypton Empire's army. After all, this was their vocation.

   Although Zod is not cold with the old krypton system, the high-efficiency new krypton does have the taste of the old krypton in some aspects.

  , for example, each perform his duties in an orderly manner.

   Ordinary Kryptonians, no matter how much the sun is, the upper limit will be at the cursed warrior, which may be stronger than the cursed warrior.

   Defensively, he cursed the warrior, and then he can fly, emit heat rays and cold breath, very versatile.

   After all, not everyone is a Super Super, nor is everyone a horror.

   Back then, the dark elves were able to sweep the Nine Realms with an army of cursed warriors, forcing the god-king Bor at that time to steal a wave, you can see it.

   It's just that Zod now has a better Ultraman Legion, so he doesn't really want to make a large number of Kryptonians.

   "Your Majesty, General Zod and General Dreyus are fighting."

   The Black Queen made a report.

   "Let them fight, anyway Dreyus will be measured."

   Zod said lazily.