
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 293: Sudden change

   Murdoch's big head naturally couldn't escape, he couldn't even pretend to escape.

  Because his head can't fit into the clothes that are not customized.

   In the original Marvel, Murdoch was originally Stark's mortal enemy. The weapons and technological level of the two sides have always been only between the first and second. In the original, many duels have won each other.

   But this time Murdoch was obviously not very lucky. He met Mr. Stark who can shake people and is still a lot of superheroes.

   As Zord lays bones in the egg before he retires... No, Superhero Ombudsman, Mr. Stark is very popular without his mouth stinking.

   At this point, the superhero's fight against AIM is officially over. The AIM base was completely occupied, all internal scientists surrendered, and a large amount of materials were confiscated. Only the long prison life awaiting the leader Murdoch himself.

   Only Zod knows that the matter is not over yet, because the Ten Commandments are still there, and so is Mandalin.

   But forget it, I have already killed Tony a few enemies, so let him solve the rest slowly.

   Anyway, his symbiote armor is already strong enough. In addition to anti-celestial assembly armor, infinite gem armor, sword in the stone armor, etc., it is estimated that Stark can't come up with a battle suit stronger than the symbiote armor.

   In Infinity War, Tony Stark's bloodline armor was completely blown up in front of the symbiote armor.

  Because the symbiote armor can grow by itself, it only needs to provide enough energy.

   Under Zord's observation, Tony Stark has solved the problem and created a symbiote armor that can grow to the fifty-meter level.

   "Have you predicted that the future military competition will be a super contest, so you resigned and developed the No. 1 compound?"

   After Stark cleaned up AIM, he came back to find Zod.

   The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was Zordhis seeing the cutting edge, and his vision had always been very long-term.

   Satellite Orbital Gun is the same, so is the super battleship.

However, when the world was greedy by the super warships drooling, he ran to study compound No. 1. Although he didn't know what compound No. 1 was, he could see that he created three special forces with superpowers from it. Out.

   "Don't talk nonsense, my Zaku unit is still selling well, you are tearing up my business."

   Zod Tucao.

   If it is said that Zodhis is not optimistic about the current weapons, but optimistic about the super powers, maybe his own weapon business will be the first to be affected.

   Although it is said that the current umbrella company is more exaggerated than the games and movies, but Zod's interest is just like this.

   would not come up with a raccoon city crisis to fit the name, although he is now investing in the establishment of a city that belongs to the umbrella company.

  This kind of big project can only be done by national-level power and the umbrella company with deep pockets.

   "Zaku's body..."

   Stark thought of those war weapons like giants. In front of them, aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines have become living targets. To say that the biggest losses in this round of military competition are undoubtedly the top powers.

Fortunately, Zordhis has restricted the purchase. Even if the small country has money, it can't buy the Zaku's machine. The main reason is that the big country has the right size and the small country doesn't. If the ghost knows that they get the Zaku body, will they think about it? The third world war came out.

   At night, Zod put his arms around Tifa. When the two were about to play the game of old Yin catching a chicken, the lights in the office went out without warning. Not only the office, but the lights on each floor of the umbrella company suddenly went out.

   If you zoom out a little bit, you can see that the entire Los Angeles, the entire Great American Empire, and even the entire earth's power supply system have problems.


   In the darkness, the TV in the office suddenly turned on. In countries around the world, as long as the electrical appliances that can transmit information and present images, all the screens become snowflakes.

   "You are not... the only... you... are not the only..."

  Noisy murmurs sounded, and in the blurry black-and-white picture, a figure of a man in black armor was vaguely seen. As he spoke, the transmitted voice became smooth.

   "I am General Zod, we come from the distant Krypton, and came here through the endless sea of ​​stars to find my people..."

   As soon as the man spoke, he quieted the whole earth.

   "He is hidden on this planet. I ask you to hand him over. His appearance is the same as yours, but he is fundamentally different from you!"

   "Those who know his true identity, the fate of the earth is in your hands..."

   "Karl Al, listen up, you are limited to surrender one planet day, otherwise you will bear the fate of this planet!"

   Putting aside this absolutely threatening remark, General Zod terminated the communication and returned the TV to the people of the earth, and the power systems of various countries resumed normal operation.

   This communication is not long, and the impact it can cause is indeed subversive.

   Carl? Who is Al? Is there an alien on earth? Where is Krypton?

   The people on earth were stunned. Even Uncle Sam, who has always loved to die, shivered. The earth was invaded by aliens again...Huh, why did you say it again?


   Tifa's hand stopped on Zod's belt.

   Then Zod looked dumbfounded.

   He didn't perform this play!

   He couldn't help raising his head, and saw the spacecraft in outer space.

   A genuine Krypton spacecraft!

   Then his phone was blown up. Even though Zodhis was retired, many people thought of him as the strongest man in the world in the face of alien invasion.

   But Zod can't care about them anymore. He teleports directly and usually appears in the Krypton spacecraft in outer space~www.mtlnovel.com~ As soon as he enters the spacecraft, the familiar Kryptonian air rushes towards his face.

   It's a pity that Zod is quite stable, and the changes in the air are of little use to him.

"who are you?"

   General Zod saw Zod appearing out of thin air, and asked as if he was facing an enemy.

   "You don't recognize me anymore, I am Zod Heath?"

   Zod asked strangely.

   "Who is Zodd Heath?"

   General Zod, his female adjutant Fiora, and a group of Kryptonians did not relax their vigilance.

   This is the turn of Zod, which is strange. He obviously made friends with the group of General Zod on Krypton. He originally planned to subdue them when he arrives on Earth, but the situation now seems to be that they don't know themselves?

   Unless they are not General Zod and Fola in their own universe!

   On the earth, one night has passed since the 24-hour countdown. In the face of the threat of the Kryptonians, the countries on the earth resolutely recognized the counsel, and the whole world looked for the Kryptonians hidden on the earth.

   The people on Earth also did it. The few minutes after the aliens were powered off directly caused immeasurable economic losses. This hasn't been tricky yet, a lot of dollar bills have been smashed in, and it is really going to be a fight, and you must not smash the pot and sell the iron!