
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 291: bodyguard

Stark naturally knew that this was a favor from Zod.

Otherwise, even if other people have money, they cannot hire special forces from the umbrella company.

"Anyway, I will assist Rod to help with the investigation. It is enough for you to help me protect Little Pepper."

"I will arrange it."

Di Nisha, the blonde great ocean horse, was arranged to protect the little pepper.

In fact, this is totally overkill. After all, Dinessa can kill all the superheroes of Excalibur Bureau alone. If she is sent to protect Little Pepper... Maybe the Extremis Warrior has been ruled out by Dinessa before he gets close. Up.

No way, there are currently three special forces in the umbrella company, and Sephiroth is a male, so let's rule it out.

Stark said nothing would let Sephiroth protect Little Pepper.

Firstly, it is because Sephiroth is too handsome, and his popularity since his debut has been comparable to that of the international superstar Xiao Li, and may even pass by. It is also because Zordhis made his debut early, and his accumulated popularity can overwhelm him.

Secondly, because of the height problem, even if Stark wears a steel suit, his height is not as high as Sephiroth...

Very insecure.

Then there is Wanda... Wanda is still being trained by special forces. Her chaos magic is easy to get out of control. If she is sent to protect Little Pepper, I'm afraid it's not that things are not big enough.

After the reconstruction, the streets of Los Angeles are as bustling as they used to be, or people here seem to have forgotten the disaster that happened a few months ago. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the infrastructure technology. After all, it is the most severely affected area, but compared to reconstruction The city that deserves more attention is still the haze shrouded in people's hearts, right?

However, such emotions are not visible.

To insist on the changes brought about by the alien invasion, probably only the number of patients with secondary disease has increased several times.

"By the way, Tony asked you to come and protect me. I really trouble you."

In fact, I didn't think it was necessary. Virginia looked at the woman beside her, who was full of height and beauty, and she was also the favorite blonde beauty of the Americans, with a slight smile on her face.

Okay, Virginia still wants to complain, even if it's for protection, it's normal to disguise it a little, right?

As a result, Dinessa carried her big sword and followed Pepper...that is, because of Zord, superheroes are no longer freaks, and there are not a few such strange costumes, otherwise Dinessa will definitely be taken by Los Angeles. The police detained.

So what do you want to memorize a big sword?

"It doesn't matter, we also took the man's money."

Dinessa said with a smile.

With one hundred million U.S. dollars a day's employment, Stark, who does not use money as money, can do it, but in fact, Zord doesn't care about money, otherwise, in terms of actual value, Dinesha also needs at least ten billion U.S. dollars Just one day.

"In fact, when I was a child, I also thought about being a very powerful fighter. I must have felt that I had a second illness attack, right. Just how to say..."

Virginia tilted her head slightly.

"When I was practicing boxing, I was so hurt by my instructor that I couldn't even get out of bed the next day... and then I gave up."

"Beating is the first condition for becoming stronger."

Dinesha replied after listening.

"No, no, not many people are accustomed to being beaten normally." Virginia's face was full of resistance.

"That's why we are fighters, and the number of ordinary people is far more than the number of fighters."

Dinessa said with a smile, and then she disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, he was already behind a man.


Dinessa did not move, but the man in front of her split into two from head to toe.


The people around were taken aback by this **** scene.

With a smile on her face, Dinessa appeared on the left side of a man trying to get close to Pepper. The big sword was still not drawn, but the man's head was split in two.

Her speed was so fast that she was so fast as if she hadn't attacked.

"This, this is?"

Little Chili was also dumbfounded.

"The guy who was intent on killing you is probably the attacker."

Dinessa said with a smile.

Dealing with the desperate fighters must destroy their center to prevent them from exploding, and the explosive power of the desperate fighters is quite amazing, and they can complete the complete blasting of a building.

That's why Dinesha would kill so cleanly, otherwise she would actually choose to be captured alive.

"There are a lot of them, Ms. Virginia, please find a place to hide."

Dinessa's gaze swept across the audience, more than fifty targets with killing intent.

"Da da da da!"

The bullet from the rifle flew in, but when she came to Dinesha, she was bounced off as if she had encountered an invisible wall.

"Even using such a backward weapon... I thought I could see the Iron Overlord."

Indeed, in the global environment that has been modified by Zodhis, the war machine is rampant and even somewhat backward, and weapons such as rifles are rarely seen in normal warfare.

It is common to use powerful machine guns, otherwise, just wait for the enemy war machine to break through.

Even a powerful machine gun can only restrain the advancement of the war machine. Although the armor of the steel alloy seems to be not very defensive, it cannot be penetrated by any weapon.

Then there were more than fifty ultra-high temperature targets within Dinesha's perception.

They were full of flames, and launched a desperate charge towards Dinesha.

Dinessa's eyes flashed. She could have frozen all these people with a cold breath, but Dinessa didn't like to do that.

She drew the big sword, and then disappeared out of thin air.

By the time she reappeared, she had already passed through more than fifty extremis fighters~www.mtlnovel.com~ and they all fell to the ground in pieces. The extremity virus of the corpses melted and finally repaired. The highway, forming a billowing high-temperature magma.


On Stark's side, he didn't have much time to delay, and he directly found Pioneer Technology's nest.

Although the name of AIM is "Pioneer Technology", the site and background are not small.

Just as Hydra has penetrated into every aspect of the world today, and each leader occupies a territory, AIM also has its own territory.

In the context of Marvel, most countries on the planet are actually controlled by a large organization behind their backs. Some countries are even intertwined and controlled by more than one organization.

After all, not all countries are as impenetrable as an indescribable country, and there are no dead ends to invade...

AIM is called Pioneer Technology. Although its organization has military capabilities, it is still focused on scientific research after all. Those who include their leader Murdoch were all born scientists. Who knows how to fight?