
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 290: Terrorist attacks

This kind of plot has been seen a lot, and even Zod couldn't help but want to ask Brother Hammer——Father, I don't care if you cheated your son, but can you tell me directly which immortals you have provoked when you were young? , I'm so mentally prepared...

That's why he wouldn't mind Thor staying with Jane on Earth.

After all, he is still suffering in the future.

When Hill came to the door, Jane was the most embarrassed.

Because from the myths and legends, Hill is Thor's main palace.

"No, no, I and Hill are just comrades-in-arms, why do you Midgard like to make up myths so much?"

Seeing his girlfriend's misunderstanding, Thor quickly corrected and said.

As a result, Hill looked sad, and even Jane saw something was wrong.

"Tor, the king of the gods has fallen into Odin's sleep, and now the Nine Realms are in chaos, we desperately need a **** king to lead all this."

Hill Qiang cheered up and said to Thor.

"But I don't know how to go back."

Thor pretended to be mad and stupid. Besides, hadn't the Nine Realms Rebellion been subdued before, and he should be very stable now.


Hill's expression looked firm.

"The Queen of God also hopes that you can go back soon."

Thor, like Loki, had nothing to do with the queen Frigga. At this time, he heard that his mother asked him to go back quickly, so he could only apologize to Jane.

"Then when is the next time you come?"

Jane reluctantly grabbed Thor's arm and asked.

"I will quell the rebellion as soon as possible, and then come back!"

Thor didn't think that this time would be gone forever. Although the Rainbow Bridge was missing from the Nine Realms Rebellion, there were also secret passages with the Nine Realms. Through these secret passages, although it was slower, the rebellion could be resolved quickly.

Jane couldn't stop it, so she had to let this stupid big guy go and come back quickly.

On the other side, Tony Stark.

This is the case. It has been only a few months since the monster invasion. On the surface, Los Angeles, which seems to be gradually rejuvenated after being broken, is becoming peaceful, but in fact there is no lack of terrorist attacks during the reconstruction of Los Angeles. It just happened to be in time for the presidential campaign. aspect.

Although the people who were attacked by the bombings were and defined as ordinary people, the real inside story showed that those who were attacked were all respectable guys in the upper-class society and were supporters of certain campaign figures.

Of course, this had nothing to do with Tony Stark.

But after the clean energy project launched by Tony, the government placed a lot of orders with Stark Group. Maybe it's not necessary. But Tony still supported the campaign more or less for the sake of money. The big names supported by the candidates have been attacked, and it seems that the Stark Group will inevitably encounter similar situations.

Just how to put it, if the attack is against Tony, Tony will definitely not panic at all.

Symbiote armor is no joke. With the invasion of the Kirita and the monster army, Tony clearly realized that stronger armor and technological weapons are needed to fight against future disasters. Only in this way can we protect Pepper and cherish it. The presence.

Because of such anxieties, the suits he made can frankly become a steel legion in the true sense under the control of an intelligent program.

It's just that if the terrorist attack didn't directly target him, but chose to bypass him and face Little Chili, wouldn't Chili be very dangerous?

I first realized that terrorist attacks would gradually turn to my side because of a reminder from my friend Rod. According to Rod, it was a terrorist named Mandalin who used a series of terrorist actions to publicly provoke the President of the United States.

Colonel Rod was appointed to investigate Mandalin's whereabouts. Although Rod was a military officer, he was unpredictable and could not find the slightest remaining explosives after the explosion. Rod originally wanted Looking for the help of Excalibur Bureau, considering that Excalibur Bureau will not directly intervene in these aspects, it finally decided to find Tony as a helper.

Although Tony is sure that he will help, the more he does this, the more he is worried about the safety of Pepper. It is true that Pepper does not really like Stark wearing a battle suit to participate in such dangerous things. Even if the steel battle suit is made, it may not be necessary. Can wear it.

That's why he found Zod.

"Although I don't think you will do more, I can't provide you much information about terrorist attacks, because no matter how investigations into the terrorist attacks that have occurred so far, no explosives can be found at the scene of the explosion. "

Tony drank the coffee and wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb.

"Things that are theoretically impossible are different from our visual point of view."

Zod is not surprised, although Kylian is still frozen by him, but Pioneer Technology is not Kylian's, but the boss Murdoch.

It's the big head, the one without the neck.

Murdoch and Stark are mortal enemies in the original plot.

The real AIM in the Marvel world is not a mechanics institute. Its full name is AdvancedIdeaMechanics, which was also born during World War II, when it was a branch of Hydra.

AIM is committed to developing the most advanced weapons in the world and has provided a large number of black technologies for Hydra. It's just that the two sides parted ways because of political differences. AIM established itself. After years of development, it has become a large-scale terrorist organization whose mission is to conquer the world.

Like Hydra, this organization does not exist in the open...Of course it is only in the open. However, what Hydra and hand-in-hand associations actually know the existence of AIM, and it seems that only the previous SHIELD Bureau still does not know...

Aldridge Kilian, a irritable, arrogant and suspicious guy, is not a big man by nature. In addition to opportunities, he must be able to climb this step.

Kirian's desperate plan should be one of the projects invested by AIM. He is the representative of AIM's cooperation with the Ten Commandments.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Pioneer Technology can produce Extremis Virus and Extremis Soldiers.

It's just that it's weird to engage in a terrorist attack. Kylian did it because he had an enmity with Stark. Why did you, Murdoch, do this with a big head?

"So you want me to protect Little Pepper?"

Zod looked at Stark meaningfully~www.mtlnovel.com~ To be precise, I want to rent your company's special forces to protect her. "

Stark looked good.

He was also clever, knowing that Zod would not sell Compound No. 1, naturally he would not accept to help others to transform.

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But it doesn't matter, he can hire special soldiers from the umbrella company to protect Little Pepper.

"My special forces are very expensive."

Zod said calmly.

"No problem, but I have a request."

"It must be all women, right?"
