
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 29: Irregular fighting

No way, the more you use this thing, the more you use it, the more you feel that it is so easy to use, and it is too versatile.

   can be used as an air force unit, connect to satellites, strike beyond the visual range, and even be used as a strategic missile.

  Because of the flexibility and anti-material weapons on the ground, even tanks can be easily solved, let alone low-altitude operations. Helicopters are not the opponent of flexible and fast war machines at all.

   Although all countries are not very willing, they have reduced the development and costs of fighter aircraft and tanks, and switched to buying and researching their own war machines.

   The cross-age weapon is well-deserved, it directly changed the military system of the entire era!

   is no longer an adjective.

This kind of research, Tony Stark does not take action, Mr. Fantastic Richard does not take action, then basically no one can study the war machine, after all, the most important core Zod has applied for a patent, Tony did not want to make steel suits. The method is created, unless he wants to fight an indefinite procrastination lawsuit, it is easy to handle, then Zod will let him disappear unconsciously, and throw him in a remote corner of the Middle East for him to practice.

   The rich rewards of irregular fighting have attracted boxers from all over the world. Of course, there are also some who are not moved by interests, and those Zord don't care.

  Even mercenaries can participate, and there is no limit to occupation anyway.

Three months later, New York City Police Commissioner George Stacy rubbed his temples. Recently, there have been many more guys of unknown origin in New York City. I don't know where these guys came from or why they gathered in New York, plus The identity certificate is complete, so there is no way for the police to take them.

   Zod also knew that this irregular fighting probably attracted a lot of monsters, ghosts, and snakes. Not being able to use weapons is nothing to many people. What's interesting is that Zod even saw a very long-winded guy.

   Wade Wilson, the future Deadpool, for generous rewards, mercenaries like Wade will naturally not miss it, not to mention that he has enough confidence in himself.

   "This can be regarded as a bottoming out, let me see how many guys with superpowers or special genes can emerge."

  Zod knows that Marvel has many aliens on Earth, and there are many descendants of aliens.

   Don't look at the earth's location in a remote country, a corner of the universe, but there are really many hidden aliens, and some aliens often accidentally land on the earth.

  For example, Captain Marvel of the Cree Empire appeared on the earth for no reason just because he went through the wormhole.

Then the mother of the second and third Captain Marvel, Carol Danfoss, was also the mother of a defected female Cree warrior. By chance, she made her home on the earth, and then gave birth to Carol, and then Carol again. Because of an air crash, the Kerry people took it back for reform... and suddenly found that it seemed very complicated.

Most of the aliens that haunt the earth are uncontested and live in peace. A small number are unstable factors. Among them, the most famous are the Skrulls. The future secret invasion or any major event is related to them. At that time, Nick Fury was not on the earth, but commanded in space, let a Skrull simulate himself to give orders, and the result was a catastrophe.

   So Zord doesn't want to contact the positive story characters at all, because they are too bad.

   is not as clear as the negative plot characters, at least know why they are so stupid, then just make up for it.

   In this irregular fighting, in addition to selecting the material of the super animal warrior, it is to collect genes to see if there are any super powers who come to participate in the fight for rewards. It is simply a sheep's mouth, and good things are delivered to the door.

   "But if there is no mutant in my universe, besides mutation, technological mutation, wormhole mutation, drug mutation, and biochemical reaction mutation, only the alien races transformed by the Cree will be sent to the door."

  Zord pondered, he had sent the lycanthrope to find the street heroes Luke Cage and Jessica Jones and the purple men. Their genes must be very special and could be added to the ultra lycanthrope.

   Finding one of the blood does not make a loss, and finding two is more exaggerated than betting.

   For the irregular fighting competition, a rigorous physical examination is required. No one raised any objections. It feels normal. I guess I don't want someone to accidentally affect the game because of a sudden illness.

   It's just that the test is too detailed. In addition to the blood, what do you need to do with bone marrow and subcutaneous cells?

   With the help of the Black Queen to test these genetic samples, Zod was relieved a lot. Originally, this kind of work that required hundreds of experiments and hundreds of scientific researchers to complete was the most time-consuming.

Sure enough, it didn't surprise Zod that many special people emerged from this irregular fighting. They didn't know that they had become an excellent material in Zod's eyes~www.mtlnovel.com~ and they were still watching that in Zod. It's a trivial reward for fighting.

   Then, unfortunately, the one who fell down was quickly carried away to the hospital... The blade industrial medical department just established by Zod.

   A powerful medical department that claims to be able to rescue you as long as you have a breath!

   Of course, it's not that amazing now. When Zod develops the cloning technology and cloning device, he will directly perform brain tissue and brain nerve transplantation, and it will be done by replacing the body.

  The injured in the medical department will receive very meticulous and meticulous medical services.

   Ordinary animalized soldiers are also short of manpower, so let's just use them as animalized soldiers.

  The fighting went smoothly, and Zod also saw a goal he wanted in his heart, the number one male model of Hydra, Barnes, nicknamed Bucky.

   The number one male model has an indifferent expression, and his steel arms are also covered with a layer of artificial leather, but there is nothing to hide under Zod's perspective.

   "Unexpectedly, even Hydra was attracted to it, and that's right, a hundred war machines is probably an irresistible temptation for them."

  Zord was very satisfied with Hydra's wit, and after seeing Bucky knocking down the last opponent with a punch, he walked up personally.

   "The champion belongs to this gentleman!"

  Zord completely ignores the possible threat that Bucky is close at hand. The Hydra agent responsible for monitoring Bucky is short of breath. Would you like to take this opportunity to take this great genius away?

   He didn't seem to bring any guards, bodyguards and war machines, and the Winter Soldier was so close to him.

   Bronsky quietly approached the ring. It's one thing whether the boss can fight or not, but it's another thing that he can't protect him well.

   Bucky has no expression on his face, turning a blind eye to the cheers around him.