
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 288: Supernova explosion

Then Zod witnessed the restoration of this planet from its destruction to its pre-destruction state.

"Thank you for your help, Master Gu Yi."

Zod said with a smile.

"I have to rush back as soon as possible."

Gu Yi shook his head, so Zod opened a wormhole to let Gu Yi leave.

He really didn't have any idea about the Time Gem. Even if Thanos got the Time Gem, he couldn't deal with the current Zod.

On the well-restored planet, the life forms on it retain the memory of the planet before its destruction, that is, to surrender.

So they simply surrendered.

"What, an Ultraman team is missing?"

Zod heard such news when he returned to the Krypton Empire.

Before dispatching the Ultraman team, he would observe whether the planet had the ability to resist. Captain Marvel was purely accidental.

Not to mention that Galadia was staring at her with divine eyes, and it was difficult for something to happen.

"When I watched, they had disappeared."

Galadia said nervously.


Zodhis did not blame Galadia, although the universe did not know that the Krypton Empire had a clairvoyance like Galadia, able to see most of the universe, but if it was really strong, it could indeed be Galadia took away the Ultraman team when he couldn't find it.

It is not surprising that someone will look at Ultraman, after all, the Ultraman made by Zordhis is still an enhanced version of Ultraman.

With a height of 100 meters and a strength of tens of thousands of tons, it can release a nuclear bomb-level powerful ray with bare hands.

The most important thing is that this thing can single out a fleet!

Before Ultraman came out, although there were strong people who could do it, it was still a minority after all. However, after Ultraman came out, the universe civilization took a look.

Fuck, tens of thousands of Ultraman have appeared in the Krypton Empire, why doesn't it seem to be over?

These tens of thousands of Ultraman are dispatched together, who can stop it?

So he couldn't stand curiosity or wanted to get the technology of transforming people into Ultraman like the Krypton Empire, and then grabbed an Ultraman team.

Then this Ultraman team revealed a lot of information.

First, they don't know the transformation technology, because after receiving the transformation, they will enter a coma, and they have gained strength after waking up.

Second, Ultraman is not the Celestial Group, nor is it something created by referring to the Celestial Group.

Third, the number of Ultraman may have exceeded one million so far, and it is completely replacing the army of the Krypton Empire, that is to say, the Burning Legion and the Space Knight Legion can successfully retire.

Fourth, Ultraman is a difference between each individual. Not everyone is 100 meters high. In certain circumstances, some people can even grow to 999 meters.....

Fifth, the strength of tens of thousands of tons is not complete. This also varies from person to person. Some people may have more than 100,000 or 200,000 tons. Everyone's abilities are also different. Many Ultramans have their own special superpowers, such as space shuttle, time reversal, telepathy, mind control, mind power...

Sixth, the statement of nuclear bomb-level light is too general and not comprehensive. The power of the light technique also varies from person to person. The weaker light may only have the power of a nuclear bomb, but some Ultraman's light power should be enough to blow up a planet equivalent to the earth directly, and a few high-end combat power is even stronger. ...


Everyone took a breath, fucking, this Krypton Empire is going against the sky.

Millions of these Ultramans, then don't play with anyone, and simply bow down to the Krypton Empire.

And even if it's the elite among the Skuru, the Super Skrew can't copy the ability of Ultraman. Although the Super Skrew can theoretically copy all the abilities and memories of the copied, Ultraman This seems not within the scope of ability.

Zod now feels that Ultraman is too easy to use. Anyway, the Ultraman he made has the ability to change the size at will, and there is no need to worry about being too big to deal with small targets.

The missing Ultraman squad was found by Zod, and the conspirators were also found by the way, and they were all destroyed before leaving.

However, the Krypton Empire's large-scale production of Ultraman, a super weapon, is basically known by the cosmic civilization. They feel that they can't just let the Krypton Empire continue to manufacture Ultraman, otherwise they really can't stop Krypton. The invasion of the Star Empire ~www.mtlnovel.com~Welfare] Pay attention to the public.. [Book Friends Base Camp], read books every day and get cash/points!

However, the three major empires, the Skuru Empire and the Kerry Empire came out of their brains, and it was impossible to stop.

The Shia Empire is facing the invasion of the Dark Order of Thanos and various civilizations, and it has no time to take care of itself.

How easy is it to deal with the Krypton Empire?

In the past, the Krypton Empire was under-staffed and could not defend the ground that was defeated. With the emergence of Ultraman, it ceased to exist. Just sending a few Ultraman to a planet can suppress all dissatisfaction.

Various civilizations sent out to try to attack the Krypton Empire's fleet, which was directly crushed by the strengthened Krypton Empire's Ultraman.

The Ultraman with the Star Destroyer Rays immediately destroyed most of the fleet, and the rest would not be difficult for those Ultramans.

Fortunately, Zod did not intend to continue to expand the site.

Didn't you see how tired the leader of the Assassin Court of Warhammer World took over the daily affairs of one million planets?

Although Zod has the Black Queen to help with it, the Black Queen is a bit worse than the highest wisdom of the Kerry Empire, and will not be able to keep up in the future.

That's it for now.

"What's the news in the universe lately?"

Zod sits in his palace, Hexi on the left~www.mtlnovel.com~ Liangbing on the right, and Angel Yan is pressing his shoulders.

As soon as the woman from Esdes came back, she ran out and didn't know where she was going, although she was gentle.

"The Shiah Empire is about to be beaten to its home planet by the Dark Order, but they also desperately came to the Dark Order. The information I collected shows that the Dark Order was calculated by the Shiah Empire with a gravitational collapse bomb. Most of the Dark Order The regiment is gone."

The Black Queen said.

When the supernova exploded, if Thanos hadn't run fast, he would have disappeared.

However, by creating a supernova explosion in its own territory, the Shia Empire was also severely damaged. More than thousands of planets were wiped out. Gamma-ray radiation affected most of the Shia Empire. Newborns were distorted or those who were killed by radiation were ignored. number.

I haven't heard of making a Hulk.

"Meng Feather Star is also affected, right?"

Zod asked, the mother star of Shia Empire could not have been unaffected by the supernova explosion, after all, the spread was too large.