
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 287: Aftermath

The existence of Zod can only be said to be unprecedented in the Marvel universe.

After all, matter with a mass greater than black holes will either be expelled directly from the material universe, or it will destroy the material universe.

But he has a magical biological force field, even if the mass is larger than a black hole, he can restrain his own mass, allowing Zod to stay in the material universe safely.

Otherwise, it is normal to incarnate natural disasters that are more terrifying than the Planet Devourer.

After all, in terms of Zordhis's current quality, even if he does nothing, he can destroy everything within trillions of light-years, and after swallowing up the matter, energy, time and space within these trillions of light-years , He will increase his own mass again... so just standing still can destroy the universe!

But this is actually Zordhis's path of becoming stronger, the **** of destruction who swallows everything to make himself stronger, as long as enough universes are swallowed, sooner or later he can become a multiverse-level god.

It can be said that his upgrade route is extremely clear and there are no bottlenecks. It is estimated that the dimensional demon gods or strong people of the N-many single universe and super-single will definitely be jealous and hate.

"Did you like her?"

Asides asked with his hands in his arms.

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After all, this Captain Marvel is much better than in the movie, and Zordhis has become more and more excessive recently, and a whole army of angels has come out.

"What are you thinking about."

Zod said that he is not that kind of person, and he has no interest in beauties other than Ban Niang.

The soul gem shined with a golden light, and Captain Marvel held his head in pain and struggled on the ground.

"Her spirit and spirit are really strong."

Zod was a little surprised, but in front of him, this kind of toughness was useless.

With the power of the power gem, the soul gem can exert its power to the greatest extent, so Captain Marvel was instantly controlled by the soul gem.

Become the new running dog of the Krypton Empire.

"His Majesty!"

Captain Marvel stood up.

"It's really funny enough."

Asides shrugged, but no matter if Captain Marvel was subdued, fewer and fewer people would be able to resist the Krypton Empire.

"Although I don't mind how many territories you conquered, but because of the aftermath of the battle, a planet exploded..."

Zod looked at the planet that has gradually become the Death Star, because the core of the earth was also destroyed by the battle between Esders and Captain Marvel, and the gravitational field collapsed. It is estimated that it will be captured by the gravitational force of nearby stars soon, and then become part of the stellar fuel. , At that time the planet completely disappeared.

"Forget it, I'll ask Gu Yi for time to recover the gems."

Zod said.

He doesn't care much about life, but planets don't work, because planets are renewable resources, and every planet suitable for biological reproduction is a treasure.

As for whether Gu Yi was willing to give it or not, Zod thought she would agree.

Who made the current Zod no longer afraid of any infinite gems.

Earth, the Supreme Master Gu Yi fished daily, and by the way, he squashed the dimensional demon who bit the hook.

As a result, he gained the curse of the new dimension demon god.

"Gu Yi, you must die!"

"Gu Yi, after you die, your soul will be mine!"

"Gu Yi, repaying debts is justified, why are you hitting me!"

Among the dimensional demon, there is a pitiful Domam.

The ancient side does not change its color, it is all deceived by the dimensional demon god, and it is deaf to ears.

As for your soul after death?

Say this to Eternal, see Eternal and disagree?

In the background, there is not only the Trinity Demon God Weishan, but also one of the five great gods of Eternity. Gu Yi said that you dimension demon gods are all scum!

Then at this moment, an existence that was not inferior to the dimensional demon descended.

He tentatively knocked on the barrier of Kama Taj, and immediately attracted the attention of the last Supreme Mage, the caster of the Eye of Agomoto, and Agomoto.

Agomoto is the heir of the ancient **** Ochter, born 1 million years ago, so it is very likely that Agomoto is Agomoto himself, one of the "Vishanti" trinity.

The caster of the Eye of Agomoto was also the first to own the gem of time. Among the prehistoric avengers, he was also the one who was responsible for wisdom and was the first to understand the mysteries of the universe. Known as the all-seeing eye by prehistoric superheroes. It was the existence of omniscience and omnipotence, enjoying a very high status at the time.

As for what is a prehistoric avenger, it can only be said that they are all great people. For example, Wu Fengji who punched the full power of the phoenix is ​​a prehistoric iron fist, that is, a member of the prehistoric avenger.

And Odin is also a member of the prehistoric Avengers.

Agomoto originally thought it was such an arrogant Dimension Demon, that he dared to knock on his enchantment.

After looking at it, I found that it was not a dimensional demon, but a single cosmic powerhouse who existed in the real dimension!

This is not the jurisdiction of Agomoto, or the scope of responsibility.

Coupled with the appearance of Zod knocking on the door politely, Agmoto ignored the fact that Zod opened a hole in the barrier.

When Gu saw Zord appearing in Kama Taj out of thin air, he was startled. Has Kama Taj's barrier failed?

Without using the Eye of Agomoto, Gu Yi didn't see the future, so he didn't know that Zod would come to him.

What's more, after Zod became a single cosmic powerhouse, the Time Gems basically couldn't see his future.

"Long time no see, Supreme Mage."

Zod said with a smile.

Gu Yi looked at Zod with suspicion.

Because all the futures she saw before, there was no future that Zod came to visit today.

"Long time no see, Mr. Heath."

Gu nodded.

"I'm here to ask Master Gu Yi to help restore a ruined planet to its original state."

Zodhis said quietly.

"Do you want to borrow the Eye of Agomoto?"

Master Gu Yi frowned.

"I have no malice, nor do I intend to take the time gem as my own~www.mtlnovel.com~Zod is very frank with the spirit gem to show his thoughts.

"The Eye of Agomoto cannot leave Kama Taj. This is the admonition of the Master of Agomoto."

Gu Yi shook his head.

Come on, when the reunion of Infinite Warfare, Doctor Strange wore it around his neck and went out, not knowing how far he was from Kama Taj.

Zod said in his heart without believing it.

"However, the Supreme Mage can leave Kama Taj."

Gu Yi blinked and then said.

After a while.

Through the space gem, Zod took Gu Yi to the planet that had already begun to be captured by the star's gravity.

The ancient side did not change the color, his hands were knotted, and the eyes of Agomoto on his neck opened, revealing the green gems inside.